Experience Triathlon
In this issue...
Upcoming Events
ET Masters Swim at Central Park
Ironman Wisconsin 2009
It's Marathon Time!
The Berlin Marathon
Coach's Corner
News from ET  September 25,  2009
Upcoming Events
Click here for program details and locations.

9/26     Sat    ET Run Club. Herrick Lake. 8:00am.
9/27     Sun   ET Bike Club. Leroy Oaks, St.Charles. 8:30am.
9/29     Tue   ET Masters. LTF Schaumburg. 6:30pm. Info/Register.
10/1     Thu   ET Masters. LTF Schaumburg. 6:30pm.
10/3     Sat    ET Run Club. Herrick Lake. 8:00am.
10/4     Sun   ET Bike Club. Commissioners Park, Naperville. 8:30am.
10/6     Tue    ET Masters. Central Park, Lisle. 6:30pm. Info/Register.
10/6     Tue    ET Masters. LTF Schaumburg. 6:30pm.
10/8     Thu    ET Masters. LTF Schaumburg. 6:30pm.
10/10   Sat     ET Run Club. Herrick Lake. 8:00am.
10/11   Sun    The Chicago Marathon!
10/13   Tue    ET Masters. Central Park, Lisle. 6:30pm.
10/13   Tue    ET Masters. LTF Schaumburg. 6:30pm.
10/15   Thu    ET Masters. LTF Schaumburg. 6:30pm.

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Our Sponsors
 Heritage YMCA
  Naperville Running Company
 LifeStart left
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 Fox Valley
Black Thunder Soccer Club 
Upcoming Races
2010 Race Series
Shamrock Shuffle
Crazy Legs
Memphis in May
US Women's Naperville
Spirit of Racine
HRMS Naperville
Pleasant Prairie
Ironman Wisconsin
Devil's Challenge
Diamond Lake Swim
Chicago Marathon
Sycamore 10K
Naperville Turkey Trot 5K
Masters SwimAnnouncing ET Masters Swim at Central Park
Group swim and instruction for all abilities
ET Masters is a weekly swimming program designed for triathlon and fitness swimmers.  USA certified coaches will provide structured workouts and stroke improvement instruction at each one-hour group session.  Current session focus will be on off season base training including stroke refinement and building endurance for next year's race season.
Membership at Central Park Athletic Club is not required.  Class fee includes entry to the club each week.
Cost:                $125
Day/Time:         Tuesdays  6:30pm-7:30pm
Dates:              October 6 - December 15, 2009
Location:          Central Park Athletic Club
                         4225 Naperville Road
                         Lisle, IL 60532
To register email Coach Joe or call 630-430-9006.
Iron MarshaIronman Wisconsin 2009

Holy Cow! (pun intended) :)  What an amazing experience we had at Ironman Wisconsin this year.  The weather was fabulous for our Iron cheering crew but on the warm side again for the athletes. 
Big congrats to our athletes and friends Marsha, Patty, Michael, Rich, JenM, JenS, Nick, John, Scott, Christy, and Dan for pushing the limits in what proved to be another very tough Wisconsin September weather day.  You have touched, moved and inspired us with your guts, determination and smiles along the way. 
Enjoy a few of those smiles at ET Photo.

Megan and MichelleIt's Marathon Time!
One of life's great experiences

The midwest fall is a fabulous time of the year to focus on running.  Many have just finished triathlon season and look forward to a change of pace with training and racing.  Some have been dedicated to running all summer and now look to put their training to the test at a local 5K or 10K race.
Some runners will attempt the marathon.  Certainly one of life's most amazing experiences.  On October 11 several of our athletes and friends will participate in the 32nd running of The Chicago Marathon, one of the greatest races in the world.  We will be there at the left side curb (as viewed by the runners) at mile 2, mile 13 and the finish line to cheer them on.  If you'd like to carpool to the race or just hang out with us, please email Coach Joe.
Here are a few photo sets from prior Chicago Marathons.  Enjoy!
Boston VikiThe Berlin Marathon
  by Viki T.

September 28th, 2008, dawned crisp and sunny and clear.  Good news as today is Berlin Marathon day.  I roll out of the hotel bed in my third country in a week and think if I could train on an airplane, I might be able to give Haile Gabreselassie a run for his money this morning!  I am up good and early and have plenty of time to have another two changes of heart as to the clothes I am going to run in, scoff down my instant oatmeal and start the walk to the start line.
I am running with a good buddy of mine from Boston and her husband and my mother are the support crew.  There's a little bit of chit chat as we join the throng that's streaming towards the starting enclosures but Lynn and I are mostly focused on what lies ahead.  A little voice in the back of my head starts to shout, "You are running HOW far today?  You must be joking..." but I quash it by reminding myself of my recent long training runs, including 21 miles in the pouring rain in London two weeks previously.

Click here to read the rest of Viki's story.
Coach MarkCoach's Corner
  by Mark Konicek

My Humbling Experience
The Ironman.  Considered to be the most challenging endurance event in the world and one of life's greatest experiences.  The event and the multi-year journey toward Mount Ironman changes both athletes and spectators forever.  It is an accomplishment that spills over into every aspect of your life.  It has a major effect on your family, friends, and complete strangers who come to cheer for other racers.  Nobody is ever the same after the Ironman experience.

A couple weeks ago, on September 13, 2009, I shared the Ironman experience with my brother who competed in one of the toughest races in the world - Ironman Wisconsin.  This was my brother's first Ironman.  To survive the heat and humidity that 2009 brought and the hilly terrain of the bike course brings every athlete to the edge of human abilities.  To survive Ironman Wisconsin is an amazing feat that most people consider just plain impossible.  This was my time to give back that amazing energy and encouragement that was given to me when I became an Ironman and I'd like to share some personal reflections from my humbling experience of being  "on the other side" as part of the support crew rather than competing myself.

Click here to read the rest of Coach Mark's article.

Are you ready to Experience Triathlon?
At EXPERIENCETriathlon we believe that anything is possible! Triathlon is so much more than a race - it is a powerful, profound life experience that can help you unleash your unlimited potential to change your life in amazing ways, long after you cross the finish line. 
Whether you are a first timer or a veteran athlete, come work with EXPERIENCETriathlon coaches who provide education, workouts and a training plan that is safe, healthy and fun.
Make new friends who share your enthusiasm and encourage you on the journey. Arrive at the starting line prepared, confident and injury-free. Get ready to transform your dreams into reality.
EXPERIENCETriathlon - where being a winner is as important as being the winner.
Click here for information about our coaching services and programs.