British Association for Canadian Studies Newsletter
BACS E-News April/May 2010
In This Issue
Competition Policy: one day conference
19th European Seminar for Graduate Students
FCS Awards
The Traditions of Liberty
French at UQAM
About BACS

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The British Association for Canadian Studies acts as a forum for Canadianists in the UK and holds an annual conference at Easter each year. BACS publishes a Newsletter twice yearly and the British Journal of Canadian Studies is produced by Liverpool University Press.
Books for Review!
BJCS cover

The December list of books available for review in the BJCS is now available on the BACS website

Quick Links
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Competition Policy: serving the public interest?

Announcing a one-day conference: speaker sessions and roundtable discussion on:
Competition Policy: serving the public interest?
Venue: Canada House, Trafalgar Sq., London
21 June 2010 (10am for 10.30)

Keynote speaker: Professor John Bridgeman CBE
(Formerly Director General of Fair Trading, MD Alcan)
Contributions from:
Bert Foer : President, American Antitrust Institute
Professor John Kay : London Business School/Director: Institute for Fiscal Studies/London Economics
Professor Alan Riley : City University Law School/ Res Publica
Dr Paul Gorecki : Economic and Social Research Institute, Dublin (formerly with Economic Council of Canada)
James Lowman : Association of Convenience Stores
Barry Lynn: New America Foundation
Michael Hallsworth: Institute for Government, London
Courtesy of kind support of the Federal Government of Canada, cost per delegate is held at �100 ea (to include buffet lunch). However, seating capacity is strictly limited
Please email Professor Alan Hallsworth
to reserve your place and for updates, additional speakers etc.
Please put COMPETITION EVENT in the subject line

Purpose of the day
In addressing rising concerns about the environment, sustainability and resource depletion, analysts turn increasingly to behavioural economics for interpretations of the human factor. Critics argue, fairly or otherwise, that Competition Policy, conversely, remains dependent upon Chicago-School visions of market competition. Some who accept the broad sphere of rational choice nevertheless argue that there should at least be US-style routes to contesting the power of market-dominant firms. Others question the metrics and the evidence base that underpin specific decisions about the competitiveness of markets. It can also be argued that any wider vision of a public interest (dropped from Competition policy by the 2002 Enterprise Act) has been reduced to consumer interest.
Who, then, is best placed to define or defend the consumer interest?

Leading speakers will offer a range of perspectives on these topics. Following a networking lunch, the afternoon will include a roundtable session to extend the debate more widely.
The event seeks to appeal to all who have an interest in how consumer markets are, could, or should be regulated.
Supported by LoCSA and the BACS Business group

19th European Seminar for Graduate Students in Canadian Studies 2010


The 19th European Seminar for Graduate Students in Canadian Studies will be hosted by the Department of History of the University of Milano, Italy, September 23-24, 2010.  

Any students at European universities working on Master' s or doctoral theses in Canadian Studies are invited to share their current research in the form of an oral presentation before a panel of experts and fellow students. Contributions from all disciplines are welcome.

Contributions may be in either English or French, and should not exceed 15-20 minutes. A selection of the best papers will be published after the conference.


Students interested in participating should submit an abstract (1 page) outlining the topic of their research and the nature of their findings, plus a short C.V. Applications may be submitted by e-mail. Papers will be selected on the basis of the abstract. Invitations to participate will be sent out as soon as the selection process has been completed.

Deadline for abstracts: June 15, 2010- at the address below

Accommodation and other costs: Accommodation and meals will be covered by a grant from the Government of Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade to the European Network for Canadian Studies.

Travel costs: please apply to your university or your national/regional Association for Canadian Studies.

Contact address:

Prof. Luigi Bruti-Liberati
Department of History
University of Milano

[BACS members: assistance for travel will depend on the number of students attending the seminar; please send a copy of your submission to BACSand inform the BACS office as soon as you hear whether it has been accepted, otherwise you may not be eligible for funding] 

Foundation for Canadian Studies Awards

Guidelines & Application Form are available for the following awards:
  • The UK Postgraduate Canadian Studies Travel Award Program has three deadlines per year (31st May; 31st October; 31st January): each award is valued at �750, students apply;
  • The Foundation UK Doctoral Studentships is an annual award (deadline 31st May only) and contributes �2,000 towards the fees of full time and �750 towards the fees of part time UK students paying home student university fees, providing the host university is willing to pay the balance of fees due for the 2010-11 academic year; the university has to apply on behalf of the student. Next deadline: 31 May 2010;
  • Canada-UK University Partnerships Program:  There are three deadline dates throughout the year: 31st of each of the following months - January; May & October.
  • Independent Scholars Awards for Canadian Studies: deadlines 31st of each of the following months: January, May & October.
Full details may be found on the Foundation website.

The Traditions of Liberty
in the Atlantic World

a conference
at the Institute for the Study of the Americas
Thursday 6 and Friday 7 May 2010
supported by BACS (British Association for Canadian Studies), International Council for Canadian Studies, and CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas)

The term Atlantic World has been coined to provide geographical coherence to a culturally and politically diverse area. Politically, the Atlantic World is most often studied from the perspective of the democratic revolutions (Robert Palmer) of the XVIII century. J.G.A. Pocock also popularized the idea of an Atlantic republican tradition stemming from Renaissance Italy that would eventually reach the Northern shore of the American continent.
However, neither the Canadian nor the Latin American political tradition are usually included under this template. The present Workshop is an attempt to clarify the classical discussion on the origins and development of liberal democracy through a spatial and temporal orientation: what we here call the traditions of liberty. What this means is that democracy cannot be conceived as a mere formal device made out of rights, norms and institutions. It is also an array of collective practices rooted in cultural, intellectual and political traditions.
With the Bicentennial of the Latin American Independences gathering momentum, this workshop offers an opportunity to reconsider the genealogy of the western conceptions of liberty and to connect the political traditions issued from both sides of the Atlantic World.

For the complete programme see the ISA website.


Summer Programs in FRENCH at Universit� du Qu�bec � Montr�al (UQAM)

Mornings: Language Courses (oral and written communications) - Small groups

Afternoons (optional): Communication Workshops and Cultural Outings
  • Weekends (optional): Cultural and Sports Activities - Trips
  • French as a Foreign Language (3 weeks: July and/or August)
  • � French and Jazz � program (1 week: end of June) in partnership with Montreal International Jazz Festival
  • Training Program for Teachers of French as a Foreign Language (3 weeks: August)
  • Preparation course: TFI� (July and/or August)
Various Accommodation Options - Competitive Prices - Special Discounts for Groups