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Effective Post Injury Response

Successful employers, demonstrating responsible management, implement a post-injury procedure and communicate that to employees to ensure prompt medical care and return to work quickly after an injury.

One of our most popular tools is the Post Injury Procedure Stacked Steps. The "Stacked Steps" outline post-injury response procedures by participant role. Employees can flip through the "Stacked Steps" to see a specific post-injury response procedure and contact information for each participant, i.e., the employee, supervisor, medical doctor.

Communication tools must fit the environment in which they are used. This type of tool is perfect for a visor, glove box, or near a telephone.

                                Stacked Steps

Want to learn these techniques? Our book, Manage Your Workers Compensation Program: Reduce Your Costs 20-50%has a variety of tried and true cost savings for employers. The tool kit contains the tools.



7 Things Claim Office Supervisors Wish Adjusters Did Better

Like snowflakes no two adjusters are exactly the same.


Types of Benchmarking for Workers Comp Claims

Why benchmarking is important.


Investigating the Occupational Disease Claim Is a Complex Process

What is an occupational illness and how does it affect workers comp?


Supreme Court Rules on False Claims Act Lawsuit

Freedom of Information Act vs False Claims Act.


Fine in Wal-Mart Employee Fatality Case Upheld

$7,000 fine for stampede of frenzied holiday shoppers upheld.


Settling Workers Comp Claims with Undisclosed Agreements in NY
New York: Carriers grapple with the problem of permanent partial disability claims.


ADAAA Increasing the Interpretation of Disability Goes Into Effect

Regulations reflect significant changes in interpretation of "disability" definition.


NLRB Says Workers Should Not Have Lost Jobs for Facebook Postings

Buffalo non-profit cited for "wrongful" firings.


Bans on Workplace Smoking Lighting Up in All but South

Southern workers emulate Smoky Mountains.


Polyurethane Foam Not Hazmat

Petition to regulate polyurethane denied.


Heat Illness Prevention in Agriculture Gets Focus in California

Free "Heat Illness Prevention in Agriculture" training events.


Mine Safety Overview
Learn the basics of mine safety for workers.


Mine Safety Agency Issues Withdrawal Orders at Kentucky Mine
Ten orders issued showing pattern of safety violations.


Workplace Absence Costing British Economy Big Bucks
190 million workings days lost to absences in 2010.


European OSHA Launches Website to Protect Road Transport Workers

High risk workers need better protection how-to.


Irish Minister Wants Improved Safety on Farms

Farmers called to make safety top priority.


North Carolina: Easing Employer Responsibility for Workers Comp Claims
Legislation looks at easing employer work comp claim responsibility.


Louisiana Resident Claims Kmart Workers Were Careless

Shopper says water spill caused her accident.

My Employee is Injured -- Now What?

Employers save on workers compensation costs when they follow a set procedure when an employee is injured.

  1. Get medical care for the injured employee.
  2. Report the claim immediately.
  3. Assess the employee's ability to return to work.
  4. Offer transitional duties if the employee needs more time to heal.
  5. Stay in touch with injured employee to prevent "psychological disemployment."


A New Type of
Workers Compensation
Cost Containment Course


Reed Group & Webility Corporation introduce a new Online Training Course for Physicians - A Primer on Disability Prevention and Management.

Disability Duration Course for
Doctors Treating Workers Comp Injuries


New Publication from Advisen and Amaxx

"Manage Your Workers' Compensation Program 2011
Reduce Cost 20%-50%"


EManual Amaxx

To order: mbastone@advisen.com

Learn more: LowerWC.com

1- Employers use to learn cost containment


2- TPA account executives use as a training aid with clients.

3- Brokers, adjusters, use to educate themselves so they can discuss this subject with clients.

4- Give the book to clients and prospects as a promotional gift.

For brokers, agents, captives &  associations - imprinted with your logo!


 Let us know.

 Our Awards

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(Click on Our Banner Ad for Order Information)


Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
1-860-553-6604 (Eastern)

Contact Us: 
