 From Your Mayor It's Summer in Spring Park!Summer in Spring Park is rich with tradition, whether you are checking out the striking cars at classic car night at the Minnetonka Drive-In, enjoying Lakeside dining on the wharf at Lord Fletchers, or hosting your annual July 4th gathering on the Lake--we all enjoy summer here in Spring Park. Recently new traditions are taking form in Spring Park which have city hall concerned. We have seen a significant increase in special event permit requests from organizations wanting their events near Lake Minnetonka along the Dakota Rail trail. The city has struggled with how to handle these requests, attempting to balance the safety and enjoyment for our residents and visitors with the desire of special interest groups to host an event along a public trail. For a city of our size, it is a time intensive process to work with event organizers to ensure a safe and successful event. A few weeks ago, the Tour de Cure, a 100-mile bike tour fundraiser for the American Diabetes Association, came through Spring Park along the trail. They raised almost $500,000 dollars for a worthy cause. However, the conditions of approval for the bike tour were completely ignored by the event organizers resulting in an unsafe event, frustrating Orono Police and city officials. Should our city take a firmer stand and not grant approvals to such events as these? The city of Minnetonka Beach did not approve the Tour de Cure and it was rerouted around the city. Should the city push back on Three Rivers Park district to put a stop to blanket approvals for events like these without committing park district resources to manage them? The trail is heavily used by pedestrians, joggers, in-line skaters, bikers and dog walkers on a daily basis. I question whether the 10-foot wide corridor has the capacity to safely handle a large event like a bike tour over a compressed period of time in addition to the already busy weekend trail traffic. The city of Spring Park loves that the trail is so popular and well used. It is an amenity that we are very proud to have in our city. We appreciate the visibility the trail gives to our quaint lakeside city and we want all our visitors to feel welcome. However, where do we draw the line? If you have an opinion, I would love to hear from you. Email me at sreinhardt@ci.spring-park.mn.us or feel free to give me a call at home: (952) 471-0767. Another bike event, the Tour de Tonka, is happening on Saturday morning, August 6. Event organizers have been very professional and willing to work with the city. I am hopeful that this event will go off without a hitch. Your Mayor~
 Sarah Reinhardt
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From City Hall
 Watercraft License Reminder Did you know all motorized and non-motorized watercraft over nine feet in length must be licensed by the Department of Natural Resources? The types of watercraft that must be licensed include motorboats, sailboats, sailboards, row boats, stand up paddleboards, kayaks, rowing shells or sculls, all-terrain vehicles used in the water, and inflatable crafts. Newly purchased stand-up paddleboards must display valid registration decals and carry a USCG approved life jacket.
For information on the Boat and Water Safety Course packet please email the DNR at boatandwater.dnr@state.mn.us. Please operate your watercraft safely.
Sign Code Enforcement City staff randomly checks for signs placed without a permit or expired temporary signs. All temporary signs, such as those for garage sales, real estate for sale, graduation parties, etc. are to be placed on private property with the owners' permission, and must be out of the public right of way. Signs are also prohibited from being placed on any public property such as in parks and center medians. All signs removed by City staff found to be in violation of City Sign Code will be immediately discarded and unavailable to be retrieved by their owners.
City Council Elections in November
The November election is around the corner and there are several municipal seats expiring on the city council. Two 4-year council positions, one 2-year council position and one 2-year Mayor position are up for election. Individuals wanting to run for Mayor or the three City Council Member seats may file their affidavit of candidacy with the required $2 filing fee at Spring Park City Hall during regular office hours from July 31, 2012 through August 14, 2012. Candidates have until 5 p.m. August 16 to file an affidavit of withdrawal. For more information, contact Wendy or Sharon at 952-471-9051. |
From the Utility Department
 Thor Thompson Park A new basketball court (half-court size) is coming soon to Thor Thompson Park--sometime after the 4th of July and before Labor Day. Also, around that same time, Thor Thompson Tennis Courts will be getting a tennis backboard . According to LiveStrong.com, "Backboard wall drills can help you improve the speed and accuracy of your tennis swing as well as help you develop a proficient forehand and backhand. While wall drills are often executed alone, you can also perform them with a partner to help better simulate a proper match." Read more Did you know Thor Thompson Tennis Courts are also striped for Pickle Ball? Drinking Water Test Results
The City of Spring Park issued the results of monitoring done on its drinking water for the period from January 1 to December 31, 2011. The purpose of this report is to advance consumers' understanding of drinking water and heighten awareness of the need to protect precious water resources.
Due to the length of the CCR, it is not being directly mailed to customers but a copy is available upon request. The Drinking Water Report was published in May 19, 2012 edition of The Laker, per requirement, and can also be viewed on the City's website. |
From the Police Department 
Night to Unite
The 2012 Night to Unite will take place on Tuesday, August 7 to celebrate and strengthen police-community partnerships. For information on how to organize an event in your neighborhood and to schedule a visit from police and fire departments call: Jason Barnes Community Service Officer Orono police Department (952) 249-4709 Citizens Academy The Orono Police Department is currently looking for interested citizens for the 2012 Citizens Police Academy. The Academy will include 8 sessions covering narcotics, DWI, the legal system, safety issues, booking and jail, domestic violence and other relevant topics. We will offer several interactive, "hands-on" sessions including traffic enforcement, use of force including firearms training simulation, crime scene investigation, and domestic violence scenarios. Dates will be every Wednesday night beginning Sept. 5 to Oct. 24 from 6:30pm-9:30 pm. Please call for further information 952-249-4700. |
New Public Works Assistant
 Meet Brady Greer Our fair city has a new Public Works Assistant for the summer months. Brady Greer graduated from Minnetonka High School in 2009 and is studying mechanical engineering at Iowa State University where he just finished his third year of school. He spent the most recent semester studying abroad in Cork County, Ireland and likes to spend his free time boating and water skiing on Lake Minnetonka. |
Join in these Local Celebrations! Spirit of the Lakes: July 13-22. Westonka area's biggest celebration of the summer is only days away. This year the celebration is even bigger because it includes the City of Mound Centennial. Mound was incorporated in 1912. The expanded celebration this summer will last from July 13 through 22 and organizers say they have something for all ages. Read more Excelsior Apple Day: Saturday, September 8--Visit Allied Waste's recycling booth staffed by surrounding lake area communities, including Spring Park. Brush Site Drop-Off The City of Spring Park continues their agreement with Specialized Environmental Technologies, Inc (SET) aka The Mulch Store, that permits city residents (noncommercial) to dispose of yard waste. Yard waste can include grass/lawn clippings, weeds, garden waste, milfoil, leaves and tree branches. Any branches over 10 inches in diameter must be cut into lengths of less than 8 feet. The site is located in St Bonifacius at 4250 Creekview Circle, just off Hwy # 7. You must present identification showing you are resident of Spring Park. Watch Council meetings online: Watch your council in action online @www.lmcc-tv.org/spring-park.html |
| City of Spring Park, Minnesota 4349 Warren Ave Spring Park, MN 55384
www.ci.spring-park.mn.us |
Council Meetings: 7:30 p.m. Jul 2, 16; Aug 6, 20; Sept 4 (Tues), 17 Work Sessions: 7 p.m. Jul 23; Aug 27; Sept 24 Planning Commission: 7 p.m. Jul 11, Aug 8, Sept 12
No Sort Recycling: Fridays
Jul 7 (Sat), 20; Aug 3, 17, 31; Sept 14, 28 Primary Election: Aug. 14 (Tues) First Day of Fall: Sept. 22 Office Closed: Independence Day, July 4; Sept 3 Summer Hours:M-Th, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fridays, 7:30 - 11:30 a.m.
COUNCIL Mayor: Sarah Reinhardt Council Members: Gary Hughes Jackie Stone Joanna Widmer Bruce Williamson
PLANNING COMMISSIONERS Chair: Jeff HoffmanJohn Ericson Steve Erickson Michael Mason Doug Sippel Sarah Struck Administrator: Dan Tolsma Utility Superintendent: DJ Goman City Clerk: Wendy Lewin Office Assistant/Utility Clerk: Sharon Farniok
Public Works Assistant: Brady Greer |