Dine-ah Header

  March 15, 2012




Last week's trivia question was:   

On St. Patrick's Day we will be featuring

green colored what?   



The answer was

Beer, pancakes and desserts!  


The winners of last week's trivia question are   

Carol Swift of Farmingdale and Truman Hilt of Windsor 


randomly drawn from over 250 entries.  


Congratulations Carol and Truman!  

We will contact you shortly.


Look for our trivia question for this week and send in your answer.

You could win a $25 gift card to the China Dine-ah.  Good luck!

Find this week's trivia question below in the newsletter.  Hint: Our Trivia
Question is always identified as "Trivia Question" in the newsletter.   

Trivia Night Winter Sign


What part of the newsletter project does Norm enjoy the most?


A. Writing the newsletter


B. All of you sharing your stories with him


C. Telling you about weekly specials


D. Telling you about up-coming events



Answer Our Trivia Question




 Join us for Trivia Night
every Wednesday 6:30pm

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 to view our menu
of special portion and priced just right lunches!

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"Two for $20" Menu

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at the Dine-ah   

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GFTS review badge

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Available every Sunday
from 7am to noon year round!




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View from The Corner Booth   

                                                                  New Norm head shot


Dear Friends & Patrons,


(Writing to you from Tennessee, Wednesday night March 14 at 11:30 p.m.)


It has been another busy week for me. I've been in Nashville, Tennessee at The Independent Community Banker's National Convention representing Kennebec Savings Bank as a Trustee. We had the opportunity to mix a little fun with work and the highlight of the trip was a visit to the Grand Ole Opry. We saw the likes of Lee Greenwood and Rodney Atkins and several others. We also went to the Country Music Hall of Fame. I will be coming back home and landing in Portland, Maine at about the same time you all receive this newsletter.


I have both sad and happy news to share with you this week. I will tell you about the sad news first. 


Last week we had a family come in with a terminally ill family member, who had coming to the China Dine-ah on her "bucket list" of things to do. I was not at the Dine-ah at the time but Sherri and the staff had the opportunity to speak with the family. How touching! We did not ask for the names for obvious reasons but I thought it was worth sharing with you all.


Then, three weeks ago, per the request of a friend, I delivered a meal to a mutual friend, who was also terminally ill, and his caregivers. Punky Berube wanted some fried clams from the Dine-ah so we set him up. Though weak, Punky ate several bites as his son, brothers and sisters enjoyed a full meal. It was a very nice dinner that I enjoyed in the presence of one very nice family during such a difficult time. I just received word that Punky passed away this evening (Wednesday night) and my heart goes out to the entire family. We will miss you Punk, but I'm sure we'll meet up again.


Now some good news, I have another trip coming right up, and then my travels are pretty much done for the year. I leave on the 21st for India to visit my daughter and son-in-law and will return on the 30th. I made the trip last year and shared my experience and many photos with you all and I plan on doing the same this year. It's a long trip but the rewards of seeing my little girl far out weigh the 8,000 miles of flying and all the hassles that go with it. I'm going alone which makes travel easier in some ways.


My oldest son, Derek, is headed to Thomas College in the fall and we are very excited, as four months ago, college was not in the picture for him. I believe the thought of going into the workforce without a defined skill or advanced education has something to do with his decision, plus he has been talking to friends who are currently in college and they have given him a "thumbs up" that college is a good avenue for him to pursue. His plans are to room with a friend who also just got accepted. Teresa and I could not be prouder. Congratulations Derek! In the meantime, Derek has been training in the Dine-ah kitchen to fill in for me expediting so that I can get back out into the dining room where I belong. In reality, I will now be able to split my time between the kitchen and helping out front while at the same time building relationships with all of you.


Speaking about all of you, I have and will continue to enjoy all that we share by writing back and forth from this newsletter.


It is now midnight, Nashville time and I need to get up at 6:00 am to travel back to Maine so I should call it a day.


Thank you all for reading, writing, and sharing your stories with me; telling others about us and most importantly dining with us. The part I enjoy the most is that you share your stories with me so that I feel I know you a little better. We have some exciting things coming up to supplement our already very successful Wednesday night Trivia Night. Stay tuned for we will be rolling out an "All You Can Eat Fish Fry" on Tuesdays once we work out the details. We plan on running it thorough the month of June.


Don't forget the corned beef, green beer, green desserts and green pancakes the Dine-ah will be serving for your enjoyment this St. Patrick's Day. Hope you can all join us!


Till next week, God Bless




p.s. Stay tuned for our upcoming specials menu items and hours for the following special days:

Easter Sunday April 8th - 7 am to 6 pm (seating right up 'til closing!)
Mother's Day Sunday May 13 - 7 am to 7 pm
Father's Day Sunday June 17 - Regular hours - 7 am to 3 pm






~ Join Us to Celebrate ~  


Our St Patty's Day features will include.....      


Corned Beef and Cabbage all day Saturday  

from 11 am to close while it lasts.


Try some Corned Beef Nachos! (available at 11 am) 

or Cabbage Rolls (available at 4 pm)


Shepherd's Pie is also available 11 am to 9 pm!


For dessert, our scrumptious  

Creme de Menthe Cheesecake (see below)   

with chocolate topping and Ande's mint  

candies inside as well as on top


Creme de Menthe 


 We will also have Pistachio Bundt Cake  

with a butter cream drizzle and  

pistachio topping while it lasts.


Special green colored pancakes in the morning  

and later in the day green beer or a

green adult beverage from  

our bar are sure to make the  

day fun and festive for all! 







Trivia Team "The Appleheads"!

The Appleheads trivia team

"The Appleheads" trivia team getting ready to play!

Appleheads youngest team member

The youngest member of "The Appleheads" trivia team
 rests between questions from emcee Jon James!


 Come in to enter March Drawing!         



1st Prize winner ~ $50 China Dine-ah gift card

2nd Prize winner ~ $25 China Dine-ah gift card

3rd Prize winner ~ $25 China Dine-ah gift card

4th Prize winner ~ $25 China Dine-ah gift card



Come in soon to enter for a chance to win in our March drawing

Winners will be randomly selected on March 31.

Thank you for entering and good luck to you all!



Contact Us 

Visit our website link below for directions, menus, and other information.  Click on the  
"Directions/Contact" section and then click on "Contact Us" to send an e-mail. 


The China Dine-ah
281 Lakeview Drive
China, ME  04358
Phone ~ 445-5700 


Because we use the information you provide us from our drawings and giveaways, you might be re-entered into our e-mail list.  We take every precaution to avoid this, but if it happens, look below for choices to fit your needs.  If you have a comment or suggestion, you can click on the link above to e-mail us directly.