The Open Media Foundation
November News from the Open Media Foundation

November 2011
In this Issue
Upcoming Classes/Events
DOM's Editing Memberships Just Got Better
ED Report: OMF's Annual Fundraising Event
Want to learn about TV studios?
First Friday at DOM
Spotlight of the Month: Meet Rita Carrington
Youth Production Group
Matching Gift Challenge!

There's never been a better time to become a supporter of Open Media Foundation.  Thanks to the generosity of the Gay & Lesbian Fund for Colorado, donations to OMF can now be doubled through a dollar-for-dollar match on any new donations to this year's fundraising campaign! 



This is an incredible opportunity to support the work of OMF while maximizing your financial contribution.


For more information, or to donate, please  email or call 720.222.0159 x 202.

An evening with Abigail Child: Stan Brakhage Vision Award Reception

Abigail Child, internationally recognized media artist, poet, writer and filmmaker  (Perils, Mayhem, The Suburban Trilogy) 

will be presented with the 2011 Stan Brakhage Vision Award by Phil Solomon on Sunday, November 6, following the screening of some her works. 




OMF will be hosting the award reception, which begins at 9pm. More information here.


Upcoming Classes/Events

Your Voice. Your Media Tour
Nov 2, Wednesday

3D Animation with Blender
4-class series
Nov 2, 9, 16 & 30th,

Field Production Workshop
Nov 1 & 2, Tues & Wed

First Friday 
Making a Scene
Nov 4th, 8p-10p

Final Cut Pro X Workshop
Oct 12, Saturday

Intro to Google Docs
Nov 14, Tuesday: 6p-9p

Making Music w GarageBand
Nov 15, Tuesday: 6p-9p

Intro to Studio Production
Nov 16 & 17, Wed & Thurs

Your Voice. Your Media.
Nov 16, Wednesday

Editing with iMovie
Nov 19, Saturday

DOM Closed
Nov 24th & 25th
Thursday and Friday

Final Cut Pro 7 Workshop
Nov 30 & Dec 1, Wed & Thurs

Intro to Google Docs
Dec 3, Saturday
DOM's Editing Memberships Just Got Better


With the expansion of the OMF Education Department this year, we're now offering classes on both the newest version of Apple's editing software, Final Cut Pro X, as well as several classes in the new ADOBE CS5.5 Production Premium Suite!

This is great news because we've expanded the Editing Membership to now include free, unlimited access to the full FCPX suite, including the newest FCPX, Compressor and Motion, and the full CS5.5 Production Premium suite, including Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator, Audition, Flash Catalyst, Flash Professional, Encore, and more.


Our members have been asking for access to the ADOBE suite for a while and we are really excited to finally be able to offer this as a benefit for our Editing and Unlimited Membership holders! As with our other memberships, access to the editing bays requires getting certified by taking an editing/animation workshop. A schedule of all of our classes can be found here.


On top of that, we've added a new way that members can receive support on these new programs. As a benefit for our Editing Members, once you've taken on our editing or animation workshops you can gain access to additional support through the invaluable tutorials available on  For more information, email us.


Once a member becomes certified with our Editing/Animation certification you are then able to reserve stations in our brand-new Learning Lab!  We're starting off with Learning Lab hours on Fridays from 2p-6pm, and will increase the lab hours over time.


Keep in mind that although members will be able able to access all these applications, please remember that you will have to either take one of our classes, use the tutorial or learn on your own since we have limited staff support available for these programs.  
We're thrilled to see our memberships and Education department expand and we look forward to seeing our OMF community grow as well!   


Executive Director Report

Monthly Update with Tony Shawcross 


Open Media Foundation's Annual Fundraising Event

For the past few years, OMF hosted a large-annual fundraising breakfast in the fall, attracting as many as 450 attendees. Though these events were a success for the organization, in 2011 we have decided to host a different kind of annual fundraiser in conjunction with the 5th Anniversary of Denver Open Media.
On the First Friday in December, we are hosting a special dinner, featuring a four-course meal with courses donated by some of Denver's best and most creative restaurants. A maximum of 50 donors will enjoy a special evening of food, drink, and entertainment before the festivities begin downstairs in the DOM studios. The dinner is $150/plate, $100 of which is tax-deductible.

Afterward, we are hosting a wonderful silent auction, an awards ceremony for the top vote-getters in each of DOM's 10 theme categories, and entertainment from internationally-renown duo, Total Ghost. In the style of Total Ghost, attendees will have the opportunity to make a custom holiday or birthday greeting card in our Studio B Green-Screen that your friends and family won't soon forget.

Please join us at this special fundraising event and help support a new future for the conversation of our community through the media.  


Want to Learn the Inner Workings of a TV Studio?

Station Access Interns Needed at the Open Media Foundation


It's a great time to apply for an internship for our Station Access internship. Our internships often have a short wait due to high demand, but there currently is no waitlist for this department! This position is a great fit for someone with an interest in studio management and has a passion for independent production, as well as the ability to commit to a 12 hour/week, 200-hour total internship schedule. This internship is perfect for someone who would like to build their media resume, while at the same time gaining access to the incredible internship benefits OMF has to offer, such as access to free classes and a free membership upon completion of the internship.

If you are interested in this opportunity or any other internship opportunities at the Open Media Foundation, please visit our internship page for more information.
First Friday at Denver Open Media: Making a Scene!


On the first Friday of most months, DOM hosts a free community event that spotlights local performance groups, musical acts, and nonprofit organizations. These events are broadcast live on Comcast channel 57 and re-broadcast on channels 56, 57 and 219. They are also available online. 


Next event: Friday, November 4th

Doors at 7:30p, event starts at 8p 

November's event is hosted by Andrew Orvedahl, and he's gathered some great comics, some great actors, and some great comic actors, and they will be acting out a scene from a movie. The only catch will be that they will be portraying every part in the scene! Johnny Destefano will DJ upstairs. This event will be broadcast live on Channel 57, with performances inside 
Denver Open Media's Studio A.
This event is free and open to the public; see you there! 
Spotlight of the Month: Rita Carrington, Development Director for OMF


For this month's Spotlight of the Month, we talked with Rita Carrington, our newest staff member who will serve as the Director of Development.


Tell us a little bit about yourself.


I'm at a point in my career where I have the luxury of following my passion; providing a voice to those who feel they don't have a say in what happens in their community. I've had opportunities to build skill sets in biological research, telecommunications and economic development while working globally. My vision is to leverage my past to create a future where independent voices thrive in a society that fosters diversity, innovation and excellence.
Tell us about your position and what it entails.
My responsibilities involve working closely with the Foundation's Executive Director and the Board, to develop, plan and coordinate non-grant fundraising in support of programs and activities. I am also charged with developing and maintaining relationships with funding agents; and ensuring that proper public recognition is given to funding agents.

What are the aspects of the work that you are most excited about?

I am totally jazzed about creating out-of-the-box networking opportunities along with individual and organization relationship building.

What drew you to the with Open Media Foundation?

There were two significant opportunities leading to my current position. The first was being invited to the Foundation's 2010 fundraising event giving me a first glimpse of what the organization is about. The second opportunity came via an invitation to work with the Foundation's Development committee. This is a brilliant strategy to determine whether or not service is a match for both the invitee and the Board. During my six months of committee service I determined that I wanted to throw my hat in the ring for the vacant Development Director position. The foundation's mission of enabling the community to have a voice resonated with my life and work experience.

Tell us why you believe media centers are important.

Media Centers strive to make individuals and communities visible and powerful in the media. These centers are the source for the most powerful tools of communication. Centers provide access and exposure to information that may not be readily available. Media has played an important role in focusing on social issues in almost every era. There is an association between the development of mass media and social change and media centers allow for the showcasing of social issues.

What can readers look forward to in 2012 from your department?

Our Development Team 2012 activities include:
  • launching campaigns to highlight how investment in OMF is an investment in the community
  • identifying and approaching individuals and organizations in the community with whom the OMF could partner and support
  • hosting a variety of informative events and programs, from across the spectrum of media
  • creating lasting change in supporting the efforts of our community partners. 


Denver Open Media's Youth Production Group: Open Media Generation

Do you know a student who dreams of being on TV?  How about working behind the scenes?  If so, they should join Denver Open Media's FREE Youth Production Group!

The Open Media Generation Youth Group meets weekly!  Anyone between the ages of 11-24 c
an stop by any Wednesday from 3:30-6pm to join the fun...and did we mention it is free?

Participants will learn field, studio and editing techniques.  Students will learn how to produce youth-related content and will help solicit new youth-related programs.  Please check out our website for more information or email

Also, we are always looking for food donations to help keep our youth fed and alert during trainings/productions.  Please let us know if you have
suggestions or information about youth group sponsorships.

Open Media Generation