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Successful Physical/Occupational Therapy

Highest success in physical/occupational therapy (PT/OT) occurs when an injured worker is able to avoid surgery and return to work after following a treatment plan prescribed by a doctor.

A successful PT plan includes the use of various modalities designed to improve flexibility, endurance, strength, coordination, and balance.

A successful OT plan teaches an injured person how to improve specific body parts most likely used in the actual job, again by instruction in exercises and physical movement.


To return injured workers to full duty every employer needs to consider the role of both physical and occupational therapy. Chapter 11 of "Manage Workers Compensation" provides details on sorting out the differences between physical and occupational therapy, types of qualifications needed by therapists, working with doctors and much, much more.


It's a Trifecta 
Narcotics play a very active role in treating chronic pain in workers compensation injuries and usage is open to major abuse. Learn how payors take proactive monitoring measures.

Reducing Narcotics Abuse in Workers Compensation



Using Utilization Review Programs to Control Narcotic Use in Workers Compensation



My life would be complete if my clients just followed these simple steps. 


Don't be swayed by appearances -- investigate!


Yes, you can stop workers comp medical treatment.


Massey Energy Co. offers families of 29 dead miners $3 million each in settlement.

Hospital Operated on Boy's Wrong Eye

Surgeon "wanders" toward wrong wandering eye.

Treatment on hand affects brain. 


State News 

Illinois Retailers Request Enhanced Causation Requirement

Workers compensation system appears to include a key provision.

Hispanics average nearly one worker death per week in 2010.


The value of searching for undisclosed prior injuries.


"Poli v. Taconic Correction Facility" court case to reduce fraudulent/exaggerated claims.


Dismissal warning kills worker -- family to collect industrial disaster compensation. 

Localization of cancers related to professional activities. 

Alberta Amps Up Workplace Safety Inspections to Reduce Teen Injuries 

Workplace safety inspections focus on young employees.  


Reasons to Consider Physical Therapy

Reason #5:  Assists the employee in recovering from surgery.


Reason #4:  Assists employee to reach maximum medical

                     improvement before a disability evaluation.


Reason #3:  Provides reconditioning needed to return

                     the employee to work.


Reason #2:  Assists in the healing process.

AND .  . .

Reason #1:  Reduces or eliminates the need for surgery!


A New Type of
Workers Compensation
Cost Containment Course


Reed Group & Webility Corporation introduce a new Online Training Course for Physicians - A Primer on Disability Prevention and Management.

Disability Duration Course for
Doctors Treating Workers Comp Injuries


New Publication from Advisen and Amaxx

"Manage Your Workers' Compensation Program 2011
Reduce Cost 20%-50%"


EManual Amaxx

To order: mbastone@advisen.com

Learn more: LowerWC.com

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Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
1-860-553-6604 (Eastern)

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