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ReduceYourWorkersComp.com Newsletter
Sponsored by Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services 
"Most read" articles of the workers' compensation community.  
FREE Workers' Comp Fraud Podcast: Learn how to become pro-active by implementing and managing defensive strategies to reduce and/or eliminate fraudulent behavior. Narrated by a private investigator with 25 years experience 
Download Our FREE Workers' Comp Fraud Podcast 
Recovery Under Uninsured Motorist Coverage Against Workers' Compensation Benefits Owed to Injured Worker
How Would You Decide:  Mississippi Insurance Guaranty Association Is Not Entitled To Credit a Recovery Under Employer's Uninsured Motorist Coverage Against Workers' Compensation Benefits.

Contacting Claimants Represented by Counsel in New York
Can a carrier or an employer contact a claimant who is represented by an attorney without first contacting the attorney?

Seven Ways to Handle PUSHBACK
In a perfect world, you implement a workers' comp management program and there is no pushback. 

Medical Cost Containment is Right Here, Right Now
What Is Medical Cost Containment?

Analyze Your Benchmarks to Measure Data and Operational Best Practices
Where Are You Now? What to do with your recommendations for improvement.

Physical Ability is Major Consideration of Our Aging Workforce
Our aging workforce and the lower capacity for sustained activity. 

Hospital Employees Fired for Alleged Patient Privacy Violations
HIPPA is REAL!  Employees lose jobs for violating privacy laws.

Workers Comp Settlements Start with Establishing a Plan
Proper conclusion of workers' compensation claims has a major impact on the financial cost of your workers' compensation program. 

A Nurse Provides Tips for Interviewing the Disabled Person
Interviewing clients who suffer from a traumatic injury or illness. 

Safety Programs 101 - How to Get Started
A successful safety program is a process management MUST buy into completely and support.  Management must "get it."
fety Recognition Programs Help Reduce Workers Comp Costs
Employee Safety Programs Control Costs! Don't ignore safety, integrate it.

Yukon Alaska Workers Comp Board Unveils New Approach in Investigating Incidents Workplace Safety officials implement a new approach of releasing preliminary investigation reports to the public.

AUSTRALIA Workplace Injury Benchmarks Updated
Notified Fatalities Statistical Report released shows a 2008-2009 14% injury increase.

New Zealand Workers Compensation Rates Increase
The New Zealand  Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) levies for workers, employers and motorists increase next year.

The Insurance Educational Association Unveils Online Self-Study Course
IEA releases its latest online self-study course for the workers' compensation claims professional. 

CANADA Supreme Court Says Management Has Right to Terminate Employees Unable To Perform Essential Duties
Canadian courts uphold right of management to terminate disabled union workers.

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Rebecca Shafer
Amaxx Risk Solutions, Inc.
Attorney & Risk Consultant