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What's the Workers Compensation World All About

I go to the National Workers Compensation and Disability Conference & Expo (NWCD Conference) in either Chicago or Las Vegas at least every other year.


Tips From Ted: The Key to Keeping Workers Comp Claims Small

Many employers limit their participation in their own workers comp claims hoping the carrier will do nearly all of the work.


Five Reasons the First Step is ALWAYS the Hardest When You Develop a Workers Compensation Program

At most companies, there are some people doing some things in some locations some of the time but it's an uncoordinated approach.


Four Measurements to Evaluate Your Workers Compensation Progress

If you create a structured survey, with a finite list of questions, and a finite list of possible responses, you can  automatically identify areas of deficiency.

A Nurse Case Manager Tells Us Fifteen Ways to Tell If You Need a Nurse Case Manager on Your Workers Comp Claims

It's the few "ugly" claims really taking up most of your time, resources, expenses, and sending your modifiers through the roof.

Guidelines to Prevent Workplace Violence and Harassment Added by European Trade Union Organizations

A series of guidelines designed to prevent and reduce cases of third-party violence and harassment in the workplace endorsed by trade union organizations.

Injured Worker Must Show Wiggling His Butt Was Not Disqualifying Horseplay

Burden of proof on injured worker to show greeting a co-worker by "wiggling his butt" was not disqualifying horseplay.

Employer Attending Settlement Conferences Decreases Work Comp Claim Costs

For most routine  workers' compensation claims, the adjuster negotiates the settlement with the claimant. 


Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.... Literacy Is Key to Keeping Workers Safe

Report suggests overreliance on written manuals and policies and less attention on literacy training puts workers at risk.

Explaining Monopolistic States and 8 Ways To Achieve Cost Containment

 "Will cost containment work if my business is located in a monopolistic state?"  Absolutely YES!  

If Your Employees Travel Where Do You Pay Premiums

An employer is in a non-monopolistic state and the employee's residence is in a non-monopolistic state, but works from time to time in a monopolistic state. . .then what?


Architect and Contractor Fined For Workers Fatal Fall Due to Low Parapet on Roof

Worker Loses Life in Fatal Fall:  Architect and Construction Company Held Responsible as Contributory Cause.


Personal Comfort Doctrine or - Make Sure the Vending Machines are Secure

Worker Injured Attempting to Retrieve a Bag of Chips Stuck in Vending Machine Receives Award of Benefits.


Fee Schedule Revision Gives Medical Providers a 3 Percent Increase

Now we can all sleep soundly at night - OHIO updates fee schedule setting reimbursement rates for the more than 64,000 certified medical providers.

Cincinnati Employer Sued Over Hiring Practices For Firing Based on Undisclosed Felony Conviction

Transit company sued regarding hiring practices in a lawsuit with important implications for both national and Ohio employment laws.

Arizona Company That Provide Services to Disabled Settles Lawsuit For Discriminating Against the Disabled

Creative Networks LLC, a company providing services to the disabled, agrees to pay $110,000 to settle an EEOC lawsuit.


Volunteer Fire Departments Receive Coverage Under State Operated Insurance Program

West Virginia - State volunteer fire departments will receive broad form insurance coverage through the Board of Risk and Insurance Management.

Insurance Company Awarded $19.3 Million in Jury Verdict From Money Siphoning Scheme

A federal jury in Seattle issued a $19.3 million verdict against three people and a company.

Mandatory Retirement Policy at Canadian University Ruled Discriminatory

A university policy forcing employees over the age of 65 into mandatory retirement revoked as age discrimination.


WALES Farmers Warned of Safety Needs as Fatalities Increase in Agricultural Industry

Welsh farmers urged to look out for themselves and each other during the Royal Welsh Show by Health and Safety Executive.


UK Plan to Find Disabled Freelancers Who Are Currently Under-Represented in TV Industry

Industry's online network for freelancers working in TV, film and commercial production launches new search tool to find disabled freelancers.


Medical Test for Disability Benefits To Be Scrutinized

Great Britain: Medical Test for Disability Benefits Under Review.


British Scaffolder Receives Substantial Amount Following Injury

Severely disabled scaffolder receives a substantial sum in compensation after help from his trade union. 


Scotland Workplace Fatality Figures Remain Stable

Twenty-three workers killed at work in Scotland between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2010, per new figures released by the Health and Safety Executive.

Contact Us
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
P.O. Box 212
Storrs, CT 06268
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Eastern)
Rebecca Shafer
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
Attorney & Risk Consultant