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 LN Award 3 Across 

Employers experiencing the greatest success in reducing workers compensation costs have a return-to-work/transitional duty program.

They adopt a corporate-wide RTW/TD management policy which includes: a description of  transitional duty in the workplace; length of transitional duty assignments; circumstances under which employees perform transitional duty; types of transitional duty offered; and when and how employees return to regular work.

Our book, Manage Your Workers Compensation Program: Reduce Costs 20-50%, is a teaching tool on how to set up a successful, fully functioning workers compensation program. Everything you need to know is in our book.

Note: Brokers, agents, carriers, and third-party administrators LOVE our WC Book!  Ask your agent for our book with their logo on it, or order it directly.


75 Retired NFL Players Sue Over Concealment of Concussions 

You're heard about the 75 retired National Football League players suing the NFL citing mismanagement of concussions and willful concealment. Read what this lawsuit means for the workers compensation industry? 

This Week at Workers Compensation Roundtable 

Can an employee file a WC claim for a heart attack suffered at home while working for the employer? Apparently they can! Read more at our  LinkedIn summary.


Five Lessons Employers Can Learn from the NFL Concussion Suit 

75 retired football players filed their workers compensation suit in California for a reason. Follow these five steps so it doesn't happen to you.  

8 Clues You Need To Call a Special Investigation Unit 

How do you know when you need to pay for a special investigation? Find out how avoide being a part of bogus workers comp claims running into an estimated $6 billion in  WC fraud each year.   

Tips to Uncover Fraud with Social Networking

Can the employer "friend" an injured employee if evidence is found on Facebook that the pre-surgery employee danced at his daughter's wedding? What are the employer's legal rights?


Workplace Precautions for Handling Hazardous Drugs to Healthcare Workers 

Serious health risks found for health workers handling chemotherapy, antiviral treatments, hormone regimens, and other applications. There is potential for irreversible effects from work-related exposures even at low levels.     


Florida's Physician Dispensing Found to Drive Workers Comp Costs Higher

Doctors dispensing medicine directly raise costs for  everyone except the physicians according to workers comp study.    


Ohio Shares 11 Fraud Convictions on Its Facebook Page

Special Investigations Facebook page launched by Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation to "tell all" for those convicted of fraud. Is it legal or just "juicy?"   


Contractor Fined and Qualified for OSHA Severe Violators Enforcement Program

Maine roofing contractor pays $244,000 to the U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Safety and Health for 10 violations of  protection guidelines.


Texas Requiring Preauthorization: Reduces Costs, Return to Work Not Affected

Requiring preauthorization for occupational therapy services, spinal surgery, and work hardening and conditioning did not increase injured employees' time back to work or increased costs.


NEW ZEALAND 106 People Injured Every Day on the Slopes

If you are a tourist in New Zealand and you are injured while skiing (something that happens with alarming regularity there) you can file a claim. Fascinating stuff. Read more.


CANADA Nova Scotia Summer Job Safety Message for Youth

Summer  safety message sent to employers, parents, and students as young people begin summer jobs. Perhaps an idea useful to your industry.


Learn more about our book on 
COST SAVINGS for employers.

                 Click Image for more information about how to

Manage Your Workers Compensation Program:
Reduce Your Costs 20-50%


Our Book is a "Lesson Plan" 

Think of ManageYour Workers Compensation Program as a "lesson plan" and teaching tool an employer can implement fully or choose those areas needing most improvement, such as:

1. Working with Adjusters

2. Defining Roles and Responsibilities

3. Communicating with Employees

4. How to Report Claims

5. Post-Injury Response Procedure

6. Medical Care

7. Return to Work

8. Fighting Fraud & Abuse

9. Training Techniques


And much more . . . 

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(Click above for Order Information)


Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc. 
Contact Us: 
