Risk Innovator of the Year Awarded for Claims Analysis e-Triage
Broadspire's Gary Anderberg, Ph.D receives prestigious award.
10 Ways to Make Sure Your Workers Comp Program Decreases Costs
Treat your entire WC program like an unruly teenager - continuous check-ins ensures success.
Top 7 Myths about Workers Compensation
Unwittingly employers waste money on workers compensation.
Key Elements of an Employee Safety Program to Control Costs
Effective Employee Safety Program puts the brakes on indirect costs.
How Does a Third Party Administrator Correct Poor Performance?
TPA identifies the quality issues they were facing & establishes quality benchmarks to measure performance.
Jones Act Riverboat Casino Not Vessel in Navigation
Employees working on moored vessel entitled to workers comp benefits.
Was Man Mauled By Bear Covered by Workers Compensation
Smokey says: "Watch out for employers without workplace injury insurance coverage."
Woman Fights Back Over Pay Issue at Ohio Company
Female, paid less for equal work, fired for objecting. Can you do that?
Employee Right to Work With Serious Medical Conditions
It's not about HR's personal opinions - It's about obeying the law.
Washington Coca-Cola Workers File Lawsuit
Striking workers claim ERISA violation in health benefits termination.
Nova Scotia Rates Decrease or Hold Steady for Most Employers
Employers rates will not rise in 2011.
British Companies Urged to Secure Workers at Height
Contractors must ensure the safety of construction workers.
Australia Workers Comp Claims Form Changes
A new workers compensation claim form takes effect October 1 in Western Australia.