Williams & Hall Outfitters
Williams & Hall

Trip Planning & Resources

In This Issue


Looking Ahead!

A big part of looking ahead to your next Boundary Waters fishing trip...is looking back. Consider your last fishing trip or trips and try to recall what made it a success...or not so much. Each time we fish the Canoe Country, we learn a little more than before. Maybe you fish the same lakes or areas year after year. In that case, your learning curve gets smaller each time, at least for figuring out  the area and the good spots. Try to retrace your successes and formulate a plan. Wind, weather, bait or lure, time of day...or time of season can all make a difference.  If you're a traveler, knowing all the "spots" is nothing short of impossible. Take what you know and try to apply it to your travel plans. One way to do that is to put timing in your favor. For instance, if you want to fish a particular "known" hot spot or favorite lake, make sure that you allow yourself the time to fish it. If that spot is located at the end of a long, portage filled day, the best you can expect is a half hearted effort before sleepy bear jumps on your back! So take what you know, learn from experience, apply the advice we can offer and make each of your next Boundary Waters fishing trips better than the last.  


Williams and Hall Newsletter
What's Going On in the North Woods
This news letter is designed to help keep you current on the issues of the Boundary Waters and Quetico Park, to give keep you up to date on Williams and Hall Outfitters, and to share some of our knowledge and love of the outdoors and the wilderness around us.  We hope you enjoy these articles and share them with your friends. 





     We have had a very exciting few weeks "Up North." As many of you have enjoyed seeing and smelling some of our smoke, we thought we would attempt to pass on some of that excitement. We are, of course referring to a huge forest fire that started a few miles south of our lodge. This is the third largest fire in the history of Minnesota. It is the largest since 1918 and I am sure will come to be known as the great Pagami Creek Fire of 2011.


Water BomberSmoke

     Rather than attempt to give you a day-by-day replay of the fire events, allow me to summarize the essential history of the fire. It started on August 18th from a lightning strike and was monitored for about 10 days. Then some heavy winds caused the fire to make a one mile run in an afternoon. This caused the Forest Service to shift policies from their "let it burn" philosophy to a strategy of suppression. Then came a series of "Old Testament" type events. On Sunday, September 11, and mostly on Monday, September 12th, gale force winds from the North and Northwest took the fire into record dry woods on a spectacular run of over 16 miles in just a few hours. This created the incredible plume of smoke seen on many of your TV news shows.

Smoke Plume 1Canoe Training

     The smoke rose nearly 40,000 ft in the sky and was seen and inhaled in most mid-west states. Thank you, we were happy to share. It was a very fortunate day for our location. The winds took the fire south towards Lake Superior and we were spared. It was a very scary time, however. There was a major evacuation south of the Boundary Waters in the Isabella area. Luckily, the firefighters were able to save all the structures there.


LogisticsHeavy Smoke

     Since that eventful day, peaceful little Ely, MN has been turned into the hub of one of the most massive firefighting efforts ever seen in this part of the country. A Level One Incident Command Team from the Rockies (The Big Boys) was brought in to manage the effort. Ten Hot Shot Crews and what seems like a hundred aircraft are among the many forces now all working on snuffing out the last of the fire. At the peak, over 970 firefighters were engaged in the battle. After the fire is out, I am sure we will all have a lot to say about the "Let It Burn" policy, but for now the men and women engaged in the suppression effort are truly magnificent.

     The speed with which the logistics to support the fighters was put in place was stunning. Just imagine the difficulty of inserting and then supporting fire teams in the remote canoe back country. The fighters have come from all over the country and had to be taught to canoe, and fend for themselves in this dense country. They have used chainsaws and explosives to create fire lines in the most difficult areas imaginable. This effort is still ongoing on the eastern edges of the fire.

     The efforts continue. The fire is now 71% contained. However, we now have record high temps and stiff winds that are threatening to test the fighters again. Everybody keep your fingers crossed. This is the first time I can ever remember us wishing for our first snow. So far, the canoe routes that our guests typically use are only minimally affected. The only areas affected are the Insula/Hudson/Lake Three area in the BWCA. Fortunately or unfortunately depending upon your curiosity levels, unless you are in an airplane, most of you will probably not even get a chance to see the after effects of this amazing natural event. We will be sure to keep you all updated as we go along.



Fire Map
Fire Map As Of Oct 9th


Here are a couple of great websites for those of you who would like to see some of the amazing photos of the fire.







  Kearney Family


This package was so popular that we have decided to offer it again for the 2012 season. We are starting a campaign to get families out of the house, away from the computer games, and out enjoying nature.  In order to help you we are still offering our NO CHILD LEFT INSIDE package.  This package includes all of the gear that your family will need for an excellent adventure into the Boundary Waters, lodging before your trip with a dinner and Ryan with fish breakfast in our dining room, transportation to your entry point, routing and fishing information and tips.  For every child that brings an adult, the adult will get 20% off complete outfitting rates.  Each youth ages 10-18 will get 25% off the regular complete outfitting rates, and each youth 9 and under will go free.  


Kearney Boy




Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW).  

We have heard of some changes happening to the Boundary Waters Permit System.  It does appear that there will be some type of change, they just aren't sure how many changes will be in effect.   One of the big changes being discussed is doing away with the lottery system and opening up the reservation system on a specific date and on a first come first serve basis.  This will allow for everyone to see what permits are available and be able to know what they received immediately.  The date of this opening is yet to be determined, but we are hearing that if this happens it will be around the same time as the lottery has been.  We will still provide the free service of obtaining permits for our guests, but we ask the you get your preferred dates to us as soon as possibly.  We may have quite a few to obtain in one morning and want to make sure that yours is in the mix. 





Quetico Park

Permits are issued on a first come first served basis exactly 5 months to the day before your desired start day.  This year the park will open May 20th, 2011. 

Our Crew will be happy to help you obtain your permits at no extra cost to you. If you are going into Quetico Park, be prepared to have the names of all group members to list on your permit. Also a brief description of your tents and canoes (for search and rescue purposes) also to be listed on your permit. Update: as of last July, camping fees for entering at Prairie Portage are $21.50 for adults and $8.50 per youth (per night)    
Thanks for taking the time to join us.   We hope to be hearing from you soon.


Blayne, Charlene & Dave
Williams & Hall Outfitters

PO Box 358 Ely, MN 55731
(800) 322-5837

Canoe Trip Specialists
Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness / Quetico Park Outfitter
Williams and Hall Wilderness Guides and Outfitters
Located on Moose Lake in Ely, Minnesota