Fuzion Fitness Newsletter
 FUZE NEWS                                 OCT 09

Megan After May 2009

"Mad Mud Run"
Must register with Fuzion by 10-25-09
Event is on
November 21st  in North Scottsdale
water bottles 
 Fuzion is putting together teams for this runevent and the more the better! 
Mad Mud Run Phoenix is four miles of action-packed excitement as you travel up, over, around, and through...well, somewhere really cool - MacDonald's Ranch in the tranquil Sonoran Desert of north Scottsdale.
Cost is $60/person.
Email us NOW if you are interested to be on the FUZION team. 
Our stance on the FLU 
Feeling sick?  Cough, run down, or just found you  have the Swine??  
yes we said it...its bad enough people go to work and the sickness spreads to everyone else, at Fuzion we want you to be healthy and fit, and that cannot happen if you catch the flu from another member who thought they can "PUSH THROUGH IT"....
Don't get us wrong, we want you to feel better and workout, we just don't want to add to the spreading of the flu this season with all the hype out there.
Feel sick?  Cancel your session and get better faster by not running your body into the ground. 
Welcome new clients 
Karen Coloarfi
Vicki Hobbs
Jesse Hunter
Neha LaCorte
Natalie Lopez
Vicki Lyman
Kelly Tiff
Amanda Vega
Success Story of the month
Jane Evans 
Are you thinking right for weight loss?
Everyone knows you can lose weight if you consume fewer calories than you need. But if it were that simple, women, like myself, who have had children and who may now be entering menopause would not struggle so much with maintaining a sleek, firm body. The challenge with weight loss rests in our heads and not in our bodies.
To succeed, we need to get....
Squat press workout with Brian & Denise
Featured on Phoenix body, Mind, and Soul magazine
Happy Halloween season...The first of many more major holidays.  Ask yourself who you want to be??
  • The person who uses holiday season as an excuse to put off their fitness program?
  • The person who says i will get in shape when new years rolls around for my resolution?
  • The person who takes charge of their health and fitness and seizes the day NOW to combat those nasty holiday pounds and is ahead of the game for new years??
If you picked the 1st or 2nd choice, i want you to ask yourself if that was the same thing you did last year? And if so and you "REALLY" started on new years, did it stick?  are you healthier and more fit this year, or did 2009 fly by very fast just to leave you another year behind??
One thing to remember in life you are NEVER sitting still with your progress, you are either moving forward or moving backward! 
At Fuzion we made it easy for you....Right now for a limited time we are offering great deals on PARTNER training....get a friend or loved one to workout with you and hold each other accountable.  Right now the 2nd person is only $20/session or $10/session for (30 min sessions)!!
This is the kind of support system you need to stay motivated on track.  Don't have a friend?  Let us know we will try to find one for you.
So are you going to pick up the phone RIGHT NOW and call Fuzion?  or do you want to be another statistic in this world of increasing health issues??  We are here to help stop this, whatever you need its just 1 phone call.
Slow and Steady
Remember the fable about the tortoise and the hare? The hare got off to a zippy start and seemed sure to win the race. But he didn't, did he? The tortoise, while naturally much slower than the hare, kept moving steadily towards the finish line and was able to cross first.
What's the take-home message of this fable? Slow and steady wins the race. To reach your fitness goals (weight loss, weight gain, muscular development), you need to switch from the hare's to the tortoise's mind set. In other words, you must break the "all or nothing" mentality.
Do you start diets and training regimes with superhuman resolve - determined to eat right and work out seven days a week without fail - only to fall off the wagon and give up hope? This kind of approach to anything - especially to your health - can be very tempting, and may even feel motivational. But I'm telling you right now that it's a dangerous approach that will only set you up for failure.
Human beings are imperfect. It's inevitable that you will eventually skip a workout or give in to temptation, and you'll feel like a failure and want to give up entirely - i.e., trade the all for the nothing.  So, start thinking like a tortoise. Pace yourself. Allow yourself to have a slice of pizza or take a day off now and then; just don't stray too far from the path that will lead you to your goals.
Measure Your Journey
When you're just starting out, the road to losing 20 pounds or more seems to stretch out forever. Obsessively checking for incremental signs of progress along the way isn't going to make that road seem any shorter. Instead of measuring your journey in ounces, set your sights on real milestones. Weigh yourself just once a week. You'll see steady progress over time, not discouraging daily ups and downs. 
Finally, my favorite saying is "you can't manage what you don't know"!  If you aren't journaling your food and workouts how can you know if you are TRULY tracking.  Would you go into a large project at work without a plan?  Or start a new business without a business plan and expect success?  NO!!!!  All of my clients consistently have told me that they were most successful when they were required to journal their food.  This is only necessary when you are trying to reach your goal . . . but it is VERY NECESSARY.  How can we as trainers help you reach your goal without seeing actual data on what's going in and what's going out in exercise?  This is a huge part in your journey to success! 
Whether your results are good, bad, or indifferent you will then have "BIOFEEDBACK" . . . solid information to make informed decisions on what's working and what's not!  JOURNAL . . . JOURNAL . . . JOURNAL and share it with your trainer for a solid performance plan to reach your goals.
Denise Baker, Premier trainer Fuzion Fitness
Halloween Candy
Halloween is a great time for kids. They have lots of fun with parties and with trick-or-treating. The problem for moms and dads is deciding what to do with those big trick-or-treat bags full of candy and sweet treats. Many kids have difficulty with their weight and loading up on all that sugar isn't a good idea. Here are my tips to help control your children's consumption of treats:
Serve your kids a healthy snack such as a peanut butter sandwich and some fruit before trick-or-treating. If they aren't hungry, your kids will be less likely to gorge themselves on candy when they get home.
Let your children enjoy some of their Halloween candy in moderation when they have finished trick-or-treating -- after you have inspected the treats for safety. Keep a close eye on the kids who tend to binge so they don't eat too much candy.
Give your kids a day or two to enjoy the Halloween candy, then throw the rest away. Many people think this is wasteful. However, if your child has difficulty controlling his candy consumption, this may be what you need to do.
If you don't want to throw the candy away, give it away. Take the rest of the candy to work or group meetings. Hopefully, the adults will have good control over their candy consumption.
Put all of the extra treats into a high cabinet in your kitchen or pantry. Out of sight is out of mind, and you can control how many treats your kids get to eat over the next few days.
Divide up the leftover candy to be eaten a little bit at a time. You will need lunch-sized paper bags, tape, stapler, and maybe some markers or pens.
Place two or three small treats, or one larger piece, into each plain paper bag. Tape or staple the paper bags closed and keep them in a large box or bag. Let your kids pick out one bag each day.
Alternately, each bag can be marked with a day or date for the next week or two. Your child gets the treat bag that is marked for each day.
Don't buy Halloween candy early. You will tempt yourself and your kids to eat too much before the trick-or-treating even starts.
Promote a healthy Halloween by handing out alternatives to candy.
party favors
trading cards
Give out individually packaged non-sugary treats.
sunflower seeds
pumpkin seeds
microwave popcorn
whole grain crackers
Have some treats available for children who may have allergies to peanuts or other nuts.
Skip the Halloween candy sale on November 1. Cheap bags of candy sounds like a good buy, but you don't need the sugar and calories.
You might want to host a Halloween party for your kids. That way you have some control over the foods your kids eat. Include fresh vegetables and dips, baked chips and crackers, cheese and lean meats with whole grain breads for make-it-yourself sandwiches. Serve warm apple cider and plenty of water instead of soda. 
By Shereen Jegtvig, About.com
10 tips to burn
stubborn belly FAT.
At the end of that day, fitness can be as easy or as hard as you make it, nothing substitutes for a good resistance training program combined with cardio and nutrition to see the best long term results, however here are some tips to help you get in the right direction.........
1.  Eat Breakfast---Studies prove that by eating breakfast your body's metabolism kicks back into gear after a long night of slowing down.
2.  Move More---its true that the small things add up.  Do more cardio, walk up stairs, park farther away, anything you can do to expend calories helps.  Little things add up to big results
3.  Eat Vegetables---we all hate this one.....but if you can try to get at least 3 servings of "Green" vegetables a day, your body will process everything else better and you will burn more calories and help build more muscle.
4.  Weight Train---Most people don't know this, but weight training is more important than cardio when it comes to losing weight.  WHAT??  Yes its true, cardio burns calories while you are doing it, however if you build lean tone muscle, your body will naturally burn more calories per day all day than normal, so the compounded effect is dramatic.  No need to be afraid of getting big.......muscle is smaller than fat so you will actually get smaller and more LEAN!
5.  Take Supplements---I will be the first to admit, anyone can get in shape without supplements.  But why not get the added help of getting there faster and more efficiently??  Fuzion Carries APEX supplements and clients who try them, love them and stand by their results.  I would suggest a protein powder, multi-vitamin, and the Fat Loss 1, 2 and 3 stack for most people.  All of these are APEX products and can be customized to your goals.  Just ask us!!
6.   Use Carb tapering---Some of the hype tells your Carbs are "BAD", this is entirely untrue.  Carbs actually are needed in many ways including pushing protein into the muscle to help it rebuild.  Other schools of thought are to taper your carbs.  Meaning have the most of your carbs in your first few meals, then as the day moves on have a smaller and smaller serving to finally end up on meals #5 and #6 as Green Vegetables and a protein source only.  This will help with the fat burning while keeping you energized and building muscle in the day time.
7.  The Water trick---There really no way around it, you need a lot of water.  Especially in the summer when its HOT.  One way to get your water and help you from not eating too much at each meal is to down a 12oz glass of water right before each meal.  Down in college style in one or two gulps.  Then your stomach will be somewhat full of liquid and it will trick your brain into not wanting to eat too much at your sitting.
8.  Sleep more---It helps to get an extra 20 minute nap sometime during the day.  Your body will recover faster and you will fee refreshed when you wake up for the 2nd half of your day.  Try this on weekends first and see how it works for you.
9.  Do shorter bursts of cardio---While it is true that you burn the most amount of fat at a moderate intensity for a longer duration, who really wants to or has the time to do cardio 1 hour a day??  Get the most bang for your buck and do 15-20 minutes a day at a very high intensity interval. (See article below)  If you don't know how to put this together call us, we will help.
10.  Get a partner---Most likely you have a hard time getting motivated to get to the gym.  Step 1--work with a personal trainer for best results, if you cannot do that find a workout partner and keep each other accountable.  Its a fact when you pay for something you are less likely to miss it.  Set up a gam where if you miss a workout you owe your partner $10 and vice versa.  Watch how motivated you get when the dollars add up!