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What is a Work Comp Coordinator To Do

Successful containment of workers compensation costs is more than knowing and implementing the "rules." Making good decisions counts for a lot. Here is how one adjuster made a truly "unsuccessful" decision, even though he knew the law.


A workers comp coordinator filed a workers comp claim telling the adjuster the injury occurred three months prior to the reporting date and suggested he deny the claim. Why was that? Well, first the coordinator did not think the employee sustained an injury, even though as time went by, the employee found he was in excruciating pain, sought medical treatment and did file a claim. The adjuster abandoned decision-making to the claims coordinator, even though his knowledge of the statute was superior.


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Dr. Alice Martinson on Loss Control and Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention

I interviewed Alice Martinson, MD about soft tissues injuries, one of her passions after 40 plus years as a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon.


Top 5 Ways Employers Push Injured Workers to Attorneys

Accept it. Attorneys will always be involved in workers comp claims.


Five Questionable Workers Compensation Injuries

So, you think any workplace related injury gets you workers comp benefits?


7 Things Your Insurance Claims Office Will Not Tell You

Does your claims office tell all?


Find Out Which 7 Organizations Joined Europe OSHA

Healthy Workplaces Campaign on safe maintenance sees increase in campaign partners.


Using Cheat Sheets to Learn New State Laws

Learning tools for self-insured to learn state laws.


Disney Amusement Ride Remains Closed During Federal Safety Investigation

Roller coaster ride closed for summer after workers death.


Vibrating Hand Tools Risk Workers Health at British Plant

Failure to take risks into consideration results in $33,266 in fines, plus huge legal costs.


Wal-Mart Loses Appeal in $187.6 Million Verdict

Workers must have lunch/break periods.


Will All US Workplaces be Smoke Free by 2020

Goal of CDC to eliminate smoking in ALL public places/spaces.


Disclosures on Safety at Oil Refineries Sought by Union

Unions challenge oil companies to be more forthcoming about safety standards.


Unrelated Health Problem Loophole in NY Workers Comp

NY WCB enforcing rigorously "voluntary withdrawal from labor" reason for discontinuing wage loss benefits.


Snapshot of Health and Safety in New Zealand Shows Room for Improvement

More needed for safety in spite of recent improvements.


New South Wales Rejects Federal Proposal to Standardize Safety

Queensland first and only to implement new health and safety proposals.


British Worker Killed from Poor Machine Maintenance Program

Heavy steel barrier falls on worker during maintenance work. 

ElephantLogoBOOK from ADVISEN and AMAXX 

"Manage Your Workers' Compensation Program 2011
Reduce Cost 20%-50%"


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To order: mbastone@advisen.com

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Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
1-860-553-6604 (Eastern)

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