The Open Media Foundation
June News from the Open Media Foundation

June 2011
In this Issue
Class Dismissed
Accounting Intern Needed
First Friday at DOM
Executive Director Report
Spotlight of the Month: Marla Rodriguez
Youth Production Group
Video Spotlight: TEDxMileHigh

Did you miss TEDxMileHigh this past April?  Well, now you have the opportunity to watch all of the videos from this wonderful event, which were produced by OMF.  Watch and learn and tell the TEDxMileHigh community on Facebook, which ones are your favorites. 

Upcoming Classes/Events

DOM Help Desk Hours

Thursdays 4:30-6pm 
Final Cut Pro Workshop
June 18, Saturday, 11am-5:30pm  

Deb's Birthday
June 21st, Tuesday, All Day

Field Production Workshop
June 25, Saturday, 11am-5:30pm 

First Friday at DOM
July 1, Friday,
The House and Senate Adjourn Sine Die


On May 12th, 2011 the Colorado House and Senate adjourned

sine die, ending the First Regular Session of the Sixty-Eighth General Assembly.  This event also concluded the 4th year in which the Open Media Foundation had the privilege of managing the Colorado Channel. 


This year's session was the first time that we as a staff witnessed split chambers (making for a more theatrical year) and it marked the launch of a brand-new website, which was created by our very own web department.   This new and improved site allows for easier access to live programming; archived sessions; additional content and brand new features, such as a Q & A section and a Capitol photo blog.  From January to March we saw a jump from 2,700 unique site visitors to 5,100, an increase we were quite happy about.


For those who may be worried about what they are going to watch now that the session is over, do not fret.  There is still content available online.  For a re-cap of this year's legislative work, please check-out our Senate weekly wrap-up shows, as well as the House and Senate archives and the other additional content posted on our site.   See you next year!  

Nerds Need Apply

Accounting Intern Needed at the Open Media Foundation


OMF seeks an accounting intern, willing to help support the organization's financial reporting requirements.  Interested individuals should possess experience/exposure to QuickBooks, Microsoft Office and Google docs, as well as the ability to commit to a 12 hour/week, 200-hour total internship schedule.  This internship would be a great fit for someone who would like to build their financial management skills, while at the same time gaining access to the incredible internship benefits OMF has to offer, such as access to free classes and a free membership upon completion of internship.

If you are interested in this opportunity or any other internship opportunities at the Open Media Foundation, please visit our internship page for more information .
First Friday at Denver Open Media


Please note: There will be no First Friday event on Here Is HowFriday, June 3rd.  However, we are currently looking for volunteers to join our First Friday collaborative street party extravaganza in August!

On Friday, August 5th, Kinda Collective will be teaming up with the Open Media Foundation to host 'Here Is How,' an event that will manifest itself as a block party, public forum, art exhibit, and live television broadcast.  This event welcomes artists, spaces, groups, organizations, NGOs, performers, creative workers, activists, environmentalists, educators, and other local initiatives to collaborate with us in the production of this event.


Got a Special Talent or Skill to Share?

Here Is How is currently looking for collaborators to be a part of the live television broadcast and/or street party experience.  Maybe you know how to make cat toys on the cheap?  Or how to perform a mind-blowing magic trick?  Or maybe you make the best vegan cupcakes on this side of the Mississippi?  If so, we would love for you to share your skills with our community by (wo)manning a how-to booth, and/or by presenting your skills on TV.  Add some collaborative fun to your summer and help support one of our biggest events yet!  For more information, please contact:    

Executive Director Report

Monthly Update by Tony Shawcross     

Next month, the Open Media Foundation will be conducting our annual board officer elections.  This event allows me the opportunity to promote the wonderful work being done by our Board of Directors and to invite you to consider participating.

The path to joining the OMF Board of Directors starts with one of our three committees: Fundraising & Development; Finance & Audit; and the Inclusiveness Committee. The committees meet for an hour or two each month and include members of the community, as well as board and staff from OMF. Our Inclusiveness Committee works on getting a better understanding of the communities or demographics, which we fail to serve, participating in fun events like last month's Cinco de Mayo Festival. The Fundraising & Development committee is more fun than it sounds. Reaching far beyond simply asking people for money, this committee focuses on cultivating relationships with existing and potential donors, including organizing monthly events like First Fridays, and larger events like our DOM anniversary and annual fundraising breakfast.  Lastly, the Finance & Audit committee is a good fit for individuals with an accounting background, working to review our financial statements and ensuring that the organization is following sound financial policies.

Once an individual has served on one of these committees for at least three months, they become eligible to join the Board of Directors.  Whatever your passion, and whatever changes you wish to see in the world, OMF is here to help make it a possibility.  We are working hard to expand community awareness, increase the appreciation of diverse ideas, and to foster a more participatory culture where everyone is actively engaged in shaping the world we live in.  Below you will see an interview with Marla Rodriguez, OMF Board President and currently serving her third two-year term on the board. Both Marla and I are dedicated to expanding the board, ensuring that it is an inclusive body that represents the diverse demographics and values of our community.  If you also see yourself in this goal, we invite you to attend a tour, which occurs every first and third Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm, and see how you can join our mission.  

Spotlight of the Month: Marla Rodriguez
Spotlight of the Month: Marla RodriguezFor this month's Spotlight of the Month, we spoke to Marla Rodriguez, a longtime supporter of OMF and current Board President.  Marla was nice enough to take time from her busy schedule as Director of Communications at 9Health Fair to talk to us about her ongoing relationship with the Open Media Foundation and its current need for new board members.

How did you first get involved with OMF?
I first was a client of Deproduction, which was the precursor to Open Media Foundation. Tony Shawcross, the founder and Executive Director of Deproduction/OMF, produced a fundraising video for a nonprofit organization that I still volunteer with. We liked the work so much that we continued to contract with Deproduction for several years, and I became very familiar with the organization.  During the transition period between the time that they were just a small, one room operation in PS1 Charter School, and their current expansive studio space, I joined the board to help support its growth. Somehow after that I was convinced to be the chair of the fundraising committee, and then I became the Board President!

What is your experience with this organization?
My experience with OMF has been on many levels. I continue to be inspired by the passion and dedication of the staff to provide a vehicle for community engagement and by making room for more voices in the media landscape. I'm also always impressed with the talent and passion of the community members who produce shows for the station, Denver Open Media. I don't think that many people realize how special this project is in terms of media. This kind of media has never been done before in the nation, and we are accomplishing it right here in Denver.

Why is the work of OMF important for this community?
I continue to be involved with OMF because I believe that every voice counts and should be heard.  All of us deserve to belong in the community in which we live. OMF is a conduit for more alternative
voices to be heard and we all benefit from hearing more and different perspectives.

There are new board elections coming up in July.  What is the Board of Directors looking for in terms of new board members?
The Board of Directors needs active, passionate members who are invested in the mission of the organization.  It sounds simple, but that's really the foundation. We'd like to have a diverse group of people who can move the organization towards further fulfilling its mission. We need producers, marketers, media experts, fundraisers, community organizers and more.

What are the first steps to joining the board of directors at OMF?
The first step in joining the board is to become involved with the organization in some way, whether it be on one of our committees, as a volunteer or producer or through other opportunities.  It's good for people to get a sense of what we do and how the organization functions so that they can make an informed choice about serving on the board.

What is your ideal vision for the future of OMF and our City?
My vision for OMF is that it is an integral part of the City, utilized and supported by government and citizens alike. That OMF is a household name in Denver and a model for communication across the country.

Denver Open Media's Youth Production Group: Open Media Generation

Do you know a student who dreams of being on TV?  How about working behind the scenes?  If so, they should join Denver Open Media's FREE Youth Production Group!

The Open Media Generation Youth Group meets weekly!  Anyone between the ages of 12-19 c
an stop by any Wednesday from 3:30-6pm to join the fun...and did we mention it is free?

Participants will learn field, studio and editing techniques.  Students will learn how to produce youth-related content and will help solicit new youth-related programs.  Please check out our website for more information or email

Also, we are always looking for food donations to help keep our youth fed and alert during trainings/productions.  Please let us know if you have
suggestions or information about youth group sponsorships.

Open Media Generation