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Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.


860-553-6604 (Eastern)






5Things to Discuss in the Roll-Out Conference Call
Recommendations for Improvement

We are planning the first conference call with 15 division-level Workers Comp Coordinators. The Risk Manager will lead the charge and my team supports him; we do the behind the scenes work, and give him the benefit of 20 years experience helping companies reduce their costs; he must be the star of the show to properly roll-out his new program. We do things such as lead the weekly implementation team conference calls, suggest and format the agenda for the RM, and customize documents from Workers Comp Kit for his review.

  • Name & Mission of Program
  • Assessment Results
        What divisions did well (assessment results)
    What divisions did not do well (assessment results)
  • Q&A/Brainstorming
  • Next Steps
  • Date of Next Call


Good risk managers understand the importance of preventing injuries through a strong safety program.


Did you know? A drug-free workplace can equal LOWER workers compensation insurance premiums.


Account Servicing Instructions essential in managing claims and litigation.


"What is the rate of return on the investment?" most asked when discussing cost savings derived from medical case management.


Final ruling clarifies procedures for handling whistleblower retaliation complaints under the Energy Reorganization Act.


New proposal limits interstate truck and bus drivers from using handheld devices.


It's certainly more cost effect to just follow the industry standards for worker safety.


Illegal immigrants cannot receive workers comp benefits.


Oregon receives portion of $100 million 50-state settlement from AIG.


International News

$75,000 fine imposed for OSHA violations found in young workers injuries.

British Airways Not the Friendly Skies

Union reports culture of staff bullying and victimization at British Airways.


Student employees need to know their employment rights and obligations.


Health and Safety Executive urges employers to emphasis health and safety.


Lower overall workplace deaths not reflected in the construction sector.



New Publication from Advisen and WorkersCompKit®


EManual"Manage Your Workers' Compensation
Program 2011 - Reduce Cost 20%-50%

For brokers, agents and associations, imprinted with your logo!

To order:  
Learn more 



Rebecca Shafer

Attorney & Risk Consultant
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.

