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Use Manual as a Training Tool


During the Annual Stewardship Meeting a top-5 broker discusses lag time results indicating slow reporting led to higher claim costs. After politely discussing the troubling trend, the broker reviews the concept of lag time and gives the client our workers compensation cost-cutting manual


Together they review Chapter 5: Reporting a Claim and Chapter 6: Post Injury Response which describe why rapid reporting is necessary and how the post injury process should be evaluated and enhanced to correct the situation. The company was not aware that a seemingly minor gap in their current procedure caused reporting delays.


The company then implements two slight changes to their process. As part of the remediation plan, the risk manager provides books to all 15 divisions and sets up a conference call to go over the newly revised post injury process.


Learn more about this topic in 2011 Manage Your Workers Compensation Program - Reduce Costs 20-50%.


If you have a success story about how you used any of our tools, please send us an email.


Featured Article

4 Types of Workers Comp Claim Leakage You May Not Have Heard of Yet

Payment errors big headache for workers comp insurers.


Getting Through the Maze of Medicare Set Asides to Lower Workers Comp Costs

Set-Asides: A complex issue employers MUST pay attention to.


Lower Your Workers Comp Premiums By Doing Reserve Audits Before This Secret Date

Time your audits so they benefit you. If you wait too long, the benefit will be reduced.


Respiratory Hazard Exposures Reduced by Testing

Two guidance documents, one each for workers and employers, describe new preventive spirometry testing.


New Trends Using Prepaid Debit Cards to Lower Workers Comp Insurance Costs

Prepaid, reloadable debit cards in "vogue" to reimburse employees and pay indemnity benefits.


Mistrust in Workers Compensation
The push/pull between employer and employee in attitudes toward work comp.


State News

Supervisors Fined in Death of Pregnant California Farm Worker
Supervisors must pay small fines, probation and community service time for worker's death.


Kansas State Senate Gives Approval to Workers Comp Reform
Fraud: Workers Comp reform bill makes it more difficult for individuals to file false claims.


Missouri Workers Comp Regulators Back Payments for Duty Claim
Families now receive payments when first-responders die in line of duty.


Update on the New York Workplace Bedbug Lawsuit
Read Why: TV news staffer's pioneering lawsuit tossed out by judge.


PA Firm Fined $129,000 for Exposing Workers to High Lead Levels
OSHA imposes large fine on Pittsburgh firm.


International News

New South Wales Mandates Safety Switches for Workplaces
Employers receive new safety switch mandate.


Ontario Investigates Mold Issue Impacting University Employees
Work stopped following mold discovery in university campus building.


Welding Greater Risk to Infants and Females than Males
If welding is dangerous for men what potential hazards exist for women who weld?


Identify, Discuss, Implement

Educating your clients by using  Manage Your Workers Compensation Program: Reduce Your Costs 20-50%, (a.k.a. The Manual) to effectively identify areas needing improvement. 

  1. Identify one or two areas where a client needs improvement.
  2. Identify those Chapters in the Manual covering these topics.
  3. Review the situation with the client. Keep it low key and helpful.
  4. Discuss and show the client how to improve performance using techniques found in these chapters. 
  5. Encourage your client to provide the book to each department involved in implementation.
  6. Set a time to follow up on the client's progress. 

Plan to leave the manual with your client so they can look through other chapters. (It can be imprinted with their company name.) Remember, they don't know what they don't know...


A New Type of
Workers Compensation
Cost Containment Course


Reed Group & Webility Corporation introduce a new Online Training Course for Physicians - A Primer on Disability Prevention and Management.

Disability Duration Course for
Doctors Treating Workers Comp Injuries


New Publication from Advisen and WorkersCompKit®


"Manage Your Workers' Compensation Program 2011
Reduce Cost 20%-50%"



To order: mbastone@advisen.com

Learn more: LowerWC.com

For brokers, agents &  associations, imprinted with your logo!



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Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
1-860-553-6604 (Eastern)

Contact Us: 
