2012 final Masthead

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 Vol. 2 - No. 12 - September 19, 2011

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K&L Gatesium 



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Northrop Logo 2012  




EE Times Logo 



New Scientist



Popular Mechanics Logo  



Popular Science Logo



Scientific American Logo









Larry and Diane Bock Logo

NIH Logo



Farrell Logo
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Life Technologies Foundation


 NSF logo




epoch times 







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PBS Kids

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   Crazy Engineers Logo 



Forbes Wolfe





Physics Today logo

Planetary Society

School Tube

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JHU Applied Physics


 Baxter Logo


Purdue Univ












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Do You Love Science? Have a Twitter Account? Want to help 4000 students come to the Expo?



Constellation Energy is running a "tweet" promotion of the USA Science & Engineering Festival and the Constellation E2 Grants program from Monday, September 19 until Monday, September 26.  


For each twitter user's "re-tweet" Constellation Energy will donate $10 to the USA Science Festival (up to $10,000). And here is something to sweeten the deal. For every $10 raised, the Festival will match $10 so we have the potential of raising $20,000!!! This money will be used for bus grants for inner city Washington DC students to come to the Expo. If we can get 1,000 RTs, that means $20,000 to bring 4,000 student to the Expo. So follow us on Twitter @USAScienceFest all week and whenever you see this tweet please get RETWEETING!!!


Starting today:

1) Find the tweet here and retweet it

2) Follow us on Twitter all week @USAScienceFest and RT the following tweet as often as you see it!

Pls RT @ConstellationEG E2 Grants program http://bit.ly/rjYq76 will donate $10 per RT up to $10K to @USAScienceFest


3) Visit @ConstellationEG, look for the tweet and retweet it.


4)Tell your Followers to do the same. 


It's as simple as that. Help us to bring 4000 students to the Expo!  




And in Other Important Festival News...

Preregister for the Expo to win a cool prize! 

Let us know that you are planning to attend the Expo, and you will automatically be signed up to win an iPad 2, 5 Tickets to a special Meet & Greet with Jamie Hyneman and Adam Savage, or 1 of 50 T-shirts! You don't have to preregister to attend the Festival Expo, but you will have a chance to win a cool prize while letting us know a little about who will be attending. 

Click Here to preregister now!   


Informational Festival Webinar  

If you haven't done so already, join us for an informational Webinar! We will outline the plans for the upcoming 2nd USA Science & Engineering Festival Finale Expo. SIGN UP now for the next scheduled Webinar by filling out a short online registration form. You will receive a confirmation and dial-in information/instructions after you have registered.

webinar button


Upcoming Webinar Dates:

Thursday, September 22 

Thursday, October 6  

* All calls will be held from 1:30 - 2:30 PM ET


Can't make it to the next Webinar? You can watch the last Webinar by Clicking Here!   


Immerse Yourself in the Fascinating Worlds of Richard Garriott! 

Richard GarriotRichard Garriott is a highly successful video game developer (his Ultima game series remains one of the most highest earning and longest running franchises in entertainment software history), but he is also known for making space travel history three years ago.  In October 2008 he traveled aboard a Russian spacecraft to the International Space Station as a self-funded tourist, becoming the first private citizen to fly in Earth's orbit. In doing so, Richard also became the first child of an American astronaut to travel in space. (His father Owen Garriott completed two space missions during his career at NASA in the 1970s.)



Join us as Richard takes us inside that historic mission, and the fascinating world of videogame development! To see our exciting line-up of 2nd Festival Finale Expo performers, Click Here

Expo's Lineup of Performers and Stage Shows Are Sure to Dazzle and Wow You!

From exploring the wonders and mystery of science through funky hip-hop beats, Harry Potter and Hollywood action thrillers to expanding your mind with math wizards, magicians, comedians, and cool astronomers investigating extraterrestrial life - get ready for a learning adventure!  

Here is just a sampling of what we have in store for you at the Festival Finale Expo on April 28-29, 2012:

The Science of Illusion: Is seeing really believing? In a fascinating presentation involving optical illusions and other techniques, Dr. Beau Lotto (whose Lottolab Studio is the world's first public space dedicated to perception research) reveals how perception underpins everything that we feel, think and believe.  


Marc Spiegel Reviving Some of History's Greatest Scientific Minds:Through the art of storytelling and dramatic acting, the Expo will bring to life on stage such legendary minds as Einstein (portrayed by Marc Spiegel), Benjamin Franklin (characterized by Barry Stevens), and many others.

Hollywood Movies: How Realistic are the Physics?: With Adam Weiner, review video clip scenes of some the most popular Hollywood action and science fiction films. And then, armed with a few fundamental principles of physics, determine just how realistic these scenes are!

Jump RoperGetting in Shape With the Rope Warrior: In a performance that takes you inside the "Science of Rope Jumping," David Fisher (aka The Rope Warrior),who holds the Guinness record as the world's fastest rope jumper, answers such questions as: What muscles do we use when rope jumping, What is aerobic exercise, and How we can calculate the speed of a jump rope.

Science and the Magic of Harry Potter: In a way youAlan McCormick won't forget, Dr. Alan McCormack uses magic and scientific demonstrations to highlight adventures of Harry Potter in the worldwide children's literature series. Moaning Myrtle, Fawkes the Phoenix, and Hedwig the Owl will be guests!

"Out-Calculating" a Calculator with Arthur Benjamin: See this mathemagician" and math whiz beat an electronic calculator in figuring out the weekday of any date in history. He also shares with students and others how they can apply similar skills in making math fun!

Funky 49Hangin' With Rapper funky49: Science enthusiast funky49 (aka Steve Rush) brings the acid with the BASS for a highly reactive hip-hop performance with songs about how Ben Franklin is his BFF, the humble electron, how he is "Still Nerdy", and other tunes.

Space Aliens: What the Science Says: Dr. Seth Shostak, an astronomer involved in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI), explains what science can say about what real aliens might be like, and when we might find them in space.

The Science of Bubbles: In an area of study he termsBubbleology "Bubbleology," Keith Michael Johnson (as seen on the Discovery Channel's Time Warp), uses soap bubbles to explain liquids, solids and gasses, geometry, tension and pressure. And in this pursuit, Keith also builds beautiful bubble sculptural creations with enthusiasm, humor and style!

For an entire listing of the Expo's Performances and Stage Shows that are scheduled to date, Click Here  

To all science & engineering organizations in the greater Washington DC area: We are now accepting proposals for Festival events to be held March 1 - April 27, 2012 

Now that preparations for the Expo are well under way, we are starting to plan the two months of Festival events leading up to the Expo. Our goal is to offer a lively mix of events for adults, teens, and younger children with 3-5 events per week. 

JugglersThe ideal Festival Event is fun and engaging with the science component incorporated in a clever or unusual way. Be it a workshop, family activity, scavenger hunt, open house, panel discussion, reading, movie screening, or performance, Festival Events are a great opportunity to show people of all ages and backgrounds how fascinating science and engineering can be. So have fun with it! Create an event that will attract people from all walks of life and give them a glimpse into the amazing world of science.  


Crowd WatchingAll events must be free to the general public (except for nominal charges to cover food and drinks) and host organizations will be responsible for organizing all aspects of the event. We will include your event information in the Festival newsletter and Online Event Calendar and help you brand it as part of the 2nd USA Science & Engineering Festival).


For more detailed information and to submit your proposal through our online form, click here.  


The deadline to submit proposals is December 30, 2011. We look forward to hearing from you!

Featured Author Theodore Gray will speak at the Festival Book Fair

GrayFestival Book Fair Featured Author Theodore Gray is the author of Popular Science magazine's "Gray Matter" column, founder and Creative Director of the leading ebook publisher Touch Press, proprietor of periodictable.com and creator of the iconic photographic periodic table poster seen in universities, schools, museums and TV shows from "MythBusters" to "Hannah Montana." His newest book is ELEMENTS VAULT. His other books, THE ELEMENTS and MAD SCIENCE, are international Elements Vault Bookbestsellers, as is the wildly popular THE ELEMENTS FOR iPAD ebook. Gray has spoken at companies ranging from Google to Microsoft, at the leading tech conference O'Reilly Tools of Change, and at museums across the country. Gray believes that science is not something practiced only in labs and universities - it's a way of looking at the world and seeing truth and beauty everywhere - and it's something you can do whether you are employed as a professional scientist or not.  


In his other life, Gray is co-founder of the software company Wolfram Research, creators of the world's leading technical software system, Mathematica�, and WolframAlpha™. He lives in Champaign-Urbana, Illinois.  


To learn about other Featured Festival Book Fair Authors, Click here.  

Book Fair Logo 

The NIH Returns! From Mind- Blowing 3-D Journeys Through
the Body to Demonstrating Medical Science in Action 

The National Institutes of Health (NIH), the world'sNIH Logo foremost biomedical research center and the U.S. federal government's focal point for such research, is returning to the Festival as a major Sponsor and Exhibitor, bringing with it a bevy of high-caliber excitement in medical science that helped attract scores of visitors to last year's finale Expo.   


"After participating in 2010, there was really no question about our desire to return to the Festival," says Bruce Fuchs, Ph.D., Director, NIH Office of Science Education. "We got the chance last year to introduce some exciting new ways to communicate with students, teachers and others about science - and we're looking to build upon that at next year's Expo."


Adds Dave Vannier, Ph.D., NIH Office of Science Education: "It was great to see that NIH exhibits and demonstrations were so well attended last year, and through these exchanges NIH benefited as well, both internally and externally. The Festival gave us a chance to interact with the public like never before through engaging hands-on activities (which involved 22 or NIH's 27 entities and more than 400 NIH volunteers), helping us to better inform people of what NIH is all about."


In addition, Francis Collins, M.D., Ph.D., the eminent Director of NIH, also took an active role in activities last year by not only performing his catchy songs on DNA and science at a special Expo stage show, but by also personally visiting individual NIH exhibits and meeting visitors.  


For its Expo participation in 2012 at the Washington. DC Convention Center, NIH will be taking steps to enhance the excitement of its presentations. "One such adjustment will involve us holding all our exhibits and demonstrations indoors at the Convention Center, enabling us to use more high-tech equipment," says Bruce.  


Here's a sampling of the cool hands-on NIH presentations from last year's Expo. Look for these and more in 2012 - all designed to wow and inform you about how innovations in medicine and science are improving health worldwide:


Happy GirlExperience a day in the life of an NIH medical researcher! Learn the process behind clinical studies. Perform medical examinations using ultrasound; find out your body composition using the latest bioelectrical equipment, and examine a real human brain.


See Mobile Lab Science in action! Immerse yourself inside two NIH partner labs - a DNA Mobile Lab which lets visitors experiment with real DNA, and a Cardio-Pulmonary Mobile Lab which will take you on a virtual thrill ride through the lungs.


Pique your imagination with engaging games and activities! Treat your brain to mind-bending optical illusions, a live science game show or have your picture taken with an infrared camera (including seeing the heat moving inside your body). In addition, play 3-D video games that put you right inside a human body battling microbes. Is your MP3 player too loud? Well, let Jolene, NIH's hearing robot, check it out!


CollinsHear Dr. Francis Collins perform on the big stage! Expand your knowledge of genetics when you hear renowned NIH Director Francis Collins, M.D., Ph.D., as he performs songs about the intriguing world of DNA. (Dr. Collins, a pioneering medical geneticist who once headed the Human Genome Project, is also known for his talents as a guitarist and for regaling audiences with original tunes about science.) And like last year, he will be on hand at NIH's Expo exhibits to meet the public!


And at the Festival's Book Fair, don't miss the chance to meet Terence Boylan, one of the original "Rocket Boys" of NIH, who will tell you what happened in 1957 when the NIH gave him and his friend $10 to build a rocket.


At the Book Fair, Terence will appear as a Nifty Fifty speaker where he will sign free copies of the Rocket Boys of NIH book and DVD, provide readings from the book, and give away copies of the book's rocket cartoon.


Science for Citizens

Are you looking for participants for your citizen science project? Seeking to connect people to citizen science projects affiliated with your satellite festival? Simply add a description of your citizen science project(s) to the ScienceForCitizens.net Project Finder so they can help recruit volunteers both locally and nationally!


ScienceForCitizens.net , a USASEF partner, connects regular people to science they should do.  This is the place to find out about, take part in, and contribute to science through recreational activities and research projects.  If you're a scientists or a representative of a citizen science organization or community group, this is the place to tell eager volunteers about your work and get them interested in helping out.Connecting Shot

Contact [email protected]  to explore additional opportunities to maximize your organization's citizen science efforts!

Authors & Publishers - Last Chance to Submit Books for USASEF Book Fair   

BooksThe Book Fair Committee will start the selection process for the remaining Featured Authors at the end of September.  Authors and publishers are encouraged to submit books about science, engineering, math or technology which appeal to a broad K-12 audience.  All books must have Books submitted through the  following form.  


See the full list of Book Fair Authors here
Email Book Fair questions to Laura Angle.

Book Fair Logo 

Join the Book Fair Selection Committee     

Book Fair LogoWe are looking for a group of Book enthusiasts to help us make Final Book Fair Author Selections.  The Book Fair Selection Committee's first meeting will be September 29th, 2011 at 6:30PM at the Richard Byrd Library.  To become a member of the Book Fair Selection Committee, send Laura Angle your contact information and area of interest and expertise.   


Successful Volunteer Meeting despite Hurricane Irene - Next Meeting Scheduled     

Volunteer Meeting - August Group 

Despite Hurricane Irene, we had an incredible Volunteer Outreach Team meeting with over 60 participants.  For those who couldn't attend due to power outages and fallen trees, we have our next Volunteer Outreach Team meeting scheduled for October 30th, 2-5pm at K&L Gates in Washington, DC.   New Volunteers and existing volunteers alike are encouraged to attend so that we can share ideas and strategies for spreading the word about the Festival.  To register for the meeting, Click Here! 


And Our Youth Volunteer Training
Was a Huge Success!


With over 15 participants, the Youth Public Speaking Workshop was a huge success!  K-12 Youth were able to learn about Festival contests and practice sharing their skills with one another and the adult Volunteer Outreach Team.  Great Job Youth!  All youth are enouraged to attend the next Volunteer Outreach Team meeting!  


Volunteer - YPSW Group 

New Sponsors of the Festival 

The Epoch Times 

An independent voice in media that reports news responsibly and truthfully, Epoch Times strives to deliver reliable information so their readers can understand current events and trends and grow to respect their neighbors next door and around the globe. The Epoch Times joins the 2012 Festival as a Media Sponsor at the Einsteinium Level. 


Life Technologies Foundation
As a non-profit arm of Life Technologies Corporation (NASDAQ:LIFE), Life Technologies Foundation is dedicated to recognizing the power of each scientist's contribution to improving the human condition. The Festival is thrilled to have Life Technologies as an Einsteinium Sponsor for this year's Festival. 


National Science Foundation 

Created by Congress in 1950, the National Science Foundation is a key to keeping the United States on the cutting edge of discovery in areas from astrology to geology to zoology. The Festival is honored to have the National Science Foundation as an Einsteinium Sponsor for the 2012 Festival. 


Washington FAMILY Magazine 

As the largest parenting publication in the Mid Atlantic Region, Washington FAMILY Magazine is an amazing resource for families, offering parents information on all aspects of family life including sections on Infants, Health and Wellness and Family Getaways. Washington FAMILY Magazines returns to this year's Festival as a Krypton Level Sponsor.  



Raytheon is a technology and innovation leader specializing in defense, homeland security and other government markets throughout the world. Through the hard work of their world class people and technology, Raytheon's goal is to become the most admired defense and aerospace systems company. The Festival is excited to have Raytheon as a Platinum Level Sponsor at this year's Festival. 


Society for Maintenance and Reliability Professionals (SMRP) 

SMRP, created by practitioners for practitioners, is a nonprofit professional society dedicated to providing value for individual practitioners as well as companies practicing and sustaining Maintenance and Reliability (M&R) best practices. The Festival is grateful to accept SMRP as a Platinum Level Sponsor. 


Polytech Institute of NYU 

Founded in 1854, Polytech Institute of New York University is the nation's second-oldest private engineering school. Polytech Institute of NYU is a comprehensive school of engineering, applied sciences, technology and research, and is rooted in a 156-year tradition of invention, innovation and entrepreneurship. Polytech Institute of NYU joins the Festival this year as a Titanium Level Sponsor.


SMU Caruth Institute for Engineering Education 

The Caruth Institute for Engineering Education sponsors a variety of programs designed to introduce students in grades K-12 to engineering. The programs, including The Infinity Project and STEM-Works, are vital to ensure the future of the engineering workforce. The Festival is honored to have SMU Caruth Institute for Engineering Education as a Titanium Level Sponsor for this year's Festival. 


University of Georgia

The University of Georgia is the state's oldest, most comprehensive, and most diversified institution of higher education. UGA's motto, "to teach, to serve, and to inquire into the nature of things," reflects the University's integral and unique role in the conservation and enhancement of the state's and nation's intellectual, cultural, and environmental heritage. UGA joins the Festival this year as a Titanium Level Sponsor. 


Vanderbilt University 

As one of the top ranked University's in the Nation, Vanderbilt University fosters entrepreneurial spirit as fiercely as it defends it's classic disciplines. Whether in class or overseas, students are motivated by humanity's needs as by their own. The Festival is thrilled to have Vanderbilt University as a Titanium Level Sponsor as this year's Festival. 


Upcoming Affiliate Festival Events

Georgia STEM Festival #1

Lawrenceville, Georgia 30044 USA    


Organized by:

Gilda Lyon 


Start Date: 10-14-2011 08:30 am

End Date:   10-15-2011 02:00 pm


Georgia STEM Festival 


26th Annual SEED - Science Education Enrichment Day

Aiken, South Carolina 29801 USA


Organized by:

Ruth Patrick Science Education Center


Start Date: 10-15-2011 10:00 am

End Date:   10-15-2011 03:00 pm


Celebrate Science! 


Science at the Santa Ana Zoo

Santa Ana, California 92705 USA

Organized by:

American Chemical Society, Orange County section

Start Date: 10-16-2011 10:00 am 
End Date:   10-16-2011 03:00 am    



A day of hands-on science for kids.


Manchester Science Festival

Manchester, Alabama M3 4FP United Kingdom 


Organized by:

Museum of Science and Industry


Start Date: 10-22-2011 09:00 am

End Date:   10-30-2011 11:00 pm


Cutting-edge research, the brightest minds and amazing events. 


Astronaut Lacy Veach Day of Discovery   Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 USA


Organized by: Hawaii Space Grant Consortium, University of Hawaii     
Start Date: 10-29-2011 08:00 am 
End Date:   10-29-2011 03:30 pm     
A day for families to experience science together!  


Discovery Day Open House

Tiburon, California 94920 USA


Organized by:

Romberg Tiburon Center


Start Date: 10-30-2011 11:00 am

End Date:   10-30-2011 04:00 pm


Sharing Science with Family & Friends!          

Exhibitors Signing up for Festival!

The Festival Finale Expo is officially larger than last year, with over 400 exhibitors signed up to date, and nearly 1300 booths reserved! Here are some of the exciting organizations who have signed up to exhibit at the 2nd USA Science & Engineering Finale Expo!  

  AMCA Logo   BOOST Logo GSA Logo 

     BIT Logo    Galileoscope Logo    Watchung Hills Logo

 MSC Shirt Logo     Sweet Briar College   Berkeley Lab 

PSA Logo      SSP Logo 

SME Logo  Verisign Logo     SLAC Logo

sponsorsThank You to our Palladium Sponsors

Academy of Model Aeronautics

American Mathematical Society

Biogen Idec

Children's National Medical Center

Draper Laboratory

Dassault Syst�mes Solidworks Corp. 

Destination DC

FEI Company


National Girls Collaborative Project

University of Massachusetts Lowell


Thank You to our Titanium Sponsors

Aerospace Corporation

American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA)  

American Society of Agronomy

American Society of Civil Engineers

American Society for Microbiology

Atlas Experiment at the Large Hadron Collider 

Big Kid Science

Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute  

Consortium for Ocean Leadership

Crop Science Society of America


Defense Threat Reduction Agency

DeVry University

The Engineering Place, North Carolina State University 


George Mason University

Georgetown University

George Washington University

Georgia Institute of Technology 

Idaho State University

James Madison University

Johns Hopkins University

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Michigan Tech Mind Trekkers

National Museum of Health and Medicine

North Carolina State University


Polytech Institute of NYU 

SMU Caruth Institute for Engineering Education

Society of American Military Engineers (SAME)

Soil Science Society of America

The Mars Society

The Pennsylvania State University  

Thirty Meter Telescope

United States Naval Academy
University of Florida 

University of Georgia

University of Rochester

Vanderbilt University

VCU School of Engineering


In-Kind Sponsors:

American Elements 



Visit us online at




Science Spark is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization responsible for creating the USA Science & Engineering Festival and several regional Festivals including the San Diego Science & Engineering Festival, Bay Area Science & Engineering Festival, Boston Science & Engineering Festival, Los Angeles Science & Engineering Festival, Chicago Science & Engineering Festival, Houston Science & Engineering Festival, Miami Science & Engineering Festival and the Philadelphia Science & Engineering Festival.