Polk County Housing Trust Fund

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108 3rd Street

Ste. 350

Des Moines, IA 50309

Phone: (515) 282-3233

Fax: (515) 282-8444


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Issue:  April  2012        

Powerful Solutions

Benefits of a Combined Campaign
Money only part of Campaign's value 

The 2012 Combined Campaign for Housing is coming to a successful conclusion. Our key success measures include funds raised and increased awareness of how affordable housing impacts our community's opportunity for economic development and workforce support.  Over the next few months, as corporate committees complete their own giving plans, the five non-profit provider partners of the PCHTF will begin to see the financial results. One hundred percent of the dollars raised in the community are allocated to those organizations.


While waiting for those results, PCHTF staff members already see immediate results of the visits themselves. The Combined Campaign served as a catalyst for Trust Fund volunteers, board members and staff to meet with business and community leaders to explain the much broader work of the PCHTF and its impact. Business leaders are not only learning about the community vision for providing affordable housing but as important, how they can participate in advancing that plan.  


Many decisions impact a community's response to providing safe, stable and affordable housing. How well a community coordinates those decisions is what influences results. Campaign visits with business leaders is the first step to that coordination.

Other News


I Don't Want to be Part of the 85% 

CNN Money's study (May of 2010) showed that nearly 85% of college graduates planned to move back under their parent's roof after graduation. 


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Drake Neighborhood/Wells Fargo

Wrap Up

The bridge from classroom to community was built for me by Grandview Board Member and PCHTF Executive Director Eric Burmeister. In January of 2011 I was invited to learn more about the work of PCHTF to help provide safe, stable and affordable housing.  



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News from PCHTF Provider-Partners


Community Housing Initiatives


When people step into Mattie Russell's apartment at Crestview Terrace Apartments in West Des Moines, it's hard to believe she just moved in few months ago. The two-bedroom apartment has a warm, cozy feeling. Family pictures line the walls, the kitchen is spotless and everything else seems to be right in place.


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fall bus tour

Registrations for April Bus Tour are Now Being Taken


Each year the PCHTF sponsors three bus tours for community leaders. The next is April 20th and will focus on affordable home ownership. The tours fill up fast. Register now. 



Debbie Fisher

Debbie Fisher has the Floor   


Each month a PCHTF Board Member 
shares their commitment to Affordable Housing.

Falling back on sage advice to speak to what you know, the sharing of my board member perspective has the overlay of experience as a developer and property manager.  


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