Chancellor's Chat


September 15, 2011

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This week I enjoyed visiting Crafton Hills College where President Harrison "kicked-off" the 40th anniversary celebration.  I am amazed by the physical changes on both campuses.  It was eerie seeing the library building almost completely demolished.  Soon the space will be cleared and the next phase of CHC's master plan will be put into place.

While change is often bittersweet, it is gratifying to see your plans achieved.  Both CHC and SBVC have been very fortunate to have their bond programs move ahead very successfully and with excellent results.  I look forward to our continued planned changes as we move forward.


During our all campus meeting and in recent Chancellor Chat newsletters, I shared the District's broad strategic goals for the year which align with the goals of the campus.  I want to continue to share those goal with you.


Implement best practices;


Improve student access and success;


Develop and efficiently use resources;


Review governance and organizational structure;


Promote professional development;


Value and promote diversity; and


Enhance the image and reputation of the district and colleges.    


We will provide quarterly updates on our progress towards achieving these goals. 

SBCCD will be the best community college district in the state.  I believe that working together, we can achieve anything. 

Have a great rest of your week and weekend.  See you soon.



Office: 909-382-4090

Cell: 909-510-9234

[email protected] 

Notes from Chancellor's Cabinet 

Chancellor's Cabinet includes the Chancellor, the Interim Vice Chancellor for Fiscal Services, the Human Resources Consultant, Jack Miyamoto, the presidents of SBVC and CHC, and the president of KVCR.  The Cabinet meets every two weeks to discuss topics of district-wide importance.  We met on September 6 and discussed the following topics.

  1. It was suggested that Faculty Senate Presidents at each college should be invited to attend the "Strengthening Student Success" conference in San Francisco.  President Harrison felt this was a good conference and would support the student success project development with campus administration and Faculty Senates.
  2. Accreditation mid-term reports are being finalized for submission to the Board of Trustees.  Each college will make a brief presentation at the September 15th Board meeting and the Board will be asked to vote to approve the reports.
  3. Cabinet approved filling the following full-time, funded, replacement positions:

    Crafton - English Instructor 

    SBVC - Chemistry Instructor 

    SBVC - Custodian

    SBVC - Counselor

  4. Cabinet approved a direction for FTES and sections in the final budget that balances access with success.  We will cut fewer sections than originally planned, with some additional District-level funds going towards one-time student success initiatives developed between the Faculty Senates at each campus and the administration.  Proposals will be reviewed by Chancellor's Cabinet.


Budget Update   

Today, the Board of Trustees will be asked to approve a Final Budget for 2011-2012.  The budget addresses a number of strategic initiatives and also, a number of challenges.  The first challenge is the $5 million in budget cuts handed down this year by the state coupled with increased costs of such items as step and column increases, health benefits increases and others.

Fortunately, we ended 2010-2011 with a $7 million balance due to Early Retirement and other positions that were left vacant last year and other savings measures including early purchasing cut-off, printing economies, fewer expenses for legal fees and other savings.

We've planned for the "worst case" scenario which would occur if the state does not meet its revenue projections by December 15, 2011.  If the state revenue is "best case" we may have additional funding in the budget. 

Other good news includes the legislature agreeing to wait until the summer to implement a potential student fee increase to $46 a unit IF the anticipated state revenue targets are not reached by the December timeline.

We will make it through this year with the use of those one time savings which will now be gone to meet the state cuts and increased costs.  We will need to begin working diligently on a $3.8 million structural deficit that may grow to more than $6 million in 2012-2013 and beyond.

I plan to discuss this in Chancellor's Cabinet on September 21st and to begin collegial work on this later this fall.

I will keep you posted. 


Welcome Scott Stark to District  

Scott StarkWe welcome Scott Stark as the new District Facilities Project Manager.  Scott replaces Steve Lohr as the District liaison with the bond contractors.  Scott entered the k12 public sector as a journeyman electrician, and since has held a number of positions in Capital Facilities and Maintenance and Operations.

Scott earned a Bachelor of Science in Electronics from Chapman University, and more recently a certificate in School Business Administration from USC.  


While the majority of his career has been with the San Diego Unified School District, Scott has held leadership positions spanning 5 significant bond programs in Southern California.  


Scott and his wife of 33 years, Teresa, and their daughter Tonja who attends Crafton Hills College, recently moved to Yucaipa to be near the wilderness where they enjoy the clean air, sunshine, and access to the many hiking trails.


The decision to hire an employee rather than continue contracting for this work was made as part of the District's strategic plan to more efficiently and effectively utilize resources and save money.


When you are at the District Office, pop in and say "hi" to Scott. 

SBCCD hosts workshop on Early Assessment Program

On September 9, 2011, SBCCD hosted a special meeting of the Inland Empire Early Assessment Program Collaborative.   The Collaborative is comprised of local K12, community colleges and Cal State San Bernardino.   


We hosted, Eloy Oakley, President of Long Beach City College, who discussed the very President Eloy Oakleysuccessful Long Beach College Promise.  The Promise provides a seamless transition from high school to community college to Cal State Long Beach and also provides first year funding for select students.  


The meeting was co-hosted by FACE (Federation for a Competitive Economy), a collaborative representing Inland K-12, community college and university institutions, with business and community support and the San Bernardino Community College District. We were fortunate to be working with local educational leaders including:

  • Dr. Herb Fischer, former Superintendent, San Bernardino County Schools
  • Dr. Gary Thomas, the current Superintendent
  • Mr. Kenn Young, Superintendent, Riverside County Schools
  • Dr. Al Karnig, President, CSUSB
  • Dr. Tim White, Chancellor, University of California, Riverside
The event was very successful and staff from many area community colleges were in attendance.

Thanks for the Health Fair 

We had a great annual SBCCD Health Fair at the District Office yesterday.  I have some nice new toothbrushes and much needed stress balls to squeeze.  It was great to see so many people walking throuHealth Fairgh the exhibits and socializing.  And Subway sandwiches were yummy!  Thanks to the Health Fair Planning Committee members:

Colleen Gamboa,

Kathy Wilson,

Kirsten Colvey,

Cheryl Burge,

Tommy Ng,

Amalia Perez 

and Jeremiah McFarland 

SBCCD "in the news"  

The weekly news about the District is posted on the District's website.  The following stories are set out under the Week of 09.15.11 and can be found at the following link:

  • 75 year old graduates from Nanotechnology program
  • CHC demolishes old library
  • CHC starts 40th Anniversary
  • Next Nanotechnology training to start
  • November is Native American Heritage Month - Leaders Honored
  • RCC beats SBVC in football
  • SBVC Foundation Golf Tourney
  • SBVC shares soccer coach with Norco
  • SBVC soccer may challenge for title
  • SBVC ties with SBCC in men's soccer
  • SBVC women's soccer beats Fullerton
Please let me know how I can help you in the performance of your important work on behalf of our great District.

Bruce Baron


San Bernardino Community College District
Quick Links

District Strategic Plan Update Final Draft 2011-2014 


Health and Safety


Technology Plans 


July 2011 Bond Measure Updates 


Chancellor Baron's Facebook Page 


Chancellor Baron's You Tube Site