copyright Terry Fitch 

Official EWA Statement 


Yesterday, Dave Duquette and/or Sue Wallis posted libelous comments on one of their facebook pages. The comment was that EWA was "harassing" a publication and threatening to contact their advertisers and boycott them. This is of course, totally false.


The publication contacted us today and said they contacted Wallis and Duquette and told them that EWA did not say any such thing but there is no retraction from Duquette or Wallis and the comments on the thread are continuing to grow. We are being called "terrorists" and one poster said we should be sued for trying to shut down the publication.


Instead of stepping up, retracting the statement, and stopping the thread from growing, Duquette and Wallis are allowing comments to be posted on a totally false statement. This is nothing more than an attempt to discredit EWA, our members and the work we are doing. We obviously hit a nerve with our press release that publicly released the supplemental complaint filed by Dr. Fazio asking what happened to the additional 155 tickets that were sold above the 147 reported to the prosecutor as well as other unanswered allegations.


I know many of you have seen the post and we ask that you do not contact the publication. They are well respected and we don't want any further fall-out on something they never said. We will also be providing a copy of this statement to the publication.


The same kind of thread had appeared before the summit about our supposedly harassing Temple Grandin. In fact, Dr. Grandin must have realized the extent of this disinformation because she announced publicly that UOH/UH could no longer use her name in any way.


Duquette and Wallis obviously have still not learned that their lies always come back to bite them. I suppose it would be asking too much to expect a public apology...


cc horse


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Logo copyright Lissa Brooks & Joan Dillon

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