The Open Media Foundation
April News from the Open Media Foundation

April 2012
In this Issue
Upcoming Classes/Events
ED Report
OMF Spotlight: Grant Hammel
First Friday at DOM
Internship Opportunities
Youth Production Group
Class Highlight:  Pre-Production Basics

Planning well for your media projects is crucial to a smooth production and a high quality final product.  Come and learn the basics of how to make sure your project is a success!  


Taking the time to do pre-production correctly will save you plenty of time and resources in both the production and post-production phase, yet it's often overlooked by beginning producers as being unnecessary. 



The Pre-Production Basics class takes students through the process of pre-production for location AND studio shoots. Topics covered are identifying and finding necessary crew members, using your developed story idea to create your interview structure, selecting locations, developing a shoot schedule, and selecting the necessary gear to fit the project.    



Hold your spot by registering here. 

Z5U's Ready for Use!

The long awaited Sony Z5Us are now officially available for DOM members to reserve free of charge, under the terms of the DOM Membership (translation- don't forget to submit your content to the DOM Channels!)


The cameras are very similar to the earlier Z1U model with a few changes. Most notably, the key audio settings are no longer completely menu-driven but harken back the PD-150 when the controls existed primarily as buttons and switches on the body of the camera. 


Other improvements are the ability to do interval recording and record in "p" or "progressive". (Click here for info about Interlaced v. Progressive and click here for information about 1080i v. 1080p.) Because of this new feature it is very important for you to take precautions and triple check your record settings as there are now even more ways to record and end up with different footage formats each time you record. Checking those record settings will ensure that you don't have additional headaches during the editing process when you realize that you have to edit with 2, 3 or more different formats.

One less attractive change, is to the body itself. Although they are now lighter, they are also much more fragile than the tank-like Z1U and should be treated with GREAT CARE.

Because many of our members have asked for these, we now offer a compact flash recording device but due to limited supply, cost and fragility, it is a Rental Only option - $25 for members using the equipment to produce DOM content.

48 Hr Film Challenge

Spoken Word Cinema has opened registration for a special 48-hr film challenge!


Filmmaker teams have 48 hours to 

create a visual representation of a 

poem submitted from local poets.   


Kick Off Event: June 19th, 9pm


Selected poets recite their poems at the Kick Off Event, then filmmakers are randomly assigned a poem to work with.  Challenge begins at 10pm and teams have 48 hours to complete a film interpretation of their poem.


A showcase of all the films will be held at the Nomad Theater in Boulder on June 19th.


Interested?  Get more info here.

Upcoming Classes/Events
 Your Voice. Your Media Tour.
March 7, Wednesday


First Friday
April 6, Friday, 7:30pm

Adobe After Effects Workshop
March 6, Tuesday

Field Production Workshop
April 14, Saturday

 Your Voice. Your Media Tour.
March 7, Wednesday


April 17th, Tuesday

Editing with Adobe Premiere
April 19, Thursday

Final Cut Pro 7 Workshop
April 21, Saturday
Pre-Production Basics
April 25, Wednesday

Shooting Video w DSLR Cameras
April 26, Thursday

Intro to Studio Production
April 28, Saturday

Intro to Google Docs
April 30, Monday
Executive Director Report

Monthly Update with Tony Shawcross   


The Board of Directors of the Open Media Foundation has 4 committees through which the work of the board is accomplished. This month's newsletter is focusing on one of those committees, our Outreach & Inclusiveness Committee. Each of our committees are open to participation from new volunteers, and they serve as a stepping-stone to joining our Board, so if you have an interest, please drop us an email, or attend our tour on the first and third Wednesday of every month at 5:30pm.

With support from the Knight Foundation and Denver Foundation, OMF's Inclusiveness Committee is participating in the Knight Foundation's new the Community Information Toolkit Project.  The Purpose of the Toolkit is to help us understand the elements of a Community Information Ecosystem, providing a road-map for a better-informed, connected community. This three-month exercise will result in a plan of action to improve access to the information our neighbors want and need, and strengthen our capacity to communicate with them.

In April, May and June, OMF will work with community partners to host a series of events as part of the Info Toolkit process. These events will include a Kick-off Mixer, Neighborhood Canvasing, and an Action Planning Meeting. With help from Knight, BBC Research, and the University of Denver, the data collected through this process will be analyzed and made available to all participants, providing us with a greater understanding of our community's information needs --and an entirely new capacity to effectively communicate with our neighbors. Participants will receive OMF and Denver Open Media memberships and classes in recognition of participation in this project.

If you or your organization would like to participate, please email us to RSVP, and join us at the Kick-Off Mixer/Workshop, Thursday April 19th from 5:30 to 8:30pm upstairs at the Open Media Foundation offices on 7th and Kalamath.
Youth Filmmaker Camp::Registration Now Open!


Attention all young filmmakers!


The Open Media Generation Camp is a one-week multimedia camp for young people interested in using music, art and film to create social change. Using soundtracks from local musicians, students will work on a team to produce a music video, and will participate in all aspects of the creative process, including pre-production, filming and editing.









Organized by Open Media Foundation, this camp is a great opportunity for youth to connect around their shared interest in social change and multi-media! Students will receive a DVD with all the completed work from the camp and the videos will be broadcast on Denver Open Media's public access television channels. The camp will culminate in a special celebration and screening at Denver Open Media.


When: July16-20th

Final Screening on eve of Thursday, July 23rd

Who: 14-19 year olds  

More information and link to registration here.



OMF Spotlight: Launch of FSTV Website Redesign Redesign Launched in March 2012   

The Open Media Foundation's web team recently launched a big redesign for one of Denver's largest progressive media organizations, Free Speech TV. has been supported and maintained by our web team for the past few years, giving our developers a unique perspective on what features and functionality would improve the FSTV online experience.   


redesign strategy had two guiding principles in mind. The first principle was to remain a useful tool to the television audience. To accomplish this end, a creative collection technique was implemented so that every series and topic Free Speech offers on television has a uniquely branded landing page where users can check the newest content, see a dynamic Facebook and Twitter feed for that particular show or topic and join the conversation with commenting and a sharing widget.  


The second guiding principle was that the website exceed the limitations of television by offering commentary and news in various media formats, and providing interactive opportunities. One impressive point of interaction for this new website is an improved Progressive Action Calendar that lets users create and promote their own activist events, and add video and image media to those calendar postings during or after that event, as well.

In addition to the modules and usability features provided by Drupal 7 and its community, the redesign also integrates a great deal of custom-built technologies such as the new dynamic TV schedule , the front page video player with channel selection, and the unique thank-you gift picker for donations.

First Friday at Denver Open Media: Jen Korte and Colorado Anti Violence Program


On the first Friday of most months, DOM hosts a free community event that spotlights local performance groups, musical acts, and nonprofit organizations. These events are broadcast live on Comcast channel 57 as well as streamed on our website. They are re-broadcasted on channels 56, 57 and 219. They are also available online for on-demand viewing. 


Next event: Friday, April 6   

Doors at 7:30
Event starts at 8p


This month we are excited to feature the music of Jen Korte & the Loss.  Jen Korte has partnered with Colorado Anti-Violence Program for this event.  CAVP is a state-wide non-profit working to end violence within and against the LGBTQ community.


This event will be held inside 
 Denver Open Media's Studio A.
This event is free and open to the public; and will be BROADCAST LIVE on Channel 57; and LIVE-STREAMED on our website see you there! 
Accepting Applications for PR/Marketing Interns


Gain valuable multimedia skills and give back to a community media center.


Are you interested in putting your marketing and PR skills to use? 
OMF is looking for a PR/Marketing intern to support our a variety of our communication outreach efforts. We ask that candidates are able to commit to a 12 hour/week, 200-hour total internship schedule, and meet the specific expectations noted. Our internships are perfect for someone who would like to build their media resume, while at the same time gaining access to the incredible internship benefits OMF has to offer, such as access to free classes and a free membership upon completion of the internship. 

If you are interested in this opportunity or any other internship opportunities at the Open Media Foundation, please visit our internship page for more information.



Denver Open Media's Youth Production Group: Open Media Generation

Do you know a student who dreams of being on TV?  How about working behind the scenes?  If so, they should join Denver Open Media's FREE Youth Production Group!

The Open Media Generation Youth Group meets weekly!  Anyone between the ages of 11-24 c
an stop by any Wednesday from 3:30-6pm to join the fun...and did we mention it is free?

Participants will learn field, studio and editing techniques.  Students will learn how to produce youth-related content and will help solicit new youth-related programs.  Please check out our website for more information or email

Also, we are always looking for food donations to help keep our youth fed and alert during trainings/productions.  Please let us know if you have
suggestions or information about youth group sponsorships.

Open Media Generation