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Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.


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Multi-state Nursing Facility

Selects Teaser Packet Materials


A multi-site long-term nursing care facility has selected materials for their "Teaser Packet." It's called a "teaser packet" because they are using the packet to build division-level interest. Divisions don't like corporate telling them to implement programs, so the risk manager is selling the program internally by customizing several sample tools from the Workers Comp Kit tool box.


The Teaser Packet includes:


·       Employee Brochure - English

·       Employee Brochure - Spanish

·       Sample Letter to TPA Requesting Lag Reports

·       Wallet Card with Injury Instructions in English/Spanish





Employers can trim workers compensation costs with thought and effort.


Quantum Meruit: "What one has earned". In contract law: "reasonable value of services."


Claims auditor discovers every file grossly OVER-RESERVED!


Negotiate the right to select legal counsel when exposure within company's retention level.


New directive provide general enforcement policy and guidance related to PPE and inspections.


Users advised to make daily safety checks to prevent equipment overturning.


$60,000 payment settles harassment and discrimination lawsuit.


State-by-State Laws

Employers with any employees must carry WC insurance.


Employers with three or more employees regularly employed in the same business/establishment must carry WC insurance.


State News

Legislation to prohibit employers forcing workers attendance/participation at workplace meetings about employers' religious/political views.


With more than 140 workshops and sessions, registration is now open for the Oregon Governors Occupational Safety and Health (GOSH) Conference. The largest event of its kind in the Northwest, the...

Wyoming May Allow Guns in Vehicles at Workplace

Employers would not have the ability to prohibit workers from keeping guns in their vehicles at workplace.


International News

Construction company $50,000 recently for violating safety act.


Company at the center of an animal cruelty investigation.


$100,000 fined assessed and order pay WorkCover's legal costs follows worker's death.


Union challenges public sector employers to give sick pay to all workers.


Powerful union calls for authorities to crack down on mining companies over safety issues.


New Publication from Advisen and WorkersCompKit®


EManual"Manage Your Workers' Compensation
Program 2011 - Reduce Cost 20%-50%

               "2 for 1 Winter Special"

For brokers, imprinted with your logo!

To order:  

Learn more 



Rebecca Shafer

Attorney & Risk Consultant
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.

