June 28, 2011 
In This Issue
Web Design
Missionary Moments
In the News
NJO Initiative
Worship Review
Church News
Courageous The Movie
Children's Camps
Mission Opportunities
Ministry Review
Seminary Training



Does your churches website need to be freshened up, or does your church need a web presence?  Please fill out the questionnaire and submit it to iba@interstatebaptist.org and let us help you find the best solution and pricing.


Web Design



June 26-July 3, 2011


"RAYMOND & MARIE VANCE" helped a local believer inAsia hold a three-day medical and dental clinic in his factory. Six medical volunteers and four local house church leaders provided the hands and expertise. "We were able to distribute 260 Bibles and numerous other Christian materials. Eighty-three of the 10 employees accepted the free gift of salvation that weekend!" the Vances said. Your support of missions through the Cooperative Program is bearing fruit around the world. Local believers will follow up with the factory workers in weekly discipleship meetings at the factory during their lunch break. "It is awesome to see the Lord open the hearts of the people," the Vances continued. "We are privleged to provide them with the materials they need to grow and mature as believers in Him, in spite of government persecution." Stop and pray for these new believers and for the Vances as they serve. 



JEFF STRUECKER hsa seen every battle since Panama, and was involved as an Army Ranger during a confict in Mogahishu, Somalia, the incident on whicj the movied Black Hawk Down was based. Now a Nortn American Army Chaplain at Ft. Benning, Georgia, with Rainger Training School, Struecker interacts with the Army's bravest and brightest soldiers. It is no coincidence that Chaplain Struecker is serving at Ft. Benning. God is using your commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission through the Cooperative Program to raise up godly men and women who help defend the gift of freedom. Take time to thank God for the gift of His Son and for the freedoms we enjoy. Pray for these soldiers and their families as Chaplain Struecker ministers among them.

In the News


Mainstream media devoted more attention and coverage to religion in the year 2010 than any year prior. The amount of stories centred on faith and religion doubled from 2009 to 2010. Islam dominated this trend with 40% of all media coverage focused on events related to the religion. This is the first time since 2007 that either the Catholic Church or religion's role in American poltics did not take the number one spot in religious media coverage.


Source: Pew Research Center, February 24, 2011 

Follow-up Links


#5 - The Myth of Red Tape:  Leaders are prevented from being strong because there are many factors beyond their control - red tape, corporate culture, senior management, limited resources.


I (we) have known leaders that have told us that basically despite their best efforts, they are held back by rules and red tape.  What I have come to recognize is that most of the rules and red tape leaders say hold them back is actually something the leader has created. Why?


So, when the time is right and things are becoming challenging, they have something to hide behind and help with excusing away the fact they do just not want to lead.


Remember this:


There will be things you can't do. Don't do them.  If you do, you will get in trouble.  But more often than not you can do things you didn't realize you could do, once you learn how to do them.  There are so many things you can do.  You cannot remove every obstacle. But there are so many partial solutions that make such a big difference.

What is the reality?

Focusing on what you can't control makes the most powerful person weak, whereas focusing intensely on what you can control - to the exclusion of what you cannot control - will always make you stronger.

The fact is, there are so many things in your control:

  • You
  • Your guts
  • Your skill
  • Your habits
  • Your time

You don't need anyone's permission to:

  • Be strong
  • Talk to those you lead more often - one on one.
  • Set people up for success
  • Spell out expectations clearly every step of the way, to clarify goals, guidelines, and deadlines
  • Monitor, measure, and document performance every step of the way.
  • Zero in on problems immediately and solve them before they grow into bigger problems.
  • Try your best to steer more rewards to people who go the extra mile.

So, what is preventing you from being the best leader possible?



"Information/insight gathered from Bruce Tulgan's book, "It's Okay to be Boxx."  


 Brent Pound

"Churches Coming Together To Help One Another!"




Making old things new - we are headed in a new direction!


The Nelle Johnson Offering (NJO) was established to provide funds to enhance our serving  and giving locally and to the world as an Association.


This year's offering will be used as follows:



Leadership Development -Healthy, growing pastors are essential for developing healthy, growing churches. We would like to develop  SALT (Strengthen Associational Leadership Team)  to support and resource our pastors.


This team focuses on supporting pastors with practical needs during hard times as well as  creating opportunities for training, mentoring, coaching, partner-ships, assessments, consultations, and whatever other means we can access to resource these men of God so they can continue to grow in their ability to lead, equip, preach, and impact their community for God; keeping in mind every pastorate is unique.


IBA Continuing Education Fund - Provides scholarship funds that benefit Northwest Pastors, Pastor's Family and Ministry Leaders to attend seminary, complete under-graduate studies, and etc.


Offering Goal for 2011:

This offering can be collected and turned in year round.  This week (May 15-May 22) is the North American Mission Board's designated time for emphasis on Associational Missions.


Click Here for bulletin insert



"Churches Coming Together To Help One Another!"


Counterfeit Worship: by Mark Mattingly - Founder and President www.worshipconsulting.com


The minute's right before worship services begin can be chaotic can't they?  Everyone wants to talk with you, there are last minute adjustments for the service and you need to be in multiple places all at once.  If you are like most, it feels like a blur the majority of the time and trying to remember everything that is said is nearly impossible.  Then the service starts.  Music begins shortly, you sing and play through the worship set and then sit down to hear the sermon.  So what really happened in between?


As you reflect back through your previous worship experiences, do you focus the majority of your thoughts and energy on God or something else?  Do you find yourself worshiping God or possibly worshiping the music or a moment?  If we are truly honest, most of us go in and out of authentic worship.  We can be so consumed within the moments of a song that we actually "worship the worship".  And if we don't do that, we possibly worship and cherish "a moment" or "emotional experience" we once had rather than God Himself.  Why is this so?  Satan is sly.  He will tempt us to trade what is best with something that is good that he perverts.  Satan also knows that we are most likely not going to run the opposite direction from God so he doesn't tempt us there.  Satan knows that the best counterfeit is one that is closest to the "real thing" but isn't the real deal.  So Satan tempts us with distractions; sometimes even through "worship/music".




The best way to overcome fluctuating times of authentic worship is to be prayed up and thoroughly prepared before the worship service.  Prayer, being in God's Word throughout the week, surrendering the service to Him and expecting a distraction or two can all assist in overcoming this all-too-often-overlooked counterfeit worship.  Besides, aren't we called to do these things to grow closer to Him anyway?



Exodus 20:3 says "You shall have no other god's before me" - and this includes worship itself.  Evaluate whether you truly worship God or whether you worship worship/music (or any other means to God).  Pray that God will show you how to not be distracted by the good experiences and tools He has given us, so that you can authentically taste the greatness of communing with Him.




"Churches Coming Together To Help One Another!"

Church News


Bring Refuge for Refugees in Greece


Members of The Crossing Baptist Church will be going on mission to Athens, Greece this summer. Cooperating with the International Mission Board, they will join Team Athens and the Oasis Refugee Ministry. Pastor Troy Pound will be leading the group, and will also use this opportunity to explore the possibilities of creating mission and church planting partnerships there. 


Every day refugees from North Africa, The Middle East and Asia arrive in Athens, Greece. Because of the Oasis Refugee Ministry many will hear about Jesus for the first time. We will serve by providing clothing, serving hot meals, giving groceries and sharing the gospel message. God will use us to make a difference for Him.


We also have the exciting opportunity to discover how The Crossing Baptist Church will assist Team Athens with the Arms Around Athens Project. The goal of this ministry is to plant healthy churches within all the municipalities of Athens. Key leadership from The Crossing will accompany us as we discover the Lord's direction in partnering with these new church plants.


We would like to spread the Gospel to unreached people in and around Athens. Would you assist us in accomplishing this mission? You can become a part of our mission partnership team?


Here are some things we ask you to pray about:

  • Pray that our mission's team will be spiritually prepared for this work
  • Pray that God will provide the $6,000 needed for the trip
  • Pray for the safety and effectiveness of the Mission Team
  • Pray the hearts of the people will be open to hearing The Gospel

If you would like to help with this worthwhile ministry, you can send your gifts to IBA, PO Box 19960, Portland OR 97280-0960. The Associational Leadership Council has approved $2000.00 matching funds for donations made through the Association.  Future funding for mission trip support will also be included as a budget item starting in 2012 make our goal of assisting churches in missional endeavors possible.

"Churches Coming Together To Help One Another!"



For more information and a sneak preview please visit our website at http://www.interstatebaptist.org/content/honor-begins-home or www.Courageousthemovie.com.

Don't miss out on this great leadership development initiative September 30th, 2011 in a theater near you!

"Churches Coming Together To Help One Another!"



Soul Shapers 1
Girls Camp will be held at Salmon Falls Bible Camp. For more information or if you are interested in volunteering to help, contact Debbie Hensley, Director at debbie@hensleyinc.com
Boys Camp will be at Camp WaRiKi. If you would like to volunteer your services or need more information, contact Camp Director Jason Wallway, jason@gnm.name.


Camp flyers for each camp giving complete details, as well as copies of all forms have been mailed to the churches. You can also find general camp information, fees, what campers need to bring, etc. as well as downloadable forms at www.interstatebaptist.org/serving/soulshapers.

"Churches Coming Together To Help One Another!"



The Northwest Baptist Convention needs a volunteer groundskeeper as soon as possible. The person currently volunteering will be leaving in August and would like to spend some time in training. The job requires approximately 20 hours a week from March through October (the busiest season), with hours negotiable October through February. There are RV hook-ups available. Laundry facilities are also available.


For more information, contact Sherry Hodgson, MSC Mobilization Coordinator, hlhodgson@netzero.net.




First Baptist Church of Siletz, along with our Sacred Ground partners, will have VBS July 25-29, 9 AM - noon. The program will be Friday night the 29th. We'll be using the Big Apple curriculum. We have an urgent need for 4 teachers, someone for missions, and a pair of agile folks for recreation. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Mary Parker, mparker355@wildblue.net.



Due to the economy, we have not had the response we anticipated or have had in the past for summer mission volunteers. Here are some of our urgent needs:

A Summer Missions Coordinator (couple with a tow vehicle, primarily assisting with Block Party trailer)

  • 8 to 12 JAM Camp Adult Leaders (children's music and worship camp)
  • A Registered Nurse - July 23 thru 28
  • A Lifeguard - July 23 thru 28
  • At least one evangelism team August 31 thru September 5 (Alaska State Fair)

All of these volunteer missionary requests are currently listed on the NAMB Bridge, but I need your help! Please, please help me get the word out about all of these mission volunteer needs. Thanks very much for your help!

Gary Bearce, Associational Missionary

Hatcher Pass Baptist Association

PO Box 2650, Palmer, Alaska 99645

Cell: 907 982-0133 Home: 907 746-7467

Email: gary@hpbaak.org Web: www.hpbaak.org



We are inviting you and your member Churches to come on mission with us to Jamaica. Trips are scheduled for August and October/November. We are now in our 15th year of mission trips to Jamaica. We are also extending an invitation to Churches to come on mission to Myrtle Beach, SC this summer and fall to help us reach our community for Jesus Christ.

Dr. Tom Sees, Pastor

Rising Sun Community Church

Myrtle Beach SC

For more information:

Jamaica trip, click here

Myrtle Beach, SC, click here




SWEAT Ministries

It is amazing how individuals especially students love to serve if they are given the opportunity. With projects that are a worthy causes and deserving of their time and effort. So, I say let them serve in tangible ways!


We still have some openings in one of of summer projects:

  • August 8th - 14th, 2011 - We will be assisting Evergreen Community church in Washington with some building repairs and maintenance.  We will also be canvasing the community with the Gospel and holding services every night at the church.

This opportunity will be a great time of sharing the Gospel and learning experience for all that participate! If you are interested in becoming a part of SWEAT Ministries Service Projects please contact Crystal Miller- crystal@sweatministries.org.




The Griffins have answered the call of the Lord to the ministry of music, and are dedicated to proclaiming the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in song.  We believe the world we live in today is in desperate need of the encouraging and saving message of Christ and His promise of eternal life through salvation.  We are blessed and honored to be given the opportunity to bring encouragement to those who know the Lord and more importantly, to use music to reach those who have not yet experienced the joy of those who are saved by grace.

The Griffins bring musical background of more than four decades to their ministry.  Together the trio's close harmonies and worshipful melodies combine to be musical salt and light to a world still searching for answers to the ultimate questions of life.  No venue is too large or small.

Genre: Contemporary Gospel / Pop

Booking Information:

Griffin Ministries

200 W Arlington St.

Gladstone, OR  97027

(503) 656-2784


Click here for an audio sample  

"Pressing Toward The Mark..."  Philippians 3:12-14


Golden Gate


Seminary Offers Training for Local Pastors and Lay Leaders

By Mark Bradley, Director, Pacific Northwest Campus of Golden Gate Seminary


Pastors and other church leaders in Interstate Baptist Association have a valuable opportunity for seminary training within easy driving distance of their field of service. This was the impetus behind the founding of the Pacific Northwest Campus in 1980. The presence of the seminary in the Portland/Vancouver area has made it possible for many dozens of us to pursue our degrees without needing to move to California or the South. Such was the case for me, as I was elected pastor of Beavercreek Baptist Church the day before I began my Master of Divinity studies, and was able to apply lessons from the classroom to practical ministry week after week throughout my course of study. At our campus we offer every course necessary to earn the Master of Divinity, the Master of Theological Studies, and the Diploma in Theology. The fall semester begins August 22. The admissions application is due July 15. IBA has some scholarship funds for continuing adult education. Contact Brent Pound for more information about that. He can be reached at 503-452-2930 ext 108; 503-421-1802; or brent@interstatebaptist.org. After students have earned 15 credits with us, they also become eligible for scholarships through the Northwest Baptist Foundation.


Our fall schedule of classes is as follows. We'll offer the following courses on Mondays: Intro to Hebrew; Basic Evangelism; Intro to Old Testament I; and Pastoral Ministry. On Tuesdays we'll have Ministry Management and Development; Biblical Hermeneutics; Leadership in Ministry Practicum; Christian Theology I; and Studies in Worship Leadership-Voice. Two courses will have "intensive" schedules (meeting two "weekends," each consisting of a Thursday afternoon, all day Friday, and Saturday morning): Foundations for Ministry; and Historical-Theological Integrative Seminar. All these classes meet at our campus, which we share with the Northwest Baptist Convention, at 3200 NE 109th Avenue, Vancouver, WA.


Lay leaders and teachers may want to consider pursuing the Bible Teaching Certificate. It consists of Intro to Old Testament I and II; Intro to New Testament I and II; and Principles and Approaches to Bible Teaching. That's 5 courses of 15 credits total. If you're available to attend class during the day, you could begin this fall with Intro to Old Testament I on Mondays from 8:00-11:20 a.m. If your work schedule doesn't allow that, all five courses comprising the Bible Teaching Certificate are available online.


Please contact our office with any questions or to begin the application process. You can reach Sonya at 360-882-2200 or pnwc-info@ggbts.edu; or Mark at 509-432-3664 or markb@nwbaptist.org. The seminary website is www.ggbts.edu.

"Pressing Toward The Mark..."  Philippians 3:12-14

Thank you for reading.  If there is something you would like to see and/or would like to add to the IBA Encourager Newsletter please send it to iba@interstatebaptist.org  attention IBA Encourager.  We would love to hear and share how God is working in your churches and communities. 



PO Box 19960

Portland, Oregon 97280

(503) 452-2930