The Open Media Foundation
October News from the Open Media Foundation

October 2012
In this Issue
Upcoming Classes/Events
Internship Opportunities
OMF New Staff Spotlight: Jason McCain
OMF Intern Spotlight: Ed Chasteen
Upcoming Classes/Events

Final Cut Pro 7 Workshop
Oct 3 & 4, Wed & Thurs

Your Voice. Your Media Tour
Oct 3, Wednesday

First Friday
Oct 5
Friday, 7p-9p

3D Animation w Blender Series
Oct 10, 17, 24 & 31st
6:30p-8:30p each evening

Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro
Oct 16, Tues

Your Voice. Your Media Tour
Oct 17, Wednesday

Making Music with GarageBand
Oct 20, Saturday

Pre-Production Basics
Oct 22, Monday

Intro to Studio Production
Oct 24 & 25, Wed & Thurs

Final Cut Pro X Workshop
Oct 25, Thursday

Shooting Video w DSLR Cameras
Oct 29, Monday

Oct 5th is First Friday at DOM!


On the first Friday of most months, DOM hosts a free community event that spotlights local performance groups, musical acts, and nonprofit organizations. These events are broadcast live on Comcast Channel 57 as well as streamed on our website. They are rebroadcast on Channels 56, 57 and 219. They are also available online for on-demand viewing. 

Next event: Friday, Oct 5 
Doors at 6:30p
Event starts at 7:00p

This month we're featuring live music inside Studio A and our new Santa Fe gallery spotlights!



This event will be held inside 
 Denver Open Media's Studio A.
This event is free and open to the public; and will be BROADCAST LIVE on Channel 57; and LIVE-STREAMED on our website - see you there! 

Interested in Learning About TV Stations?


Station Access Interns are needed at OMF!


It's a great time to apply for our Station Access internship. This position is a great fit for someone with an interest in studio management and TV broadcast and has a passion for independent production, as well as the ability to commit to a 12 hour/week, 200-hour total internship schedule. This internship is perfect for someone who would like to build their media resume, while at the same time gaining access to the incredible internship benefits OMF has to offer, such as access to free classes and a free Unlimited Membership. 

If you are interested in this opportunity or any other internship opportunities at the Open Media Foundation, please visit our internship page for more information.
Executive Director Report


Monthly Update from Tony Shawcross

Since we set out on our mission to put the power of the media in the hands of the community nearly 10 years ago, a lot has changed. One thing that hasn't changed is our focus on ensuring that disadvantaged communities have greater access to the power of media and technology. Nearly ten years since we taught our first class, and 6 years since launching DOM, we've stepped-up our data-collection efforts to better understand the extent to which we're accomplishing that goal.

Our Inclusiveness Committee has been working for nearly two years to get an accurate picture of who we are and aren't serving. Since 2011, we've tracked the demographics of the members and students we're serving and compared that data against our neighborhood, city, and state. We evaluated household income, gender and gender expression, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, education, disabilities, language, geography, and more. Of all the geographic, ethnographic, or economic group we looked it, the two groups most consistently underserved and underrepresented at OMF and DOM were individuals with no post-secondary education and the Latino community.

The Latino community represents about 32% of Denver's population, approximately 38% of the population of our neighborhood of La Alma/Lincoln Park, but only 7% to 10% of our member/student base identify as Latino/a. Individuals without any college education (including HS graduates and dropouts) represent over 40% of the Denver population and over 55% of the population of La Alma/Lincoln park. However, only 5% to 10% of our members and students have no college education.  These two demographic groups are the primary focus for OMF's outreach in the coming years.

The next step for OMF's Inclusiveness Committee is to explore how to better serve these two demographics. We're reaching out to you, our community, for suggestions and ideas that will help us better serve individuals identifying as either Latino/a or having no post-secondary education. From scholarships and discounts to grants and partnerships, we're open to any suggestions that can make sure the services, training, and tools we offer are accessible to everyone in our community, especially those who need it most.

Please send  email us any thoughts, suggestions, feedback or ideas.


Meet The New OMF Team Member!


This month we talked with Jason McCain, who has joined the OMF team as our new Development Director.  


Tell us a little bit about yourself.

For the last 16 years Jason McKain has been developing outreach tools, processes, communications and organizing actions for a variety of social justice, environmental, and independent media initiatives. He organized more than 600 activist-based, community-focused (urban and rural) projects involving tens of thousands of people. In doing so, it has been and will always be his ultimate goal to connect people with critical community work that needs to be done and to make this connection stronger. Jason has spent an equal amount of time creating and implementing fundraising strategies to fund countless projects. Along the way, Jason has developed a comprehensive and effective knowledge base around grassroots organizing, fundraising, logistics, and publicity.


What are the aspects of the work that you are most excited about?

Jason has worked with Open Media Foundation in one way or another for the last 6 years.  During that time it became undeniably clear that Open Media Foundation is one of the most important media centers in this nation.  OMF's accomplishments in the areas of community media production and distribution are cutting edge and put into sharp relief the vital role media plays in our communities and in the halls of power. 


 What drew you to working with Open Media Foundation/Denver Open Media?

Jason was drawn to Open Media Foundation after having worked with independent media centers across the nation and across the world since 1999.  Jason spent significant amounts of time working with independent media centers on the ground in South America, Mexico, Western Europe and British Columbia.  Additionally, he spent many years developing independent media centers in the Pacific Northwest between the years of 1999 and 2006.  Throughout that entire time, Jason has seen only one or two community media centers that rival the sophistication, professionalism and productivity of Open Media Foundation.  It is a real privilege to join an organization filled with brilliant staff, engaged community members and dedicated board members.

Tell us why you believe community media centers are important.

Community media centers are important for many reasons.  There greatest value is that they offer an alternative perspective to show another side of the story.  The alternative perspectives most often come from community members, educators, artists and activists with a wide range of ideas about many of the financial and environmental problems that riddle our society today. In doing so, community media centers show simple but powerful ways to start making meaningful and sustainable change in our day to day lives.

OMF Intern Spotlight: Ed Chasteen

This month we talked with Ed Chasteen, an OMF intern who is now completing his third internship with us.  Let's hear what Ed has to say about Open Media Foundation.


Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Knowledge is what keeps me going in life. I came from a poor family and had a lot of rough times in my life which I believe has made me stronger today because of what I have had to live without, had to earn, work for etc...  I believe in Karma and doing good for people because they need it as well as me. 


How did you get involved in media?

I have been into entertainment and drama ever since I could remember. The first time I touched a sound board was in 9th grade for a play the school I was attending. Steven Fager taught me everything about the sound board and the lights in the auditorium in about 3 months and for the rest of the year I learned everything he could teach me. It was great - I never knew I could love something so much.


Tell us about some of your early projects.
I got involved with media work around 6 years ago. I know a lot of people in bands and was in a band myself and thought it would be nice if someone would make live videos for bands. With all the new revelations in HD and the sound capibilities I thought it would be great to make live videos. One night I was sitting at a bar and had just got laid off from a job and was wondering what could I do that I like. Then It hit me. I called it The Struggle. I decided to make a documentry about musicians and the struggles they are having in the music industry.


Where do you see yourself headed in your career?

I already have a career and have had a few other carreers as well, but what I am trying to do is learn everything about media whether it's a TV show, music video, short film or movie - I want to know what it takes to make these things. I also want to transition myself into a better career field that is not only satisifing and rewarding but that gives me the ability to create my idea's as well as others idea's and make dreams of into a reality for myself and people. I don't know exactly know where my life is headed but I am looking forward to enjoying the experiences my new career is taking me.

Why should people get involved in community media?

Now of all times is the best time to get into community media because of what I call the deregulation of music and media. People have been given the chance to watch and listen to what they want instead of having to watch/listen to what is being played. Sure you could go buy or rent that movie but then your just sitting on a couch watching what other people make. With community centers you can make the TV shows and the types you want to make such as: informing the local public, talking about topics that are affecting our community, educate, and entertain. If you can imagine it and its possible to create, community media centers are the answer.


Denver Open Media's Youth Production Group: Open Media Generation

Do you know a student who dreams of being on TV?  How about working behind the scenes?  If so, they should join Denver Open Media's FREE Youth Production Group!

The Open Media Generation Youth Group meets weekly!  Anyone between the ages of 11-24 c
an stop by any Wednesday from 3:30-6pm to join the fun...and did we mention it is free?

Participants will learn field, studio and editing techniques.  Students will learn how to produce youth-related content and will help solicit new youth-related programs.  Please check out our website for more information or email

Also, we are always looking for food donations to help keep our youth fed and alert during trainings/productions.  Please let us know if you have
suggestions or information about youth group sponsorships.