The Open Media Foundation
February News from the Open Media Foundation

February 2011
In this Issue
Upcoming Classes/Events
First Friday at DOM
Interns Needed for Live TV
Executive Director Report
Spotlight of the Month: Boulder Moutainbike Alliance
Youth Production Group
Website Spotlight
Our web team just completed a new website for the Colorado Breast Cancer Coalition.  Take a visit to their site and view their site portfolio here.
Upcoming Classes/Events
DOM Help Desk Hours
Thursdays 4:30-6pm

Your Voice. Your Media
February 2, Wednesday, 5:30-6:30pm

Intro to Studio Workshop
February 2 & 3, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

First Friday @ DOM
February 4, Friday, 8-10pm

Final Cut Pro Workshop
February 12, Saturday, 11am-5:30pm

Your Voice. Your Media
February 16, Wednesday, 5:30-6:30pm

Producer Orientation
February 16, Wednesday, 6:45-8pm

Field Production Workshop
February 19, Saturday, 11am-5:30pm

Intro to Studio Production Workshop
February 26, Saturday, 11am-6pm

Final Cut Pro Workshop
March 2 & 3, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

Field Production Workshop
March 9 & 10, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm
First Friday at Denver Open Media

On the first Friday of most months, DOM hosts a free community event that spotlights local performance groups, musical acts, and nonprofit organizations. These events are broadcast live on Comcast channel 57 and re-broadcast on channels 56, 57 and 219. They are also available online.

Next Event: Friday, February 4th 8-10pm
Doors open at 7:30pm

This month the youth are taking over DOM studios.  They will be booking the talent, hosting the event and running the show.  Bands to be featured are: Regret Night and Trust Me, I'm Lying.  Come support our youth in action and enjoy a night of free, live entertainment.  See you there!

First Friday Presents: Youth Night

Interns needed at the Colorado Channel

The Open Media Foundation is seeking two production interns to assist in the live television broadcast of the State Legislative meetings at the State Capitol.  These interns would shadow both the director and the producer roles, but specifically would manage the online streaming of the sessions, as well as the archived videos.  These interns would need to commit to covering the session 3 days a week (ideally), starting at 8:30am.


We are looking for individuals who are dependable, professional and who can commit to serving the length of the Legislative session (February - mid-May.)  Computer competence, a background in video/TV production and an interest in state politics are required. A working knowledge of Photoshop and Final Cut Pro is preferred.


Although this internship is unpaid, interns will receive unrivaled professional experience, including the opportunity to work in live television. If you are interested, please send your resume and cover letter to

Colorado Channel 165

Executive Director Report
Monthly(ish) Update by Tony Shawcross

Even with the rapid growth in online activity, Television remains the #1 form of social communication. In the US, people still spend more time watching TV than they spend on internet, radio, newspapers, and mobile phones combined.  Cable TV is still the most popular TV delivery method, and if you live in Denver, you likely only have one choice for Cable television. The City of Denver has a Franchise Agreement with Comcast, enabling them to utilize public rights of way, utility poles, and other public resources to build their network.  In exchange for this, Comcast makes certain concessions to the city, including channels set aside for Public Access, Educational or Government programming, and gives a percentage of their revenues from Denver subscribers to compensate the taxpayers for use of this common space.

Every ten years or so, the City negotiates a new Franchise Agreement with Comcast, and for the next three months, the residents of Denver will have an opportunity to tell the City what we expect from Comcast in the 2012 franchise renewal process. An online survey will be available on the Office of Telecommunications website starting Feb. 7th. Hard copies of the survey will be made available for pick-up in February at Denver public libraries, but your best opportunity to be heard is to attend one of the six community forums scheduled for March 1-3, 2011.  At these forums, every Denver resident can have direct input. Participation in this process will help the City effectively represent the community as it works to ensure quality cable television service for its residents in the Comcast cable franchise renegotiation process.

Across the nation, public access channels are closing.  Denver has one of Colorado's few remaining Public Access Stations with Denver Open Media.  While DOM receives no operating support from Denver or Comcast, the City does allocate some of Comcast's PEG fees to provide state-of-the-art production equipment, studios, and editing systems so that everyone in Denver has access to the tools they need to communicate via the Cable TV network. The Open Media Foundation has three primary goals in the upcoming franchise, and we need the community to stand together with us to make them a reality.


1. The Establishment of a Permanent Public Access Facility: In 2005, the City of Denver stopped providing operating support for Public Access TV, but continues to provide support for Capital needs.  The greatest capital need for Public Access is the facility. Our current facility was foreclosed-on in 2008, and the stability of our presence is in-question.  With over $1 million invested in this space, we are encouraging the City of Denver to demand an up-front grant of $2-3 million to be directed specifically towards the establishment of a permanent home for Public Access TV.  A similar-sized grant was included in the previous Denver Cable Franchise Agreement, and many other cities have required similar concessions from their Cable TV provider. Unlike the Franchise Grants written into previous Franchise Agreements, this would ensure long-term sustainability of Public Access in Denver.


2. Increased Capital/PEG fees: Because we receive no operating support for the PEG channels, OMF has developed a highly-automated and technical workflow which reduces staff workloads, but necessitates increased capital funds that support the equipment and systems that let the community run the station.  Starting at $1 per subscriber, we want to ensure that this PEG fee increases to keep pace with the rising cost of living, at a minimum.


3. Upgrade of PEG channels to High Definition: As audiences become accustomed to an HD experience, it is important that PEG channels not be relegated to outdated technologies and appearances.  Once a significant percentage of channels on the Comcast network in Denver are provided in HD, the PEG channels should be made available in that format as well, if requested.  Denver Open Media will be ready to move to HD as soon as the new franchise is in-effect, and we hope for the new Franchise Agreement to allow such a move.

Have other goals/requests you'd like to ensure the city includes in the next franchise agreement?  Participate in any of the following community forums and make your voice be heard.

Tuesday, March 1st

Wednesday, March 2nd

Thursday, March 3rd

Organizational Spotlight of the Month: Boulder Mountainbike Aliiance

Boulder Mountainbike Alliance has been serving as the voice of the local mountain bike community for 20 years with a volunteer program for trail-building.  For their website redesign, the OMF Web Team built a Trails directory featuring a robust updates system, which serves as an interface for the public to update trail also features a color-coded calendar for their popular ride events, as well as an interactive Social Rides section where users can join groups and suggest ride events.  This month, Andria Bilich answers questions about this educational and active organization. 

Please provide a brief summary of your organization:
Boulder Mountainbike Alliance

Boulder Mountainbike Alliance (BMA) exists to serve as a positive voice for mountain biking by making the trails in Boulder County a better place for all users.  BMA does this by advocating for trail access and sustainable trails in the political arena, donating countless volunteer hours to build and maintain trails, and creating a community of mountain bikers.

What are the issues that you are trying to bring to a larger audience?

Boulder Mountainbike Alliance has been around for 20 years, and yet many mountain bikers in Boulder County don't know who we are or understand how BMA is responsible for maintaining access to existing trails, achieving new access, or getting new trails on the ground.  Therefore one of our major issues is education of the mountain bike community about BMA and what we do.  Trail etiquette and education is a big issue BMA brings to the trail user community in general (hikers, climbers, runners, dog walkers, as well as mountain bikers) because we are all in this together - we are all responsible for caring for the trails, using the trails responsibly, and interacting with each other in a courteous, friendly manner so that everyone has a great day outdoors.

What are some of your primary goals for 2011?

Membership and fundraising!  The year ahead will put several trail-access challenges and trail construction projects onto BMA's plate.  To support our work on these projects, both financially and with people to do the work, BMA will work hard to boost our individual and business membership rolls.  So we'll be hitting the pavement, engaging every person in Boulder who rides a bike with knobby tires and showing them the value of the Boulder Mountainbike Alliance.

What are some of the projects you have worked on with the Open Media Foundation?

Open Media Foundation developed a whole new website and integrated membership database solution for our organization.  Our new site at has put a truly professional and fun public face to our organization, and provides a great platform for BMA to highlight the important work we do for trail access in Boulder County.  Behind the website is a powerful new CiviCRM database which helps our 100% volunteer-run organization more easily manage the day-to-day operations of BMA.

How has using television/video/web allowed your organization to reach a wider audience?

Well, our website launched only 2 weeks ago, so only time will tell.  :)  However, BMA has great hopes that our new website will engage the entire Boulder County mountain bike community by providing useful tools and content, and therefore make it easier for BMA to boost our membership rolls.  A big draw for our website will be our Trails section, which provides a lot of important information about area mountain biking trails - descriptions, maps, GPS files, and most importantly trail conditions which can be updated by the general public with a click of a button.

Breaking news: Check out the press received by the Boulder Mountain Alliance for their new website!

Denver Open Media's Youth Production Group: Open Media Generation

Do you know a student who dreams of being on TV?  How about working behind the scenes?  If so, they should join Denver Open Media's FREE Youth Production Group!

The Youth Group meets weekly!  Anyone between the ages of 12-19 c
an plan to stop by any Wednesday from 3:30-6pm to join the fun.

Participants will learn field, studio and editing techniques.  Students will learn how to produce youth-related content and will help solicit new youth-related programs.  Please check out our website for more information or email

Also, we are always looking for food donations to help keep our youth fed and alert during trainings/productions.  Please let us know if you have
suggestions or information about youth group sponsorships.


Open Media Generation