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Contact: Rosamaria Caballero
              Green Irene LLC
              (646) 706-7310 Ext. 6

Green Irene Announces New Eco-Consultant Training Launch and Lower Entry Fee

NEW YORK - Green Irene LLC, which provides eco-consulting services nationwide for homes and offices, announces the launch of its upgraded version 2.0 of the Eco-Consultant training program and a new lower Eco-Consultant entry fee. Now, those interested in starting their own green business have the opportunity to enroll for as low as $150.


The upgraded training program gives Eco-Consultants more detailed information to make each consultation more helpful and effective for each client.  


The training program allows each Eco-Consultant to complete training online at their own pace. They also receive ongoing access to training, which allows Eco-Consultants to complete additional modules as they are added, as well as review modules anytime to reinforce topics covered. The training program includes feedback from more than 600 Eco-Consultants who have completed training, Green Home Makeover Checklist room-by-room modules with videos, Green Home Makeover Report modules that train Eco-Consultants on solutions and advice to recommend to clients, detailed product modules with key selling propositions, new videos featuring Eco-Consultants, updated green industry statistics and research, and more.


"By reducing our enrollment fees, we have made it easier to complete our upgraded online training program and become an Eco-Consultant," said Green Irene Co-Founder Rosamaria Caballero. "For as little as $150, Eco-Consultants will receive not only our intensive training, but a total business solution, 'A Business in a Box.' We believe our training program is better than any other on the market, most of which cost $895, $1,500 or more."


Other elements Eco-Consultants receive as part of their total business solution include an e-commerce website, marketing tools and support, complete order fulfillment infrastructure, and unlimited access to Ask Green Irene, a private green research database.


Since there is no typical Green Irene Eco-Consultant, the training program complements numerous backgrounds and expertise. While some men and women use this as a part-time business opportunity, other Eco-Consultants add their consulting practice to an established career or business.


"As a certified home stager, I'm glad I've added a green consulting service compatible with my home staging business. Green Irene gives me the opportunity to offer services to my present clients before and after they move," said Deb Hollister, Billings, MT Eco-Consultant. "Green Irene did a great job in its online training to prepare me as an Eco-Consultant, and they gave me confidence that I can educate my clients and help service their needs."


A few of the various professional backgrounds of Eco-Consultants include energy auditors, LEED-accredited professionals, realtors, landscape contractors, interior designers, solar installers, professional organizers and green cleaners.


"As a licensed mortgage broker who offers energy-efficient mortgages and works with the homeowner to select sustainable products, Green Irene's services are a great addition for me to offer homeowners who want to pick the 'low hanging fruit' of going green without doing a remodel," said Jan Gudis, Oviedo, FL Eco-Consultant.


Becoming a Green Irene Eco-Consultant isn't just a good green business opportunity, but a good business opportunity in general for anyone looking to start their own business.


"Whenever people ask me for opportunities to make money and make a difference in the world, I'm happy to tell them about Green Irene.  Green Irene provides a low cost way to start a business of your own and be a force for positive change in your community," said Glenn Croston, author of "75 Green Businesses You Can Start to Make Money and Make a Difference."


For more information about how to become an Eco-Consultant with Green Irene, visit To find additional information through their online media kit, visit



About Green Irene LLC

Founded in 2007 by the original "Green Irene," Rosamaria Caballero, Green Irene helps people save energy, water, and money. Founded on the notion that everyone can make a difference with simple changes in lifestyle and habits, Green Irene Eco-Consultants perform Green Home Makeovers and Green Office Makeovers with advice and products to make your living or working area more eco-friendly.

The only green home consulting firm with a national reach, Green Irene has trained more than 600 Eco-Consultants in 47 states. The goal for Green Irene Eco-Consultants is to lead your family members and coworkers to a healthier, safer and more sustainable lifestyle, and save you money, energy, and water with its consulting services and green home and office products. Green Irene is an accredited member of the Better Business Bureau and Green America's Green Business Network. For more information, visit