February 1, 2011
In This Issue
Mission Express
Local Church News
Prayer Request
Leadership Development
Continuing Education
Church Minstry Review
Church Resource Review
IRS Info
To End All Wars
Disaster Relief



Making old things new - we are headed in a new direction!


The Nelle Johnson Offering was established to provide funds to enhance our serving  and giving locally and to the world as an Association.


This year's offering will be used as follows:


Mission Action - Provides flexiblilty in providing assistance to Churches or individuals in need.  This also allows the flexibility reach a little further in disaster relief and services that are available.


IBA Continuing Education Fund - Provides scholarship funds that benefit Northwest Pastors, Pastor's Family and Ministry Leaders to attend seminary, complete under-graduate studies, and etc.


Brochures will be available for distribution to the churches in March. 


Offering Goal for 2011:

This offering can be collected and turned in year round.  We will also have the Associational Week with Nelle Johnson Offering as the emphasis in May.





 Missionary Moments:


ANDY LEININGER works in coop-eration with the Russian Baptist Union to esablish leaders for new rehabilitaion centers. In the past year, he has been training the leaders of rehabilitation cen-ters to help other Russians recover from alcohol and sub- stance addiction. These 18 new believers are either recovering addicts themselves or have a relative suffering from addiction. In one year, Andy celebrated with 42 new believers. Thanks to your commitment to reaching people through CP, Andy is able to incorporate into his training a program called Celebrating Recovery. It's designed to help those in bondage by introducing them to freedom in Christ. Nearly 75 percent of Russians are affected by personal addiction or addiction in their families. Please pray for Andy and his national partners as they continue to minister to the peoples of Russia.




California is home to about 37 million people who speak more than 200 different languages. Approximately 40 percent of the population speak another lang- uage or are bilingual at home. As North American church planting missionaries, HOWARD and TINA BURKHART help start new churches and ministries among the many ethnic groups in California, primarily in the San Francisco Bay Area and in San Diego. The Burkharts know the job is too big for them, but with our prayer and constant support through the Cooperative Program (CP), they can fulfill God's call. This week, pray for God to send a Japanese church planter to San Diego, and several Vietnamese church planters for 10 churches to be planted in California.

Follow-up Links


Over the years, February for me has always been a bland, flat kind of month, of course with the exception of Valentine's Day and spending it with my wife.  However, this year it appears to be a little different.  This month I have the opportunity to spend Monday nights and Wednesday nights with two churches talking with parents and teens about living a life of purity.  I also have the privilege with four other pastors in the association to affirm a brother in Christ, called into ministry and participate in his ordination service.  And, to end the month traveling to Atlanta with my wife to learn and hear what NAMB's plans are for the future.

Going Forward Update - February

  • IBA Continuing Education Program - with your support we were able to help 6 pastors and leaders continue on with their education.  Five of these individuals are attending the PNWC of Golden Gate Seminary, and one will be attending Southern Seminary in Kentucky.
  • Supplemental Assistance - With your help we have been able to assist 7 of our fellow churches as they have begun, or needed continued help with development of their new ministries and/or new congregations.
  • We are continuing to update the website.
  • E-source - upload will begin.  E-source is an electronic library of Bible Studies, Personal resources, Associational resources, Training materials, services and job postings.  We will be sending each church a form that will allow us to obtain the information we need to build this database.  Watch your mail, or email it is coming to you soon.
  • Local church mission opportunities, and needs - You will receive information about fellow IBA churches that have events, and or needs where they could use help.  This will be a way to come together, but also provide local mission/ministry opportunities for our churches to get involved.  If you or your church would like to share your events and needs that you could use help on please contact us at iba@interstatebaptist.org.

The association has had a worthy past, now a new beginning to a significant present ministry.  This is my outlook as we look to the future.


"Churches Coming Together To Help One Another!"



Church NewsEmmanuel Baptist Church, The Dalles  
Tim Foster has resigned as pastor effective February 20. He has accepted the pastorate at First Baptist Church in Myrtle Creek. Tim has been at Emmanuel for twenty-three years. During his tenure, he has been actively involved in the work of our association, serving as moderator and Boy's Camp Director, and Gorge Zone representative. Tim and his family will be greatly missed as they follow God's leading to a new ministry.
Clackamas Valley Baptist
February 8th at 6:00pm - Dr. Ashley will be discussing a different approach and  leadership team model, and helping Clackamas Valley throughwhat is a called a leadership team transition.  The information and resources that will be shared by Dr. Ashley could prove to be very helpful for you and your church.  Clackamas Valley has been gracious enough to let us offer this opportunity for you and your leades to attend.
First Baptist Vernonia 

Ordination service will be held for John Murray at First Baptist Church on February 13.

To share your church's news items or upcoming events, you may send your information to iba@interstatebaptist.org and we will include it in The Encourager.

"Churches Coming Together To Help One Another!"



Prayer NeedsPlease pray for SARA WISDOM. After noticing some additional and different pain in recent weeks, Sara had a bone scan last Monday. Her doctor called Thursday night and gave her a written report Friday that revealed "new lesions in multiple sites of her body," in addition to known spots being "enlarged and active."


In the phone conversation with her doctor, he suggested she could receive some additional chemotherapy, or they could monitor her closely and continue treat the pain with medication (Vicodin).


Unfortunately her doctor is out much of this week and the soonest she can be seen is next Wednesday, February 2.


Please pray for her as she meets with the doctor and makes decisions relative to treatment. Sara appreciates the prayer and emotional support she is receiving. She shares that God is showing His presence every day.


Her computer is down right now, so she is unable to open emails. If you wish to contact her, she can be reached by phone at 360.885.9527. Her mailing address is: 8900 NE 36th St. #2, Vancouver, WA 98662.




ELLEN HITT fell and broke the topmost vertebra in her neck in two places on September 29. She has been wearing a halo brace ever since, four months. At her recent checkup they found there was NO NEW BONE GROWTH at the fracture sites. Surgery is the next step. As you can imagine, this is a huge setback for Ellen and the family. Be praying for all of them, and for the surgery to be effective in healing these breaks.

"Churches Coming Together To Help One Another!"



Communicating For A Change Part 15


Face Down


As communicators we all get stuck once in a while.  By stuck I mean that deep into preparation you realize that your continuing to add information but it's not really taking you anywhere.  For those of us that communicate weekly, getting stuck can be a terrifying thing.  Sunday's coming whether we have anything significant to say or not.  People are going to show up expecting to hear something they have never heard before.  Some of'em will even bring friends. So we can't afford to stay stuck long.

So what can we do when we get stuck? (What is about to be shared is elementary, but very helpful!)

The first thing we can do when we get stuck is pray.  I am not talking about a quick, Help me Lord, Sunday's a comin' prayer.  I am talking about physically getting up from your place of study and heading towards your prayer closet, a place where you can be alone with God free from all distractions. 

While you are there ask God what is it that you want me to say, and to prepare you for what He wants you to communicate.  Surrender your ideas, outline, and topic.  Then stay there until He quiets your heart.  Remember, at the end of the day, it is God who empowers people to change.  It is the Holy Spirit who opens the eye of the heart.  It is our Savior who gives men and women the courage to love and forgive.  We are just simply the mouthpiece.  Getting stuck is just one way God uses to remind us of this fact.

If we don't stop and pray, the pressure to get the message finished will override my passion to bring something fresh and clear to my audience.  If we ignore the impulse to pray, we will find ourselves churning out information rather than creating an easy to follow journey for the listener.

Now, just in case you are wondering, I am not saying that this is the only time you pray.  You should pray before, during, and after, but the above is what we can do if we are stuck.

*Information compiled from Andy Stanley's Communicating For A Change." 



"Churches Coming Together To Help One Another!"



Golden Gate
If you have a degree, or are looking to attend some seminary courses near home in the Portland, Vancouver area you can receive information on the Pacific Northwest Campus of Golden Gate Seminary in Vancouver, WA  Please contact Mark Bradley at markb@nwbaptist.org.


"Churches Coming Together To Help One Another!"



Super Bowl Outreach
By: Texan Staff
Texan Publication January 18th, 2011


Southern Baptists of Texas Convention is one of several Baptist organizations working to bring the message of Jesus Christ to those who flock to Dallas-Fort Worth the week of the Super Bowl.


Arguably the worlds greatest single-game sports event, the Super Bowl's 45th contest, to be played Feb. 6 at Cowboys Stadium in Arlington, is epeected to nearly 150,000 visitors to DFW.  The SBTC, along with NAMB, Baptist General Convention of Texas, Tarrant Baptist Association and Dallas Baptist Association are joining forces in "Reach 45: The Big Game Evangelism Project."


Included in the Reach 45 events are:

  • A "Million-Card Giveaway" in conjunction with the "I Am Second" organization the weekend of the Super Bowl
  • 'I Am Second" church-based discussion groups
  • A "Souper Bowl Caring" service blitz
  • Community Watch Party in Arlington
  • Traffick 911's anti-human trafficking tailgate party
  • An NFL-sanctioned Athlete's in Action Super Bowl Breakfast.

The momentum of the Super Bowl event allows churches to point people to the positive examples in sports and to the good news of Christ.


To sign up for the event participation or learn more about the outreach and what your church can do locally visit www.reach45.com


 Soul Shapers 1

 Consignment Orders


VBS Consignment Order Forms are now available.  To request the order form, please email bevsjackson@frontier.com.


When you order your VBS materials through IBA you achieve the following:

  • You save shipping costs and can have your order waiting for you at the February 5th Event. 
  • You support our local Beaverton LifeWay store.
  • You support IBA training since the association receives a 15% consignment fee.


If you did not turn in your request by the January 20th deadline for pickup at the February 5th VBS Preview, you may place your orders  at the Feb 5th event or you can email them to Bev by 2/10/2011.


If you do not attend the meeting or you place your order after 1/20, you can pick up your order at the Beaverton LifeWay store.  If you need assistance with picking up your order, contact Bev.



Training Opportunities...


Reaching Kids Through Special Events PLUS

2011 VBS Preview

February 5, 2011

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Lunch Provided

Beaverton First Baptist Church

5755 SW Erickson Ave.

Beaverton, OR 97005


Northwest Baptist Kids Ministry Training

"Delight in the Journey". 

March 4, 2011, 2:00 pm - March 5, 2011, 3:00 pm

Greater Gresham Baptist Church

More information will be coming


VBS Training

For all church Leaders, Teachers, and Helpers

April 16, 2011

9:30 - 12:30

NW Baptist Building

3200 NE 109th

Vancouver, WA 98682




Web DesignWeb Design


Does your churches website need to be freshened up, or does your church need a web presence?  Please fill out the questionnaire and submit it to iba@interstatebaptist.org and let us help you find the best solution and pricing.



Good News MinistriesGNM


Exist to aid churches in impacting communities to further the kingdom by serving with Christ, training in Christ, evangelizing for Christ and playing with a purpose to show all that there is joy in ministering and serving Christ.


Every ministry opportunity or resource produced by this ministry will be creative, of high quality, and effective.  We do not want to deal just in ministry events and opportunities, but to help and partner with churches and organizations to develop custom ministry tools and solutions for where God has placed them.


For 2011 we currently have 2 available spots for sports camp and 8 available openings for our 6 week leadership development program. We can also schedule paint ball events at your place or ours and offer block party consultation. For more information or to schedule one of our events, please call us (360-687-8905) or visit our website (www.gnm.name).


"Churches Coming Together To Help One Another!"



Mike Malody pastors Emmanuel Baptist Church in Pasco, WA. He is a former IRS employee (last couple years as an auditor) as well as having owned a tax preparation business. He is offering his services to assist clergy and religious workers in their tax preparations. (For more information, click here).






Beginning January 1, 2011, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (including vans, pickups or panel trucks) will be: 



      51 cents per mile for business miles driven

      19 cents per mile driven for medical or moving purposes; and

      14 cents per mile driven in service for charitable organizations

"Churches Coming Together To Help One Another!"



Church AdministratorLifeWay Christian Resources and the National Association of Southern Baptist Secretaries (NASBS) are hosting the 2011 National Meeting for Ministry Assistants, April 27-29, 2011, at First Baptist Church, Sevierville, Tennessee. This event only happens every other year; so pastors and ministerial staff, make your plans now for your ministry assistants attend this year. The theme for the event is "What Is Your JOY?" This event offers office professional training, worship, inspiration, personal renewal, and fellowship with ministry assistants from across the United States. A separate track will also be offered for Professional Course Certification for Ministry Assistants. This is a great way for your church or association to recognize your ministry assistants(s) during Office Professionals week.  For more information, go to www.lifeway.com/event/132/ or www.nasbs.net.



CancelledThe Ministry Assistant Professionals (MAPs)  Meeting scheduled for March 11-12, 2011 has been cancelled. The 2012 meeting will be held March 9-10, so Ministry Assistants, be sure and put this date on your calendar.

"Churches Coming Together To Help One Another!"

To End All Wars 

I'm excited to let you know that WingClips and its partners have obtained the rights to the powerful film To End All Wars, and we have recently finished re-editing an all-new Director's Cut. This film had such a personal impact on me that I changed professions and started WingClips.com with the mission of helping to promote movies with redemptive stories like this one.


The message of To End All Wars is rooted in the true events that took place during World War II, when Allied P.O.W's were forced by their Japanese captors to build a railroad through a treacherous jungle. Stripped of their dignity and desperate to survive the inhumane conditions, these men bonded together through their suffering with a newfound faith in God and a love for their enemy. Experiencing the transformational power of Christ, stripped of all of man's religion, they became free to forgive and sacrifice for each other. This inspiring film leaves a lasting impression of what our soul truly longs for.


We are so passionate about the film that we want to partner with you to showcase the Director's Cut of To End All Wars in your community. Let's help share the only message that will ever be able to "end all wars." You can bring this film to your community as an incredible outreach event for Easter.


Click here to watch the trailer and get more information.


Mitch Irion

President & Founder

WingClips.com and WingCinema.com 

"Churches Coming Together To Help One Another!"





  1. Pneumatic Can Opener
  2. Air Compressor
  3. Generator 6KW Minimum
  4. Hose Holder
  5. Large Drawer Tool Chest
  6. Commercial Coffee Maker
  7. Tent (Large enough for tables and chairs as Break Area)
  8. Tall Patio Heaters (5)
  9. High Pressure Hose Nozzles
  10. Easels (for white boards) w/tray
  11. Motion Sensor or foot controlled hand wash sink
  12. Milk Crates
  13. Shower Trailer
  14. A CO-OP Building to store trailers. We have land at a church but need money to build.
  15. New tires for kitchen trailer
  16. New brakes for kitchen trailer

 Thank you all for your support of the Disaster Relief Ministry.




Dave Hillison

IBA Disaster Relief Coordinator


"Pressing Toward The Mark..."  Philippians 3:12-14

Thank you for reading.  If there is something you would like to see and/or would like to add to the IBA Encourager Newsletter please send it to iba@interstatebaptist.org  attention IBA Encourager.  We would love to hear and share how God is working in your churches and communities. 


PO Box 19960
Portland, Oregon 97280
(503) 452-2930