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Federal Employees Use Bowling Braces 

Today everyone seems to have carpal tunnel syndrome. "Dr. Alice," Alice Martinson, MD, a board-certified orthopaedic surgeon with 40 years experience, 25 of which is as a Naval Medical Officer, recommends splinting, particularly at night, as being very helpful to alleviate carpal tunnel pain. But, she is not talking about just any ol' splint, since she knows it's next to impossible to work in a splint. She recommends instead, using a bowling brace. The bowler's brace, cut differently, allows you to hold the ball, the beer, and the pencil, says Dr. Martin, who also has a terrific sense of humor.


She explains that splints keep the wrist out of prolonged flexion, the position that pulls the maximum volume of tissue into the carpal canal, and it's the position we all tend to assume during sleep. That's why waking up at night with burning paresthesias in the fingers is a very common, almost diagnostic, part of a patient's history in carpal tunnel syndrome. 

To read more about Dr. Martinson's federal workers compensation experience go to Dr. Martinson in our Directory.


 "Dr. Alice" gives us the benefit of her experience with chronic soft tissue injuries.


Workers Comp: Ripe For Cost-Cutting - Two Places To Check.


Major study agrees with workers comp adjusters: spinal fusion not very successful in returning workers to work.


Eyes squinting looking at your workers comp premium? Consider self-insurance.


Tips from Ted: Advice employers can give their employees on how to prevent comp fraud.


Four case updates from Larson's Workers Compensation Law.


Is "Don't ask, don't tell." new motto for employees in paint manufacturing and related industries?


State News

Texas appeals court rules landscape manager within "course and scope of employment" when he died.


New Jersey man claims permanent heart damage from drinking alcohol/caffeine-laced energy drink.


Law orders DOL&I to provide statewide medical provider network for injured workers.


International News

2,453 workers killed & 1,841 critically injured in occupational accidents, workplace violence, road accidents.


Workplace stoppage ordered due to health and safety concerns.


Coroner's jury reviews facts and makes recommendations for better safety following mine death.


Union warns youngest workers face unsafe on-the-job conditions.


Can asbestos be managed on worksites? Air quality found higher than norm allows.


A New Type of
Workers Compensation
Cost Containment Course


Reed Group & Webility Corporation introduce a new Online Training Course for Physicians - A Primer on Disability Prevention and Management.

Disability Duration Course for
Doctors Treating Workers Comp Injuries


New Publication from Advisen and WorkersCompKit®


"Manage Your Workers' Compensation Program 2011
Reduce Cost 20%-50%"



To order: mbastone@advisen.com

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Rebecca Shafer, Attorney & Risk Consultant
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
1-860-553-6604 (Eastern)

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