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"LEAKAGE" is one of our most popular topics. So popular that Work Comp Roundup has 5 different articles on leakage alone, including the one featured in this newsletter. Our book devotes one very detailed chapter to this often overlooked and confusing topic about how to work more effectively with your insurance company.


So, it is not a great leap to say successful employers must pay attention to "leakage," because:


F Workers comp insurers never say they did a poor job controlling the cost of your claims. Find out how YOU can control them.


The facts are: workers compensation premiums tie directly to the frequency and severity of the employer's claims. The insurer's leakage becomes the employer's expense through higher insurance premiums.


Our book, Manage Your Workers Compensation Program: Reduce Costs 20-50%, includes a chapter on setting up a safety program and is a teaching tool on how to set up a successful, fully functioning workers compensation program. Everything you need to know is in our book.




Advisen Did You Know: Reduce Workers Comp Costs 20%-50%

This 150-page book shows you how to assess your Workers Compensation program, design program materials, roll-out a program to the organization, and monitor and manage the program once implemented.


The articles represented here are very good examples of the kinds of information covered in greater detail in the book.


Bundled Program Leakage vs. Unbundled Program Leakage

The debate over bundled program services vs. unbundled program services is often a matter of perspective. For readers wondering what we mean read on.


NEWS on Workers Compensation Roundtable

The latest in discussions on disability benefits and work; Medicare as a secondary payor; and more.


4 Reasons for Spikes in Workers Comp Claims

At any given time outside or internal forces create new hazards for injury in the workplace and with injury comes medical cost, lost wages, and. . .read more.


4 Proofs Fraud Can Come from Any Employee

Not all fraud claims comes from "bad" employees. A "good" employee often knows how to work the system. So, watch out for ALL injuries.


Five Ways to Reduce the Legal Expenses of Workers Compensation

Should we use legal expense review companies? Legal expense review companies have popped up and are growing rapidly. Their purpose is to do the same bill review on legal fees for cases and reduce charges accordingly.


6 Ways Employers CAN Commit Fraud and NOT Reduce Workers Comp Costs

Using "clever" cost-cutting ideas is not a good way to go as they lead to cancelled insurance coverage, penalties, fines, and jail time.


6 Types of Diagnostic Testing for Back Injuries

The back injury claim is the most common and often most expensive workers compensation claim. Back injury claims often are associated with lifting heavier objects, twisting, bending, or falling. . .check out these injuries.


Protests Held to Raise Awareness of Pay Discrimination Against the Blind

The oldest and largest nationwide organization of blind people held more than 20 informational protests across the United States to raise awareness of treatment of blind workers.


OSHA Orders Metro North to Promote, Pay Worker Cheated By Injury Misclassification

Metro North Commuter Rail found by OSHA discriminating against an employee by classifying his on-the-job injury as not being work-related and denying him a promotion.


Labor Department Marks 10th Anniversary of Act to Help Workers

Ten years of protection by Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act providing compensation and medical benefits to eligible workers and their survivors who become ill as a result of working in the nuclear weapons industry.


Alaska Comp Board Assesses Penalty to Employer Not Carrying Coverage

$1.5 million civil penalty assessed to Ultimate Tours, LLC, and Godwin Glacier Tours, LLC, for failure to carry workers compensation coverage.


California Fights Comp Fraud with Grants

$32 million in Workers Compensation Insurance Fraud grants statewide to aid district attorneys in investigation and prosecution efforts.


Could Your Texas Company be Large Enough to Self-Insure for Work-Related Injuries?

Employers can choose "to go bare" in Texas when it comes to workers compensation insurance. The cost of WC insurance is eliminated, but the employer is exposed to the very real possibility of being sued and a costly defense.


British Union Concerned over Plans to Scale Back Coast Guard

Union welcomes government reversal on original shut-down plans, but still opposes any new plans compromising safety. The changes mean some Coast Guard stations threatened with closure will be saved, and all those remaining will stay open 24 hours.


Pair of Australian Companies Fined Following Worker Injuries

Two companies $155,000 after a worker was blinded and left with multiple facial and skull fractures when a high-pressure gas hose fitting came loose.


Scottish Fishing Companies Fined for Deaths

Deaths of Scottish fish farm workers on a barge moored at a salmon farm on Loch Creran, Argyll & Bute result in fine in excess of one million dollars.

Learn more about our book on 
COST SAVINGS for employers.

                 Click Image for more information about how to

Manage Your Workers Compensation Program:
Reduce Your Costs 20-50%

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Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc. 
Contact Us: 
