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Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
P.O. Box 212
Storrs, CT 06268
8:00 a.m./5:00 p.m.
February 1, 2010
NEWS: Any size business can apply for a WORKERS COMP QUOTE ONLINE NOW -- fast, easy, and no obligation! Check out the quote center at the top of the page.   
Download Our FREE Webcast or Podcast on:
Your plan is in place. You have goals and solutions. What's next?
Understanding the timing of your application for workers' compensation insurance.

Why workers' compensation is required by law?


Learn how to accurately estimate your payroll for WC insurance purposes.


Employer's "mod" factor is an important number in a premium calculation.

Figuring out who is considered a covered employee for purposes of workers' compensation often is a tricky matter and sometimes a source of litigation.

Shopping for workers' comp insurance.  Be on time or face fine.

18 Things You Need When Shopping for Work Comp Insurance
Before you go shopping for a workers' compensation insurance policy gather up this paperwork.
Subcontractor Workers Comp Claim vs. Trade or Business DefenseInjured sub-contactor's lawsuit against oil refinery barred by "trade or business" defense.
Help in unraveling the overlap in Workers' Compensation and Medicare.
Georgia law provides for limitations to an employee's eligibility for income benefits.
Rebecca Shafer
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
Attorney & Risk Consultant