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Workers' Comp Kit Blog
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Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services
The  2009 RIMS Benchmark Survey, found more than 60% of companies need moderate to significant improvement in workers' compensation cost-containment strategies.
Know the #1 Top Reason Workers Comp Costs Are High
According to a 2009 RIMS Benchmark Survey, only 21% of employers get work restrictions on the FIRST medical visit. This "waiting" puts the employee in charge.
Use Data the Right Way and Gain Management Commitment for Real Results
Benchmarking:  Companies use key performance indicators to hold management accountable. However, often data is incorrectly used. 
7 Considerations When Selecting Your Workers Comp Claims Adjuster
If you are the risk manager or workers' compensation claims coordinator for a large company reporting WC  claims regularly, you need to select your adjuster. 
How to Make Changes to Improve Workers Compensation Across Your Organization
Even though it's hard to make changes to improve workers' comp. performance across your organization, maintaining your improvement is even more challenging! 
The Intricacies of How to Interpret Impairment Ratings from State to State
Pity the workers' compensation claims coordinator who needs to know the impairment rating systems of several (or even all) of the states. 
Learn the Basics of Workers Comp Medical Bill Repricing Cost Containment
It's true - risk managers do find medical bill repricing to be mundane, boring, and a difficult area of workers' compensation claims.  
Surveillance and Its Proper Use In Work Comp Claims
A Colorado bill is designed to restrict significantly the use of surveillance on workers' compensation claims. 
Methylene Chloride Standard Has Positive Effects for Workers Health
OSHA's recent review of the agency's methylene chloride standard indicates the standard is succeeding in protecting workers from the effects of methylene chloride exposure.

Teens Reminded of Summer Workplace Safety
On average, 79 young workers are injured every working day in Washington state -  about three an hour. 
Federal Whistleblower Law Violated
A whistleblower investigation by the OSHA finds violations by Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corp. 
Former Starbucks Employee Served Up with More Than a Latte
Employee tells fake story to get workers' comp.  
Nurse Staffing Agency Head Nabbed in Workers Comp Scam
A man pleaded guilty to insurance fraud for  underreporting the number of employees at his nurse staffing agency to the State Fund. 
Arizona Privatizing State Compensation Fund
Arizona privatized its state compensation fund. Becomes a mutual insurance company.

New York City Must Hire Women Bridge Painters
New York City discriminated against women bridge painters by hiring only men and allowing "boys club" attitudes amounting to sexual harassment.
Find Out Where UK Safety Is Failing
Two thirds of construction sites visited in Lincolnshire during March failed safety inspections. 
BRITISH COLUMBIA Police Association Pushes to Amend Workers Compensation Act
British Columbia Police Association petitions to amend the province's Workers' Compensation Act (WCA) to include coverage and treatment for cumulative mental stress.
New Foundland and Labrador Reduce Number of Workplace InjuriesThe number of workplace injuries resulting in lost-time compensation claims drops below 4,000 for the first time in 50 years.
Contact Us
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
P.O. Box 212
Storrs, CT 06268
8:00 a.m./5:00 p.m.
Rebecca Shafer
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
Attorney & Risk Consultant