May 2012  
In This Issue
New Vision, New Life
Let's Help Brenda
Mothers Day
Birthday Corner

June Birthday's

  • Astrid 
  • Katherine Marisol 
  • Lizeth
  • Mar�a Rosenda
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Hello and welcome to The Rose Garden Newsletter! We're excited to bring you our latest news and updates monthly now. Please be sure to forward this newsletter along to any who may be interested so they may sign up to receive the Newsletter as well.
New Vision, New Life!!    



This is the story of Naomi, a 6 year old girl who at this tender age was in need of a third eye surgery to correct a problem that she was born with that caused her eyes to be severely crossed.  Naomi is the third of 4 sisters rescued by the Juvenile Court and she was the most affected due to the malnourishment in which she was growing up.  Naomi's problem was not only her vision, but also her chronic sinusitis that made it impossible to have the eye surgery. Under treatment for chronic sinusitis she was not able to eat ice cream or have cold drinks and keeping her away from that was almost impossible.  On May 5th her sinusitis gave her a break and one of the Tias left immediately with Naomi to Tegucigalpa, the Capital City of Honduras, located 4 hours from San Pedro Sula where the home is located and an eye surgeon who was a specialist in this condition was able to perform the surgery in one of the most prestigious clinics in Honduras.  Our Little Roses thanks the generosity of one of our Board Members who provided the financial support for her to have the eye surgery. There is no doubt that this successful surgery has made a tremendous difference in Naomi's vision and quality of life.  After she returned to San Pedro Sula, Naomi told T�a Caty, who is one of the staff:  "Now I see only one of you, before I saw two of you at a time".




It was a brighter morning for Waldi with her new eye glasses when the news about "Shopping by Rewards" was given to the Our Little Roses Girls. The tickets were distributed according to the Merit Chart, little, medium and older girls were able to shop -no age for shopping. The clothes and other supplies were displayed on the tables set out inside the patio area of the home. The amount of tickets was given according to the merits 

and went from seven to three tickets, all depending on the merits. 



The girls were able to pick between a variety of T-shirts, pants, dresses, skirts, shoes and tennis shoes.  This reward was done with the clothes and other donations that visiting groups take to Our Little Roses.  Thank you friends for helping Our Little Roses to transform girl's lives!

Let's Help Brenda To Reach Her Dream!



Brenda arrived to Our Little Roses when she was 6 years old; in spite of her learning difficulties she keeps plugging on. Actually she is in 10th grade at Instituto Hondure�o de Educacion por Radio (IHER) which is a correspondence school with actual classes on the weekends.  One of her passions is dancing, she is as good in modern dance as in folkloric dance and because of her outstanding work she has been offered a wonderful opportunity to use her talent. She was selected as one of the typical dancers in a cultural dance troupe that is going to participate in 13 performances starting in Houston, Texas, and then on to Europe to dance in Poland and Italy in mid-July through the first two weeks of August. This cultural exhibition is being sponsored by the Technological University of Honduras  (UTH)  in San Pedro Sula. The University is going to provide all of the expenses of room and board while on tour but Brenda must be responsible for her airfare and other travel expenses which amount to $2,800.00.  Any contribution towards her travel fund will be a blessing for her and for this extraordinary opportunity that comes once in a life time.   

Mothers Day


In Honduras, Mother's Day is celebrated as in many other parts of the world on the second Sunday of May. Every school has special celebrations where the students take part in different presentations in honor of the Mothers.   Staff from Our Little Roses accompanied the girls to the different schools to be present as Mothers for the different programs.  At Holy Family Bilingual School each grade had a paper for each Mother but only one of the papers had the name "Mother" written on it.  This year, the privilege was for Tia Brenda Molina, Coordinator/Supervisor of the Home who was elected as The Mother of Holy Family Bilingual School.

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."



With Love,


Our Little Roses Ministries

Sponsor A Child   

There are many ways to support Our Little Roses, but one of the most valuable is to sponsor a girl. This gives the home an assurance of a steady source of support for a girl for several years -- hopefully until she becomes an adult. Sponsorships are $720 per year, which may seem like a lot, but paid quarterly ($180) or monthly ($60) is quite manageable.


If you sponsor a girl, you will receive a certificate and a photo. You are encouraged to correspond with the girl you sponsor, and she will reply. 


Another possibility is to accept responsibility for tuition for one of the girls at Holy Family Bilingual School or at university.

For More information please call Beverly Allison at 1-800-849-9252; (540) 832-5141 or email to OLRFMS is recognized as a charitable organization by the Internal Revenue Service and contributions are tax-deductible.