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Small pumpkins

Co-op Community ENEWS
An e-publication with your good health in mind                  October 2011    

Celebrate Co-op Month  Devon Pena


Land for Food, Food for People: An afternoon for food sovereignty and land access

Sunday, October 9, 2-6 pm

$20 for entire event (includes movie). Tickets available at both Co-ops, Pickford Film Center box office, or


This inspirational event starts at the Pickford Film Center for a showing of The Garden, followed by a procession to the American Museum of Radio and Electricity for refreshments and a presentation by Devon Pena of The Acequia Institute. See more details on the Facebook event page. Music and dancing led by the Seattle Fandango Project follow. 


Hat basket apples
Owner Appreciation Days 

Saturday, October 8, noon-3 pm, Downtown Co-op

Saturday, October 22, noon-3 pm, Cordata Co-op 


Everyone's favorite day in the store. Let us treat you to live music, prize giveaways, lots of important information, and a chance to meet local vendors and sample food.   


In This Issue
Doctober at the Pickford
Hors d'Oeuvres with Directors
Village Book Readings
Pesticides in Food
FoodCorps-Youth & Food
Co-op Visioning
Laurent Martel
Healthy Connections Classes


Cardiovascular Health

with Jim Ehmke, CN

Monday, October 3

Downtown Co-op


Season of Squash

with Charles Claassen

Tuesday, October 4

Downtown Co-op


Washington Wines

with Laurent Martel

Wednesday, October 5

Cordata Co-op


Make Your Own Gluten-free Raw Crackers

with Elizabeth Cardarelli

Monday, October 10

Downtown Co-op


Wines of Chile and Argentina

with Laurent Martel

Wednesday, October 12

Cordata Co-op


To Burma and Back

with Pannobhasa Bhikku (formerly J.D. Reynolds)

Thursday, October 13

Downtown Co-op


Hormone Health

with Mystique Grobe, ND

Monday, October 17

Downtown Co-op


Stop Pain Naturally

with Terry Lemerond

Tuesday, October 18

Cordata Co-op


Accent on Asia:
Local Fusion

with Mary Ellen Carter

Wednesday, October 19

Cordata Co-op


Mineral Rich Broths

with Daravan Marith, Tanja Kanoa, and Carla Witham

Thursday, October 20

Downtown Co-op


African Kitchen

with Assefa Kebede

Monday, October 24

Cordata Co-op


The Mexican Kitchen:
Dia de los Muertos

with Ana Jackson,

Tuesday, October 25

Cordata Co-op


Biotechnology, Food, and Consumer Choice

with Chris Keefe and Matia Jones

Tuesday, October 25

Downtown Co-op


Healthy Aging Strategies

with Richard Tran, DC

Wednesday, October 26

Cordata Co-op


Bone Health

with Jim Ehmke

Thursday, October 27

Downtown Co-op


Italian Classics: Gnocchi and Risotto

with Gavin Rappe

Wednesday, November 2

Cordata Co-op


Check our website and newsletter for the full lineup of great classes. 

Favorite Recipes
Find recipes for your favorite Co-op deli salads, entrees, and bakery items on our website.

Follow our Sassy Sampler blog and pick up her tested recipes in store and online.
It Pays to be
a Co-op Member

Membership benefits include:

- Periodic discounts and special offers

- Special order pricing on bulk purchases

- Member discounts with local business partners

- Member pricing for classes

- Opportunity to participate in governance


Quick Links
See Member-owner Deals  

on our website 

or stop by the service desk.

Pick up Your Monthly
in the Store

or read it on our website 

Community Shopping Day Update

Thanks to everyone who shopped on Saturday, September 17. Because of you we donated $1,598.62 to the Whatcom County Library Foundation.

Doctober at the Pickford Film Centermovie tickets


The Co-op is co-sponsoring a slate of food and farming documentaries at our awesome local theater-the Pickford Film Center.  

  • October4-5 El Bulli
  • October 6 Truck Farm
  • October 9 The Garden (see event info above)  
  • October 25 The Greenhorns
    (hosted by Sustainable Connections; meet the film directors!)
  • October 29 Food Stamped
HorsWithDirHors d'Oeuvres with Directors:
Building a Resilient Co-op Future


Thursday, October 20, 6-8 pm, YWCA Crystal Ballroom
Free Event - Registration Required

Sign up at the service desk at either store


Our strategic planning process is off to a fantastic start, and we're looking forward to your help with a formal launch at this October's Hors d'oeuvres with Directors. This is an evening for thinking outside the box; exploring possibilities and opportunities that are not yet part of our everyday work as a co-op, but will lead us into a resilient future. The event starts with a delicious array of appetizers provided by the Co-op deli, and featuring Whatcom County producers.

Grant/Scholarship for Organic Family Farms  Organic veggies


Lundberg Family Farms� has launched a new initiative that will award up to $50,000 total in grants and scholarships. Aspiring commercial organic family farmers can submit a 500-word essay in one of three categories: 

  • Seed money for equipment, supplies or repairs
  • Education funding towards schooling or conference registration
  • Mentorship with experts in business planning, marketing, retail, livestock management or crop planning.

 For details, see Raising Organic Family Farms Program. The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2011.


Author Readings at
Village Books


In honor of Co-op Month, the Co-op is co-sponsoring these author events with Village Books

  • October 5 Dr. Kim Sandstrom, Natural Healthcare Series: Backyard Herbal Medicine and Botanical Immune Support
  • October 17 Oran Hesterman, Fair Food: Growing a Healthy, Sustainable Food System for All
  • October 18 Greg Atkinson, At the Kitchen Table: The Craft of Cooking at Home

Pesticides in Food Linked to ADHD in KidsADHD

Levels of pesticides commonly encountered across the country in food as well as around the home are significantly increasing children's risk of developing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and could be causing an increase in the number of children living with the condition, according to new research published in the journal Pediatrics.


"For most people, diet is the predominant source. It's been shown that people who switch to an organic diet knock down the levels of pesticide by-products in their urine by 85 to 90 percent," says pediatrician and public health expert Phil Landrigan MD.


For the full story, see the Rodale Institute

Food CorpsFoodCorps-Youth & Food


The FoodCorps helps vulnerable kids learn to love healthy food-for life. At the core of their work is a cadre of young leaders who spend a year living in limited-resource communities.

Their Service Members teach nutrition, grow school gardens, and get healthy, local food into school lunch. In the process, they help combat childhood obesity and diet-related disease. There are many exciting ways to get involved in FoodCorps. They're always looking for friends to:

  • Support their work through sponsorships and donations
  • Volunteer alongside their Service Members in the field
  • Apply for a Garden Grant for a project in your community
  • Mentor Service Members for careers in food and health
  • Tweet and Like them on Facebook to spread the word
  • Connect with our community to stay informed
staff meeting

Co-op Staff Participates in Visioning our Future


The Co-op closed its doors early on Sunday, September 18, to host an all-staff meeting. After a brief update from our management team on the state of the Co-op, staff participated in a visioning activity led by Co-op Board Member Megan Westgate and Co-op Member Involvement Facilitator Holly O'Neil. Staff gathered in small groups to brainstorm ideas on six topics relating to a 10-year-plan currently in development by the BOD's Strategic Planning Committee.  


Co-op owners will have an opportunity to participate in a similar activity at our upcoming Hors d'Oeuvres with the Directors event on October 20 (advance registration required; see event info above).


food iphone app

Fooducate--a New App

Do you want your family to eat better food? Are you confused by ingredient lists, nutrition labels, health claims, and marketing hype? Just pick up a product from the shelf, scan it with your iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad, and let Fooducate do the rest.


Fooducate analyzes information found in each product's nutrition panel and ingredient list--learn about excessive sugar, tricky trans fats, additives and preservatives, high fructose corn syrup , and controversial food colorings.


This new app has more than 200,000 unique UPCs to help you scan and choose healthy groceries. Not affiliated with food manufacturers, Fooducate is like having a dietitian on speed dial. For more information, see their website or find them on Facebook.  

Upcoming Events


Owner Appreciation Days
Saturday, October 8, noon-3 pm, Downtown Co-op
Saturday, October 22, noon-3 pm, Cordata Co-op

Land for Food, Food for People
Sunday, October 9, 2-6 pm
Pickford Film Center and American Museum of Radio & Electricity

Board of Directors monthly meeting

Wednesday, October 12, 7 pm, Downtown Co-op Connections Building

Community Shopping Day: United Blind of Whatcom County
Saturday, October 15, all day at both stores

Hors d'Oeuvres with the Directors
Thursday, October 20, 6-8 pm, YWCA Ballroom, Registration required

3rd Thursday Local Music Series: Pretty Little Feet
Thursday, October 20, 6-8 pm, Downtown Co-op Cafe

Member Affairs Committee monthly meeting
Wednesday, October 26, 5:15 pm, Downtown Co-op Connections Building


The Nutritionist Is In

Wednesday, October 26, 4-6 pm, Downtown Co-op

Thursday, October 27, 3-5 pm, Cordata Co-op 

Meet with Co-op Nutritionist Tom Malterre, MS, CN, for answers to your nutrition questions.


Archive E-newsletters from the Co-op

Read previous issues of our enews at this Archive Homepage.

Tell us what you'd like to see in this e-newsletter.

Forward suggestions to Diana Campbell, Newsletter, E-news, and Web Editor