Spring Park Quarterly Newsletter
   Quarterly Newsletter
Green Leaf
From Your Mayor
HappyCity Hall Front Door Spring! If you haven't heard the news, a huge congratulation goes to Jim Brimeyer, our City Administrator, for his appointment to the Metropolitan Council. The Met Council is the regional planning agency serving the Twin Cities seven-county metropolitan area and providing essential services to the region. Over 200 people applied for just 16 positions appointed by Governor Dayton. We are proud of Jim and know that he will do a fabulous job on the Met Council. 

Despite this wonderful opportunity for Jim, his time with Spring Park is sadly coming to an end. A preliminary timetable to hire a new administrator was reviewed by the city council. Our goal is to have a new administrator start around mid-July. More about Jim


Spring Park has a beautiful historic city hall. We have done a few minor renovations over the years to update the offices inside while maintaining the historic feel of our former two-room schoolhouse. Most recently the council chambers got a small facelift reconfiguring the room for more productive meetings, updating the technology for viewing presentations, and better sound, as well as replacing the carpeting. Stay tuned, it is a work in progress.

Lastly, as our snowy winter comes to an end, cross your fingers for a slow melt. While Lake Minnetonka residents love an early ice out, the potential for flooding this year is great. Early predictions of lake levels indicate close to record high levels seen during the Spring/Summer 2002.

Your Mayor~

Sarah Reinhardt
baby birds
Bird babies
From the City DeskGreen Leaf 2
Deer Island

OpenbookOpen Book Meeting Replaces Annual Board of Appeal

Open book meetings are an alternative to the Local Board of Appeal and Equalization meetings previously held. During "open book" meetings, the valuation and classification issues are handled by the City's assessor on a one-on-one basis with the property owner. 


The open book meeting provides a forum for property owners to meet with assessment staff on an informal basis to review information about their property and to ask questions about the assessment. 


While property owners do not need to make an appointment to meet with the assessment staff, appraisers may be able to better address questions if they've been previously contacted. Otherwise, property owners simply show up at the date and time stated on the notice that was previously mailed.


A property review can be scheduled with the assessor at that time, if it is deemed necessary.   

When: Wednesday, April 20 from 5-6:30 p.m.
Where: Spring Park - City Hall
4349 Warren Ave., Spring Park, MN
Questions:  952.472.0619 the assessor will return your call.               

HouseBuilding Inspection Open House

Bring your Spring/Summer building project ideas/plans, building code questions, or just stop by to meet the inspectors.


Inspectors will be on-site and happy to take a preliminary look at your building plans.  They will be available to answer building code questions as well as regulations regarding smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.  If that is not enough to lure you to stop by and visit us, there will be cookies, coffee and punch available.


When: Monday, April 11, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Where: Spring Park - City Council Chambers,

4349 Warren Ave., Spring Park, MN

Who: Residents, Contractors, Municipality Staff, Council Members, anyone who is interested! 


FiretruckFrom the Fire Department

Recreational Fires

The following general requirements shall apply to all recreational fires:

(a) The fire shall be attended by a competent, unimpaired adult at all times that smoke is produced from the fire.

(b) Equipment to control and extinguish the fire shall be immediately available to the attendant at the site of the fire at all times during burning. 

(c) A means of summoning the Fire Department shall be available for use by the attendant.

(d) Only wood may be burned in a recreational fire.

See website for more details
From the Utility DepartmentGreen Leaf 2

Household Hazardous
Waste Collection  


Hennepin County is holding  community collection events to help county residents safely and properly dispose of unwanted garden and household hazardous waste.

The events will be held Thurs.-Sat. from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the following dates and locations:

May 5-7
, Independence City Hall parking lot
1920 County Rd. 90, Independence

May 19 - 21, Minnetonka Public Works parking lot
11522 Minnetonka Blvd., Minnetonka 

June 9 - 11, 7250 State Hwy. 7, St. Louis Park.
Parking lot in the southwest quadrant of Hwy.7 and Louisiana Ave S.

July 21 - 23, Dunwoody College of Technology
818 Dunwoody Blvd, Minneapolis


For a list of materials accepted and directions, visit : www.hennepin.us/collectionevents  


Items can also be dropped off year-round at permanent drop-off facilities  located at 1400 W. 96th St., Bloomington, and 8100 Jefferson Highway, Brooklyn Park. For more information call 612.348.3777. 


Clean-Up Day:

Don't forget:  Clean-Up Day -- Saturday, May 14!
Spring Park Residents Only

Dog Licenses Available at City Hall

2011-2012 license fee is $25 per dog.  Please call or come to City Hall to license your pet. Dog licenses are required per city ordinance and assist in identifying lost pets.


Volunteers Needed:

The City is looking for volunteer(s) who may be interested in putting together historical Spring Park data collected throughout the years.  We will provide the materials; you provide the time and the creativity!  Call Wendy or Sharon if you're interested.

LMCC offers Free TV, Studio, & Digital Production Classes:

The LMCC offers a variety of production classes to people who live in any of our 17 member cities, as well as Mound through a studio usage agreement. These classes are designed to teach anyone the basics of camera operation, lighting and editing. Classes are FREE but space is limited, so call early and make arrangements to take a workshop from the LMCC today!

Find out more @ www.lmcc-tv.org, or email Productions Manager Chris Vogt at chris@lmcc-tv.org.

Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants:

The City regulates all peddlers, solicitors and transient merchants operating within the city.  They are required to obtain a license from the City and restrictions are imposed.

For questions contact City Hall for license verification. Or call 9-1-1 to have a police officer respond.  


See our website  for more information.


Watch Council meetings online:

Now you can watch your council in action online @www.lmcc-tv.org/citystream_springpark.html

Spring Park
City of Spring Park, Minnesota
4349 Warren Ave
Spring Park, MN  55384


Spring 2011
Spring Park
In This Issue
From your Mayor
From City Hall
From the Fire Department
From the Utility Department
Mark Your Calendar
Mark Your Calendar 
Council Meetings:
7:30 p.m.
April 4, 18; May 2 & 16;
June 6 & 20; July 5 (Tues)

Council Study Sessions:

7 p.m.
April 25, May 23, June 27 
Planning Commission:
7 p.m.
April 13, May 11 & June 8

Spring Park Open Book Meeting:

(Property Taxes)
April 20, 5 - 6:30 p.m.

(see article in this newsletter

Spring Clean-Up Day:

Saturday, May 14

No Sort Recycling: Fridays
April 1, 15, 29; May 13, 27; June 10 & 24; July 9 (Sat)

First Day of Summer:
June 21

Office Closed:
Memorial Day
Monday, May 30
Monday, July 4

Summer Hours:
Begin Monday, May 27
M-Th, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Fridays, 7:30 - 11:30 a.m.
Quick Links 
Community Links
Permits & Applications
City Codes & Ordinances
More News
City Officials & Staff  

Mayor Sarah Reinhardt
 Council Members:
Joanna Widmer
Tom Scanlon
Bruce Williamson
Gary Hughes

Chair Jeff Hoffman

John Ericson

Steve Erickson

Michael Mason

Graham Neve

Doug Sippel

Sarah Struck

Administrator: Jim Brimeyer
Utility Superintendent:
DJ Goman
City Clerk: Wendy Lewin
Office Assistant/Utility Clerk: Sharon Farniok
About Us 
Post Office
City Parks
City Facts
City Water
Contact Us

Spring Park City Hall
4349 Warren Ave
Spring Park, MN  55384
Phone: (952) 471-9051
Fax: (952) 471-9160

Regular Office Hours: 
M-F 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Summer hours start May 27
Mon-Thurs: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fridays 7:30 - 11:30 a.m.

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