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Newsletter No. 7 - December 15, 2009         Forward to a Friend
Festival Dates:                             Expo on the National Mall:
10/10/10 - 10/24/10          10/23 & 10/24

With 300 organizations signed up to date, we are expecting the Expo on the National Mall to fill in January. If you haven't signed up already, contact us before the holidays to make sure you don't miss out.

To all Science Teachers, Music Teachers and Choir Directors in the greater Washington DC area: Sing The Powers of Ten on 10/10/10!

We are seeking a total of 500 singers of all ages to perform the science oratorio Powers of Ten on 10/10/10 and as part of the USA Science & Engineering Festival Expo on the National Mall. This is a great opportunity for music and science teachers to collaborate on a long-term project which culminates in your students' participation in the USA Science & Engineering Festival!


We are mainly seeking students ages 8-14, and a few adult choirs. Participation is not limited to existing choirs. In fact, this is a great way to get all your students, or all students from a particular grade, to participate in something they would otherwise never do. The composer of Powers of Ten, David Haines, will meet with participating groups in the spring to walk through the music. It is then up to you to prepare your group for the performance.

Powers of Ten an exploration in song of the universe at many different scales of magnitude from the smallest (in a song about string theory) up through the human scale (Hidden Highways, concerning the human circulatory system) to the planetary (songs about tectonic plates, global warming and the Earth as a whole) to the astronomical and cosmic (songs about the Moon, Sun, Solar System, Stars, Black Holes, Galaxies).  The oratorio is flexible but is generally performed with 20 to 22 songs, the whole performance lasting 60 to 75 minutes.  No single choir would need to learn all the numbers - each choir will take part in ten or twelve songs, of which 6 or 7 would be tutti choruses. Technically, the songs range from easy unison numbers to fairly challenging arrangements in 3, 4, 5 or 6 parts.

Interested? Please fill out our online form so we can share more information with you.

"Our poets do not write about it; Our artists do not try to portray this remarkable thing. I don't know why. Is no one inspired by our present picture of the universe? The value of science remains unsung by singers: you are reduced to hearing not a song or poem, but an evening lecture about it. This is not yet a scientific age."               --Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman

State of the Fest Address

State of the Fest Address

AP Photo: From left to right: Vice President Ruth Kiefer, President Larry Bock,
and Speaker of Larry's House, Diane Bock.

As we approach the end of the year, here's a review of what has been accomplished with your help over the first three months and what our goals are for the beginning of next year.


We have been laser-focused on the finale event of the USA Science & Engineering Festival: the two-day Expo on the National Mall on October 23rd and 24th, 2010.


Currently, over 300 Partner Organizations have committed to present fun, hands-on interactive science and engineering activities.  The exhibits are a true representation of the scientific and engineering outreach communities and span the entire gamut of sophistication from flight simulators and virtual reality environments to making virus structures with marshmallows and toothpicks.


Our Festival Partners include a grassroots collaboration of:


>75 Professional Science & Engineering Societies including the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, AAAS, American Physical Society, American Chemical Society, IEEE, Association for Women in Science, Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers, National Society of Black Physicists etc.


>75 Universities/Colleges/Research Institutes from 35 States including Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Georgetown, University of California San Diego, University of California Berkeley, Johns Hopkins, U.S. Naval Academy, Duke, University of Maryland, J. Craig Venter Research Institute, Carnegie Institute of Sciences etc.


>25 Government Agencies and Federal Laboratories including NSF, NIH, Department of Energy, NASA, USDA,  EPA, Office of Naval Research, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Fermi National Accelerator Facility etc.


>20 High Technology and Life Science Companies including Lockheed Martin, ResMed, Agilent, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, NuVasive, Hitachi, Amgen, SpaceX, Celgene, Dow Chemical etc.


>50 Informal Science Outreach Organizations including the Smithsonian, American Museum of Natural History, US Botanic Gardens, Marian Koshland Science Museum, E-week Foundation etc.


>25 Community Organizations including FIRST, Girls Inc., Boy Scouts, Earthday Network, National Girls Collaborative Project, Alliance for Climate Education etc.


>25 Local High Schools


We add three to five major organizations everyday. You can see the growing list at:


Our primary goal right now is recruiting more high tech and life science companies and DC-based community organizations as well as programs related to the science of "pop culture" such as NASCAR, National Football League, Marvel Comics, Hollywood, etc. We always appreciate your ideas so email Larry Bock at


We are well on the way to raising the necessary funds to put on the Festival.  We have secured over $900,000 in sponsorship and grants from a growing list of corporate, government and individual sponsors including Host Sponsor Lockheed Martin, the US Department of Energy, Larry & Diane Bock, Farrell Family Foundation, ResMed, Agilent Technologies, Amgen, Celgene, Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Sandia National Laboratory, You Can Do the Rubik's Cube, Genentech, NuVasive, FEI Company, and Silicon Valley Bank.
For sponsor benefits, click here.


As 2010 begins we will turn our attention to firming up the two weeks of Festival Programs leading up to the Expo.  In early January, we will start accepting proposals from Partner organizations to host Festival events.


We will also ask all Partner organizations to nominate a "Nifty Fifty" scientist. From this we will pick fifty of the most dynamic American scientists and engineers to present one assembly at a local middle or high school during the two weeks just prior to the Expo.  Start thinking about a scientist or engineer who can really (I mean really) get kids excited about science.


And we will begin to provide Partners with materials to help broadcast the Festival message.

We could not have accomplished this if not for our Advisory Board and growing list of volunteers who have been inspiring and helping us on a daily basis.  We would like to especially thank a few individuals who have gone above and beyond: Charles Britt, Ed Brogie, Juan Burciaga, Ines Cifuentes, Jennifer Collins, Leslie Collins, Lucinda Crabtree, Patti Curtis, Delta Esparza, Christopher Frew, Margaret Glass, James Hollenhorst, Toby Horn, Patrice Legro, Brian Malow, Stanley Maloy, Elizabeth Marincola, Lisa McDonald, Suzan Onel, Shawn Otto, Sheri Potter, Karen Roehr, Duane Roth, Stacey Rudolph, Brian Schwartz, Ed Shapiro, Judy Scotchmoor, Janet Sun and Carrie Wolinetz.

We would especially like to thank Dr. Ray O. Johnson and Lockheed Martin for their founding vision, support and encouragement in launching this unique event.

Have a Happy Holiday Season!

Larry Bock and Ruth Kiefer

Ray Johnson

Thanks, Ray, for your direction!

Explore Conservation and Sustainability

at the Expo on the National Mall!


How do we secure the future of our planet?
Do you know what happens to the trash you "throw away"?

How do you know if your local river, lake, or stream is healthy?

How do we know the earth is warming?

What can you do to reduce your carbon footprint?

How can we minimize the loss of species given the many threats to biodiversity on our planet?

 ACE Educator

Scientists around the world are working on answering these questions and so can you! Whether we are talking about climate change, the loss of species, or pollution: scientists play a key role in helping us understand the impact human activity has on the Earth and how to minimize that impact to sustain our planet for generations to come.


A thorough understanding of the natural world we live in is vital as we seek solutions to some of the greatest challenges we are facing. And choosing a career as a scientist or engineer is a great way to make a positive impact on the future of our planet! Here are some examples of conservation and sustainability-related stage shows and activities you can explore at the Expo:

Climate Change is Elementary

Climate Change is Elementary

Join us for some music, juggling and hands-on fun to help children and families understand what we can all do to reduce our carbon footprint and water use. Learn the
7 R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Reclaim, Repair, Respect, Re-empower. Have Lots of Fun, and leave with hope!

Biodiversity Conservation

by American Museum of Natural History

American Museum of Natural History_LogoJoin us on a journey through the rich diversity of life on Earth and learn how to sustain it. These activities will bring awareness about biodiversity-related issues that can help foster solutions for sustainability.

Talkin' Trash: You Can Make a Litter Difference
by Alice Ferguson Foundation

AliceFergusonfoundationLogoDo you know what happens to the trash you "throw away"? Try this hands-on challenge to see if you know how long it takes common household trash to "disappear" after being discarded.


Green Schools
by Earth Day Network

Earth Day Network

Did you know that green schools contribute significant health improvements for students, improved test scores, higher teacher retention, and major reductions in greenhouse gases and energy costs? To illustrate the importane of green schools, Earth Day Network will engage kids and families of all ages in hands-on activities highlighting school greening measures, from recycling to gardening to energy efficiency measures.

Climate Change - Get the Answers and Solutions
by Alliance for Climate Education

ACE LogoClimate change threatens to radically reshape human civilization. ACE delivers  science-based, multimedia presentations on climate change to educate, inspire, and empower students to take action. We'll break it down for you in a way you've never seen! 


Be Water and Energy Wise!
National Environmental Education Foundation

NEEFJoin us as we present an interactive investigation that demonstrates the connection between energy and water and  fun tips on how to conserve these two important resources in your home and school.


Water Quality Detectives

by Water Environment Federation

WEFHow do you know if your local river, lake, or stream is healthy? How do human behaviors impact the health of a waterbody?  Come learn the "basics" of water quality monitoring while conducting hands-on tests of real samples.

Do you have an activity that explores sustainability and environmental issues that you would like to bring to the Expo? Contact us.

Internship Opportunity

Join the Festival team:
Social Media "Expert" Wanted

Do you use Facebook, Twitter, and other social media? Would you like to get involved with the first ever USA Science & Engineering Festival?

We are looking for someone who is "at home" with social media, including Facebook, Twitter, meet-up, blogging, and any other tools that will help us get the word out about the many opportunities the Festival provides. In this position, you will develop a strategy on how to spread the word about the Festival through various social media tools, and then implement that strategy throughout the year. The ideal candidate works independently, is self-driven, and knows (or is willing to figure out) how to reach middle and high school students, college students, science & engineering clubs, and current and future science enthusiasts. This is an unpaid position, however, for outstanding achievement we will write you a glowing recommendation!

Interested? Then please contact Larry Bock at In your email, please explain why you feel that you are a good match for the internship position. We look forward to hearing from you!

Visit us online at

In This Issue
State of the Fest Address
Sustainability and Conservation
Intership Opportunity: Social Media Expert Wanted
Sponsorship Opportunities
Sponsorship Opportunities
Help us create the largest celebration of science and engineering in the World.
Create a Festival Jingle
and win $500

Host a Satellite Event
in Your Community 
Help us make the
USA Science & Engineering Festival a truly national experience.

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