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Meeting the Challenge - Together
February 2009

Video of the Month

Balance Stress and Optimal Health Youtube

Click here for Stress Talk at Google University.

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Paradigm Shift

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Letting Go
Of Stress


Several distinct and different guided imagery and deep relaxation experiences teach powerful techniques for melting away stress and its symptoms. The beautiful vocal performance, one of Dr. Miller's best, is enhanced by an exquisite, specially composed score performed by famed musician Stephen Halpern.

Healing Journey


Developed by Dr. Miller in the course of his 40 years practicing mind- body medicine, Healing Journey remains a favorite more than 30 years later. In virtually every culture, music has been recognized as a way to create and catalyze healing, and the music in this program was composed by Raphael to complement the healing imagery and facilitate the healing process.



This extraordinary program helps you achieve Personal Excellence, peak performance, and true Self-esteem. Six Heart-to-Heart talks by Dr. Miller richly enhanced with music, dramatizations and sound clips of such paragons of excellence as Winston Churchill, John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. Corresponding to each of these is a deep relaxation/guided imagery experience that gradually takes you through the vital stages of personal growth: I Am, I Can, I See, I Will, I Act, and I Appreciate.

Awakening the Leader Within


Face the facts: we have been misled - by our misinformed parents, our under-funded schools, our immoral society, and our Self-serving media. As the old proverb goes, "if we don't change our direction, we'll end up where we're headed." It is time to stop hoping that some specially anointed person is going to take over and make everything better.

Serenity Prayer

serenity prayer

All behaviors are based on decisions made by the deeper mind. Use this beautiful tape every day, while you drive, to choose your wisest behavior. You will hear affirmations to enable you to access the serenity to accept what you cannot change, and the courage to confront and change what you can change.

I Can

I Can

I CAN will introduce you to a fascinating toolkit of powerful, effective techniques for creating self-empowerment, enhancing self-respect, and amplifying motivation.  You will discover a most useful approach in the two Heart-to-Heart talks by Dr. Miller, and then apply it, through two deep relaxation and guided imagery experiences.
empurpshirtvalday Dear friends,

This New Year is fraught with changes for every one of us. At the personal level, at that of our nation, and at the level of our global community - like never before, our challenge is to hold our vision through the mighty challenges we are confronting. Great pilots do not earn their reputations in the harbor, we too can choose to view serenely and honestly the truth of Now. To be great requires that we call upon the source of our greatest power, and allow it to inspire our thoughts, words, and actions.

Navigating these uncharted waters, we will encounter stress (by definition, the generalized alarm reaction of mind and body to perceived threats). And the more uncertain the future, the more the stress we will experience. The stakes are high: the world economy, world peace and the world environment are all at risk.

Now is the time to call upon the intelligence and wisdom we have acquired, and more than ever, we must remember the truth of who we really are. We must recall the power of our spirit (individually, and as a community), and make the wise and healing choices our deeper wisdom reveals to us. We are at the dawn of a new era, in which we can choose, all together, to create a new world - a world that is sustainable, where communication is compassionate and caring, where we nurture and support the Love that is at our essence.

There is a global transformation trying to take place, right now. We stand at the edge of a truly awesome possibility - that of choosing to create a world where true values guide us, individually and as families and communities. The unsustainable systems are crumbling, and it is up to us to call upon that leader within to participate in creating the world we really want to live in. This is your responsibility - and it is mine.

In this issue we explore the crucial need of our time, awakening the leader within each of us to support healing at every level of system. In our next issue I will discuss my newly released book, Our Culture on the Couch; Seven Steps to Global Healing.

In Peace,

Emmett Miller MD


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man with arms outArticle:

The Darkest Hour

One thing is certain, there will be many losses: to  ourselves, to those we care about, and to strangers who compel at our human compassion. We need to properly grieve these losses, and help others grieve as well - lest we fall into helpless depression. We need to learn to "let go," in more ways than one.

Not only must we release our losses - we must embrace our power. We must express ourselves with passion and inspiration, for these will sustain us through the lean times to come.

Most of these unhappy changes will seem to come from the "outside," making us to feel overwhelmed and helpless. It is essential, therefore, to remember our problems may come from "without," but our solutions come from "within."

We are NOT powerless! Our job is to maintain control of our thoughts, feelings and images. You and I have as much power as we choose to assume, but to access the full extent of it, we must remain in nurturing and supportive relationships with like-spirited groups of people (who may or may not overlap). We must learn how to pool and draw upon our vast social resources. We are not alone. We access our power through togetherness.

Coming Together

Togetherness brings harmony into your most intimate relationships, such as your family, work team, and friends. By relinquishing (letting go) Old Paradigm thinking, you release resentments and anxieties. You give up the isolating "I" mode and embrace the inclusive "We" mode.

Similarly, your survival, and that of those around you, depends on learning how to contribute to "distributed leadership." Instead of waiting to be told what to do, realize that you have a voice, and you have something to say.

We now have a government that truly seems to support the distributed leadership paradigm and believes that many of the answers we need are already out there - among us! The government is listening - to us! Now is the time to speak up!

If you clear your mind and body of unnecessary stress, access your inner wisdom and creativity, and facilitate relationships that lead to collective wisdom,  you just might discover you possess a crucial key to resolving a major problem in your family, community, work, nation, or world.

The Power of Belief

But this can only happen if you are willing to let yourself believe that you really do have the power to make a difference. By now, you are probably well aware there is something greater than ourselves at work in the world. You may have already realized you are not a random event in the universe.

You have a purpose, perhaps even a mission. And this mission may (and probably does) involve the subordination of your purely self-serving motives to serving the greater good of the human condition. That greater good could be your family, your service club, your football team - or the fellow soldiers in a rifle company.

We are more than the sum of our parts. However, it is often most difficult to actually define what exactly it is that we are all part of. Yet the feeling persists: "It's not just about me. It's about all of us." The more you pay attention to the feeling of "we're all in this together," the more obvious and powerful that feeling becomes.

We experience it whenever we are in close community. This is when we are really able to experience the beauty of each other's being, and to feel the power of that bond. This is such a powerful creative force that can transcend our personal differences and weaknesses - and harness, instead, our strengths and common purpose.

Our collective power is ineffable, but nonetheless palpable. It reveals and reserves talents we were unaware of, yet we can feel them, as in this poem I learned in grade school:

The strength of the team or nine or crew
Is not the strength of the star.
It's what the body together can do
That carries the victory far.
So you shall give your might to the rest
To bring the whole team through
And then at the time of your single test
They will give their strength to you.

Awakening The Leader Within

The power to survive and thrive in these tangled times comes from within. You must access your deepest self-wisdom, and then use that wise guidance to discern and choose the safest and most productive path for you to forge ahead.

Can you let yourself believe that perhaps if you enhanced your ability to communicate clearly with those you care about, especially with regards to the things that really matter, that your communication might be of crucial value to that community?

First, you much establish your inner base. This will enable you to better recognize those with whom it is best for you to work with. You must find and define relationships that possess a harmony that fits the true task(s) you are committed to.

Next, commit to learning how to nurture those relationships in new, perhaps unfamiliar ways. It may require that you abandon your highly conditioned, primitive logic of "What's in it for me?" and/or "Greed is good (or even God)." For resources and tools that can help you develop new ways to develop co-creative relationships, visit and

Apply the Serenity Prayer liberally, accepting peacefully what you cannot change, and courageously changing what you can. Now is the time to start creating the positive future that you can imagine; the default alternative is the negative one you fear. Yes, we can!

You who have dreams
If you act, they will come true
To turn your dream to a fact
It's up to you
If you have the soul and the spirit
Never fear it, you'll see it through.
Hearts can inspire other hearts with their fire.
For the strong obey when a strong man shows them the way.
From Stouthearted Men

Discover and express your deeper Self, find your personal mission and a vision of the world you wish to co-create. Personal Excellence is a 6 CD training program for helping you do this. Awakening the Leader Within offers a series of teachings and techniques that will help you maximize your ability to guide the path of your own life and to share in the leadership of your world.

These materials are available as CDs, and many may be instantly downloaded. They make excellent gifts, and may prove invaluable for a stressed or anxious neighbor, a friend facing surgery, or someone under treatment for depression. Click here to forward this eNewsletter, with your suggestions, to a friend.

Upcoming Events in 2009

A Call to Action
March 13th
Grass Valley Veterans' Memorial Hall
255 South Auburn Street, Grass Valley, CA 95945
Click Here to signup for NevadaCountyUnites and find out more about this event!
Visit to Reserve your Spot!

Awaken the Healer Within
April 4th
Marriott Hotel
San Mateo, CA 
Sponsored by Healing Journeys
Click here to find out more and to register.

Awakening the Healer Within
August 1, 2009
Providence Cancer Center at Souther Auditorium
Portland, OR
Co-Sponsored by Healing Journeys and Providence Cancer Center
Click here to find out more and to register.

Deep Healing - The Essence of Mind/Body Healing
August 14th - 16th, 2009
Esalen Institute
Big Sur, CA 
Click here to find out more and to register.

If you would like to have Dr. Miller do a workshop, conduct a training session or speak at an event, please email  

Contact Info
Emmett Miller, MD
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