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Top Claims Handling Tips by Barb Galluppi 
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Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services
Employers rejoice over lower workers' compensation rates and then slack off on safety and WC management. 
After the Audit Common Sense Approach To Using Your Assessment Report
How to implement your audit recommendations -- sooner than later.
Using Job Classification Codes to Save Work Comp Costs Proper use of job codes help reduces WC costs.

California Employers Required to Post 2009 Workplace Injuries
Cal/OSH requires all employers to post list of workplace injuries.
Employer May Not Fire Worker for Reporting Workplace Injury
OSHA forbids retaliatory firing when workers report injuries.
Using Medical Record Search Support Services at Onset of WC Claims
Attorney Ronca discusses how medical record searches in New York became a part of his practice.  
Boeing Settles Pair of Harassment Lawsuits
Company agrees to pay $380,000 and administer far-reaching injunctive measures to settle two EEOC lawsuits.

Chronic Pain Management Matters
CDC's "Health, United States, 2006: the importance of pain management in the workplace."  
Oh My Aching Back... Chronic Pain and Work Comp in Canada
If you're a person with chronic pain and can't work, can you collect work comp benefits? Court says "yes."
Will Family Court View Work Comp Payments As Assets Work comp's periodic payments of money - are they assets, property? How effected by divorce? 
Bunkhouse Rule Whether Work Conditions Require Worker to Live In Bunkhouse
Lexis Nexis Workers Comp Law Center reports on new South Carolina "bunkhouse" rule case. 
CMS Delays Mandatory Insurer Reporting
Gould & Lamb report on current Medicare happenings.
Using Twitter For Workers Compensation Vendor and TPA Selection
Social Networking -- helpful or time-sucking?

How Winter Effects Disability Claims
Steps to take to maintain wintertime wellness and avoid the risk of disabling Illnesses and accidents.

Fishing for Work Comp Fraud How Investigators Reeled in a False Claim
Effectively using the investigation tool in your workers' comp toolkit.

Missouri Considers Change to Help Injured Workers Second Injury fund undergoing review.
Posters Help Reduce Workplace Injuries in Canada Preventing workplace injuries is an employer's first line of defense in reducing the cost of workers' compensation. 
Australian Company Fined for Workplace Safety Violation in Death of Worker
Court finds Federal workplace safety laws breached.
NEW ZEALAND Privacy Breach about Injured Employees Medical Information
Privacy issues raised by miss-match in Employer Injury Report Data.
Contact Us
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
P.O. Box 212
Storrs, CT 06268
8:00 a.m./5:00 p.m.
Rebecca Shafer
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
Attorney & Risk Consultant