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Broker Uses Manual as a Lesson Plan 

One mid-west broker began by first educating himself, learning cost containment techniques, by reading key areas of our book. Then, using it as a training manual, he selects one chapter and brings it into the field to use with clients.

He talks his clients through the cost containment process, beginning with the chapter on Roles & Responsibilities describing what a Workers' Compensation Coordinator (WCC) should do. His client, the Risk Manager, is hiring a WCC and needs to know what the new workers comp 
coordinator can be expected to know and to do.

Many of the brokers who purchase our book, 2011 Manage Your Workers Compensation Program - Reduce Costs 20-50% learn new cost containment techniques, then go on to use the book as a teaching tool. The have real-life success!

Remember, Workers Comp is the largest line of insurance, accounting for 40% of the risk management dollar for companies with less than 1 Billion in revenue, according to the 2010 RIMS Benchmark Survey. If you have workers compensation problems, ask your broker or TPA for help.


Featured Article

Taming Federal Workers Compensation with Medical Expertise. Yes, it IS possible to get those nightmare claims moving.



Contrary to plaintiff attorneys' opinions there are valid reasons for denying WC benefits. Here's 10 of them.


ICD-9 code/CPT codes puzzling you? Learn how to solve the puzzle.


Ground Zero firefighters experience rise in reported  cancers.


You don't ask the fox to testify after being caught in the hen house.


Hustle those condoms to performers on movie set or face $14,000 plus fine.


Lawsuit alleging eye damage/blindness reviewed by 9th Circuit Court.


OHIO: Pigeon droppings and breathing lead to near fatal disease.


Employer incentives plans must be fair across the board for retiring workers regardless of age.


Boston police officer ends up on the wrong side of the law.


HSA issues work clarification at graveyards and cemeteries.


DENMARK: Elder care evening work leads to serious stress.


Four-year "I can't work" fraud run ends in conviction.


A New Type of
Workers Compensation
Cost Containment Course


Reed Group & Webility Corporation introduce a new Online Training Course for Physicians - A Primer on Disability Prevention and Management.

Disability Duration Course for
Doctors Treating Workers Comp Injuries


New Publication from Advisen and WorkersCompKit®


"Manage Your Workers' Compensation Program 2011
Reduce Cost 20%-50%"



To order: mbastone@advisen.com

Learn more: LowerWC.com

For brokers, agents &  associations, imprinted with your logo!



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Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
1-860-553-6604 (Eastern)

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