The Lighthouse Report
Aligning HR
with Business Strategy
picture of Carol Rovello
In This Issue
Healthcare Reform - Dependent Care Coverage
Building an Ethical Organization
FMLA - Definition of Son or Daughter
Going Wireless - Implications for Overtime
HIRE Act Reminder
Technology - Do You Have a Right to Monitor and Search?
Health Care Reform Extends Coverage to Your Adult Children
The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act requires group health plans to provide coverage for adult children up to the age of 26 for the plan years effective September 22, 2010.
Some companies are choosing to get a head start on extending their plan coverage because so many adult children have been unable to find secure jobs during the recession. This additional coverage earns goodwill among employees.
There are also some tax benefits associated with the new law. For more details, visit this site:,,id=222193,00.html

Source: SHRM

HR Basic Document Package

SWS has rolled out its Basic HR Document Consulting Package for business owners who don't have a human resource professional on staff.

This package includes customizable templates, a suggested employee handbook table of contents, and a one-hour consultation to help you understand these documents and adapt them to suit your business.

Want more information?

The Americans with Disabilities Act is 20

The Americans with Disabilities Act was enacted on July 26th, twenty years ago. If your organization has at least 15 employees, it is subject to this law. In September 2008, the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act resulted in a significant expansion of the definition of disability.

Strategic Workplace Solutions News

Carol Rovello was elected to the Asheville Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors. She will serve a two-year term as the Vice President for Small Business & Entrepreneurship.

Carol conducted a presentation on "Understanding your Work Style to Become a More Effective Leader" for the Smoky Mountain Human Resource Association on June 17th, 2010.

- If you would like to learn more about work styles for leadership development and team building, CONTACT US.

We are pleased to welcome Cady Barrett to our team. She supports our work as the Administrative Assistant.
Quick Links
July/August 2010

picture of  Carol Rovello
Where does the time go? I hope you've had a chance to enjoy some time off this summer.

We are pleased to send this July/August edition of The Lighthouse Report and hope that you find it informative.

Warm regards,
Carol Rovello, SPHR

Building an Ethical Organization
Creating an organizational culture where leaders and employees collectively aspire to meet high ethical standards is both desirable and possible. Prevention and detection of unethical or illegal conduct is an imperative for a business of any size. This means not only dealing with misconduct but also establishing a framework that includes a comprehensive code of ethics and strategies for building an ethical organization.

For more information, see our article:
For HR Professionals     For Business Owners

FMLA - Definition of Son or Daughter
The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) applies to your organization if you have at least 50 employees who work within a 75 mile radius.

On Tuesday June 22 of this year, the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor issued an interpretation letter (No. 2010-3) clarifying the definition of "son or daughter" under the FMLA. Specifically addressed in the interpretation letter is the role of the loco parentis. A person in loco parentis does not necessarily have a biological or legal relationship to a child, but is the child's acting parent, handling day-to-day activities for the child. This can include a step-parent who has not adopted his/her step-child and same-sex couples.

The definition was re-examined as a result of requests made for interpretation on whether leave may be taken by employees lacking a biological or legal relationship to a child. The definition now clarifies who may be eligible for unpaid FMLA leave for the birth or placement of a new child, or to care for a child suffering from a serious health condition. This unpaid leave can be granted even if the employee is in loco parentis and does not have a biological or legal relationship with the child.

If you would like to learn more about this definition or get more information on eligibility, you can visit the Department of Labor website at:
Going Wireless - Implications for Non-Exempt Work Time

The modern workplace has changed as technology has grown stronger. With the increased use of smart phones integrated within employee responsibilities, the "perpetual workplace" is raising concern for employers as more non-exempt employees are working outside of normal work hours. To learn more, see our article.

Mobile Devices at Work: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

Sources: American Management Association, Labor Lawyers, HR Heros
Employer Hiring Incentives : HIRE Act
Just a reminder about the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment or the HIRE Act and the new tax benefits implemented by the new act. These benefits are available for employers hiring workers this year (after Feb. 3, 2010 and before Jan. 1, 2011) who were previously unemployed workers or employees who were previously only working part-time.

As an employer, you may qualify for a 6.2% payroll tax incentive as well as a general business tax credit, up to $1,000 per worker who has been retained for at least a year. The new law requires that each new hire be certified in being eligible during the first 60 days of employment.
For more information and/or to get the eligibility form, visit the IRS website:,,id=221036,00.html
Technology - Employer Right to Monitor and/or Search?
With all of the technological advances making business easier, the importance of managing these technologies is growing as well. With cell phones and laptops given to many employees by their employers, there is a need for updated privacy and monitoring policies.
While these electronic devices benefit your organization, they also become a way for time to be used for non-work activities, like checking personal e-mail, text messages, or engaging in online activity that violates company policies, including anti-discrimination and sexual harassment policies.

It is important to tell your employees, (in writing) when they are given an employer-owned cell phone, that they are expected to maintain their professional behavior in and out of the workplace, including their use of the cell phone and/or laptop you provide - that they must comply with all legal requirements as well as company policy.

In June of 2010, a Supreme Court case (Ontario v. Qual) determined that the employer is responsible for creating a clear policy regarding the use of company issued phones. Via this written policy, be sure your employees know what is expected of them regarding their use of the phone. Also be clear that their use of employer-owned communication devices is subject to monitoring.
Source: William M. Julien,
In Closing, 
As you know, there are many more timely HR/OD issues than we could possibly include or address comprehensively in our newsletters and announcements. So, please keep in mind that the information we provide is never intended to be all-inclusive or to substitute for professional advice.

We always appreciate your feedback. Please let us know if there is a topic you would like us to address in future newsletters, and we'll do our best to fit it in.

Until our next newsletter, stay cool!

Regards, Carol

Our New Look
Thanks to Leslie Shaw, we have a new logo, as shown below. We are slowly updating our print and electronic materials. Check out our website for our new look.

If you are looking for a graphic designer, we highly recommend Leslie. CLICK HERE to send her an email.
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picture of Carol Rovello