
Monthly Program
April 9th at MSKCC - Rockefeller Research Laboratories

Past Quiz Winners






Apr 9th



Rad Onc




Apr 9th

Head & Neck 


MSKCC Rockefeller Auditorium

67th Street between

1st and York Ave.




April 17th Co-Sponsored Lecture with NYMBCG! Dr. Tim Whelan

Ontario, Canada 

Details Coming Soon







"100th Anniversary"

Annual Meeting

Oct 3-5, 2012

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Dear Members and Friends:


Hope everyone is enjoying a great spring week in NYC! We will close out the 2011/12 monthly program this Monday with two great sessions.


Jeopardy! the Radiology Challenge where participants can test their Radiology skills in 5 categories and final Jeopardy. Party for the winners ...and yes the losers immediately following at Sessions-73. And a Head and Neck Panel Discussion in Rad Onc. Details below.


Don't miss these two great programs this Monday April 9th.


Richard Fleury

Executive Director, NYRS




4:30-6:30pm Diagnostic

"Jeopardy! The Radiology Challenge"

Hosted by: Jacqueline Bello, MD, FACR



 6:15-7:45pm Rad Onc in Rm 103: 

 "Head and Neck Cases with Panel Discussion" 

Moderated By: Malcolm Mattes, MD

There is no CME for the panel discussion  



Rockefeller Research Laboratories

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

430 East 67th Street

New York, NY 10065


 Refreshments will be served

End of Sesason Event Immediately Following at Sessions 73

Click Here For Location Information  

  CME for the Diagnostic Session will be free to NYRS members. Non-members may pay $100 per session processing fee for CME

Mark your Calendars!

100th Anniversary Annual Meeting October 3-5, 2012
Princeton Club NY