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Physical Therapy & Injury Specialists



December 2011

In This Issue
6Qs: Sheri Morrow, PT & Dog Lover
Health & Wellness for the New Year
Think About It...
Clinic News
Staying Active Tip - Know Your Insurance
Did You Know?



At this holiday time our entire staff would like to extend a sincere "THANK YOU" for your valued business. We appreciate you and we look forward to serving you in the New Year!
We hope you enjoy our December issue of STAYING ACTIVE.


xmas presents


During the holiday season we see a significant rise in patients who are experiencing back, shoulder and neck pain.  Rushing around and carrying too many things at once, and in the wrong way, places added stress on bodies which may increase the chance of injury. Consider the following advice from our physical therapists to keep your body happy and healthy this holiday season.  


Test an object's weight before lifting it. And for heavy packages or luggage, try pushing them with the foot to see if they are something you can easily carry. If things do look a little on the hefty side, take smaller loads that are less likely to strain the back and easier on the arm and shoulder muscles. Don't hesitate to rent a cart if you're at the airport.   

Lift properly. Keep the feet shoulder-width apart and bend the knees when lifting so the big muscles in the thighs take the load instead of the more delicate spine and shoulder joints. Also, stay upright instead of leaning over the object in question. That for sure helps keep the strain off the lower back.  


Try not to carry a heavy purse. Instead consider using a fanny pack or small backpack, using both straps on the backpack. Also, use good posture so that the hips, not the shoulders, take the load of the pack.   
Steer clear of the land of the clip-clop shoes. Heels may be fashionable, but wearing comfortable shoes is something men and women throughout the world do as a courtesy to themselves. Many ankle and foot injuries occur from carrying packages while wearing high heels on hard surfaces such as the floors in shopping malls.   
Don't lug. As the shopping bags start to fill consider a breather by toting them to the car. It's not a good idea to lug overstuffed shopping bags for extended periods. By making repeated trips to your car to unload, you get a good workout as well as relieve stress on your back muscles.   
Treat Yourself. 
  • Consider a massage, even a mini shoulder and head massage, is restorative and soothing.
  • Try a foaming oil bath now and then. 
  • Bending and stretching in the shower can keep muscles toned and the body limber. 
  • Take a deep breath and sigh audibly.
Be a smart and healthy shopper! 
Happy Holidays!
6 QUESTIONS for Sheri Morrow - PT & Dog Lover

1. Where did you grow up?

I am a Colorado native, but have lived in 9 different states ranging from the East coast to the West. I don't have kids, but have 3 wonderful Cardigan Welsh Corgis who keep me on my toes.  


2. What did you want to be when you grew up? 

I wanted to be a jockey for thoroughbred horse racing. Luckily I grew up too tall!  


3. What made you want to be a Physical Therapist?

Like most PTs, I discovered physical therapy when I actually needed it. I had knee surgery when I was in my 20's and had to have PT following. Prior to this, I did work at health clubs and was very active in bodybuilding and teaching aerobics classes. I was very interested in how the body worked, and loved the field once I discovered it!


4. What are your hobbies?  

Showing my dogs in competitive obedience, skiing, hiking, and I love doing the TRX for exercise!


5. What is TRX and why is it your favorite exercise?

TRX stands for Total Resistance Exercise. The TRX is a set of portable straps that you can take with you to parks, hotels, or anywhere you would like to train. It uses body weight for resistance and emphasizes core stability. I use it to teach proper posture and lifting, for work conditioning, and neurological re-education. You can also gear to a more cardiovascular workout while still working the core. I love its versatility and portability, it is fun to do outside on a nice day.  Or when I travel, I can hook it on a door and still work out! 


6.What motivates you?

  • Competition. I love being competitive and am driven when I have someone to compete with. This is probably why my hobby is a competitive sport.


    Learn more about Sheri Morrow




    Health & Wellness for the New Year


    new years

    There is a load of advice out there about New Year's resolutions. We didn't feel right about not adding our two cents. 
    Get more sleep 
    You probably already know that a good night's rest can do wonders for your mood and appearance. But sleep is more beneficial to your health than you might realize. A lack of sleep has been linked to a greater risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes. And sleep is crucial for strengthening memories (a process called consolidation). So take a nap-and don't feel guilty about it.   



    Digging up the motivation to exercise can be hard in the winter months. Simple changes like walking to work or choosing the stairs over the elevator can help you burn a few extra calories each day. But to get the real health benefits of exercise, your heart rate needs a hike. You ideally want to increase your heart rate to 85 percent of target, which is 220 minus your age; that's 160 for a 40-year-old. And sustaining that increased heart rate for 15-30 minutes each day will benefit your whole body.


    Lose Weight

    Many of us start the year with ambitious plans to shed the holiday pounds and then some. But without signs of success in the first few weeks, motivation can fizzle. The key to losing weight is to set realistic short-term goals, Aiming to lose 1-to-2 pounds per week can help you stay on track and power through the inevitable weight loss lulls.


    Guard Against Bone Loss

    This may not sound like a popular health resolution, but it is a crucial one for women and girls of all ages. Osteoporosis, a bone-thinning disease, is major public health threat for women. One out of every two women over 50 years old will have an osteoporosis-related fracture in her lifetime. To help prevent osteoporosis, get at least three servings of dairy a day. Healthy sources of dairy include skim milk, low-fat cheeses, and yogurt. There are also nondairy options for calcium, such as canned salmon with bones, dark green vegetables, dried beans, and calcium-fortified juices and cereals. Calcium supplements can also help women meet their recommended daily intake. Regular exercise also helps.

    Take Health Exams and Shoot for an "A" 

    Making a point to be up-to-date on health screenings may not sound sexy, but the tests could help you live longer and healthier. An annual exam with your doctor and an annual Physical Fitness test with your physical therapist is recommended.   



    The key to successfully completing your New Year's Resolutions is to tell everyone you can what they are. This makes you accountable to others as well as yourself.


    Food Drive for The Gathering Place
    Thanks to all of you who donated food. We had a great response and helped many families. The winner of the patient donation contest was Lisa Schefler. She will receive a free 30 minute massage.
    Boulder Children's Home
    The staff at PTIS normally do a gift exchange for the holidays. This year, the staff are instead buying gifts for kids at Boulder Children's Home who might not otherwise get gifts. 
    Giving is really better than receiving!



    Insurance is always changing. We have noticed over the last few years an increase of high-deductible plans. Many patients have not yet met their deductibles for 2011, and with 2012 just around the corner, many insurance plans will start over again. Therefore, we are required to collect co-pays and deductibles prior to or on the day of treatment.


    Our staff will provide you with an estimate and/or an exact amount, when possible, before or on your initial visit. We request when scheduling your first appointment you provide our office with correct information so we may verify your coverage and inform you of your financial responsibility. We encourage you to contact your insurance company by calling the number on your card as well.


    When we verify your coverage, we also ask about visit limits. Many plans now have limits for Physical Therapy as well as Chiropractic. If you have had any physical therapy or chiropractic during the calendar year or contract plan year, please inform us. If our office is informed we can help you to not exceed your allotted number of sessions. We do not wish to put any surprise financial burden on anyone. 


    Remember, it is your insurance policy and it is your responsibility to know your coverage and limits. We will help you understand your insurance whenever possible.





    If Congress does not take action by December 31, 2011, a hard therapy cap will again be imposed on Medicare-covered physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech language pathology services. 
    Learn more by clicking here:
    Thank you for your interest in health and wellness. We believe Staying Active is important for WORK.SPORT.LIFE. 

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