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Producer Uses Field Training Tool 

Mega-brokers aren't the only ones finding our workers compensation cost-cutting manual useful. A larger regional broker in New York reports his client's safety manager reviewed the book and found it to be a good outline for claims management. He plans to use specific chapters to train the supervisors in his company. He sees it as a useful teaching tool as these supervisors become more involved in the claims process moving forward.

Those who purchase our book, 2011 Manage Your Workers Compensation Program - Reduce Costs 20-50%
learn new cost containment techniques, then go on to use the book as a teaching tool. They have real-life success!


Featured Article


Rebecca Shafer, J.D., cited as "The Go-To Guru on Workers Comp," in Hartford Courant.


The success of any safety program relies on the emphasis given to safety with the company's culture.


Safety ia number one priority of risk manager for trucking fleet.


A product liability claim occurs when a product fails its intended use and causes an injury.


Settlement agreement reached with trio of trucking associations clarifying website safety information.


State News

OSHA and Mexican Consulate agree to enhance workplace safety and health for Mexican workers.


Employers lower WC premiums by implementing state's drug free plan.


Storage facility under investigation for possible history of safety violations.


International News

3.3% rise recommended for compulsory workers compensation insurance premium rates.


Public safety program for road workers begins.


Decontamination unit failure leads to workers CO2 poisoning.


256 penalties equals $3 million plus in fines in year 2010.


Officials say no to further asbestos use in construction nationwide.

On Using "The Manual"

So, you've purchased Manage Your Workers Compensation Program: Reduce Your Costs 20-50%, (a.k.a. The Manual) now you must educate yourself before taking it into the field.

1.   Use the manual is as a training tool.

2.   Select the chapter(s) your clients/supervisors need to know about.

3.    Use the documents and tools from that chapter as a lesson plan.

4.    Hi-lite and tab it witih sticky notes.

5.    Walk your clients/supervisors through the process.


Did I mention plan to leave the manual with your client so they can look through other chapters? (It can be imprinted with your company name.)


A New Type of
Workers Compensation
Cost Containment Course


Reed Group & Webility Corporation introduce a new Online Training Course for Physicians - A Primer on Disability Prevention and Management.

Disability Duration Course for
Doctors Treating Workers Comp Injuries


New Publication from Advisen and WorkersCompKit®


"Manage Your Workers' Compensation Program 2011
Reduce Cost 20%-50%"



To order: mbastone@advisen.com

Learn more: LowerWC.com

For brokers, agents &  associations, imprinted with your logo!



 Our Awards

Book AD 

(Click on Our Banner Ad for Order Information)


Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
1-860-553-6604 (Eastern)

Contact Us: 
