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Workers Comp Conference

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By Peter Rousmaniere of Risk & Insurance

When Employers and Claims Staffs Clash

Solutions for when employers blame their claims administrators and brokers when issues with workers' comp claims arise.

Workers Comp CAN be FUN!

A Workers Comp Song?

You bet. Lex Larson, king of workman's comp songs, sings on our Workers' Comp Kit FaceBook page.


6 Things to Cover in Your Next Workers Compensation Workshop

Workshop topics may stand alone or be combined depending upon quantity of material and length of presentation.


Is Damaged Breast Implant Covered by Workers Compensation

Florida Court Affirms Award to Replace Damaged Breast Implant.

Decreasing Work Comp with Physical and Medical Pre-Employment Screening

It's Easy! Avoid hiring people with a higher than average propensity for filing WC claims.


Work Comp Hearing Loss Claims Difficult to Disprove

How loud IS too loud?


Workplace Can Hinder Healthy Lifestyle Worldwide Issue

32% of workers report in survey: workplace hinders ability to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Professional Drivers Could Face Risk with Windshield Wash

Legionnaires' disease spread by windshield wiper water.

OREGON:  Charges Filed in Alleged Sex and Disability Case

Investigation merits filing charges by Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries.


Los Angeles Police Officer Accused in Workers Comp Scam

"Go back to work." Verdict to veteran officer in spite of "serial" doctor shopping.

GREAT BRITAIN Decade of Safety in Quarries

2010 quarry exhibition highlights safety record.

AUSTRALIA: 10 Safety Points for ATV Workplace Hazards

Quad bike safety highlighted for owners.


AUSTRALIA Dealing with Bogus Sales Safety Calls

Bogus phone calls try to entice employers to purchase "WorkCover safety insurance."

SOUTH AUSTRALIA Workers Comp Sees $77 Million Profit

WorkCoverSA) announces profit for the full financial year.


Rebecca Shafer

Attorney & Risk Consultant
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
