Harley & Pele 

EWAs First 4 Legged Member

We are excited to announce that we have our first four legged member and a celebrity, no less.


Lukas, the World's Smartest Horse and his human, Karen Murdock have joined EWA. I'm sure most of you are familiar with Lukas but just in case - Lukas can identify numbers, shapes, letters and colors and was recognized by the World Records Academy and Guinness World Records as the smartest horse.


For videos, photos and information about Lukas and his extraordinary achievements, please visit his website at  www.playingwithlukas.com.


Lukas' story is one we've heard time and time again - a TB found starving in a yard, a difficult horse, worthless and look at him now. All they need is a caring owner who believes in them. Lukas is that horse and Karen is that owner.


I spoke to Steve Long earlier today and mentioned Lukas to him and lo and behold, the current issue of Horseback Magazine has an interview with Karen. You can read the article here - http://www.horsebackmagazine-emagazine.com/mar11/tx.html. The Amazing Lukas is on page 24.



Welcome to EWA Lukas and Karen!



Lukas Guinness


cc horse


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Logo copyright Lissa Brooks & Joan Dillon
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