Open Media Foundation
May News from the Open Media Foundation

May 2010
In this Issue
Executive Director Report
First Friday at Denver Open Media
New Paid Internship Opportunity
Save the Date
Donate While You Search
Organizational Spotlight: Dex Duff
Youth Production Group
Video Spotlight
Check out the latest video created by OMF to support Family Star Montessori and Early Headstart.
Quick Links
Upcoming Classes/Events
DOM Help Desk Hours
Thursdays 4:30-6pm

First Friday at Denver Open Media
May 7, Friday, 8-10pm

Final Cut Pro Workshop
May 5 & 6, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

Your Voice.  Your Media
April 7, Wednesday, 5:30-6:30pm

Field Production Workshop
May 19 & 20, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

Intro to Studio Workshop
May 26 & 27, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

First Friday at Denver Open Media
June 4, Friday, 8-10pm

1st Annual Member & Volunteer Picnic
June 6, Sunday, 1-3pm
Executive Director Report
Monthly Update from Tony Shawcross

I was honored this month to be appointed to Governor Ritter's Broadband Council, designed to evaluate strategies for spurring broadband access in the state and launching Colorado into the nation's technological elite. The Open Media Foundation recognizes that the capacity of our communities to disseminate and receive information will increase their capacity to participate in a healthy democracy. I am excited to contribute however I can to increase broadband access in Colorado. As representative of a a public media organization, one of my top priorities will be working to reinstate public support for media distribution, especially through the Internet.  This month's report is in regards to this subject.

What is Our Role in Broadband Reform?
In their latest book, The Death and Life of American Journalism, Robert McChesney and John Nichols demonstrate that significant government support of the media is the status quo in any functional democracy. Across the globe, the nations which rank highest on the Democracy Index are those with the highest per capita funding of independent, noncommercial media. According to Reporters Without Borders, Freedom House and The Economist, the US has fallen out of the top 10% of nations ranked on this scale. While the market is sometimes touted as the solution to all social needs, it's no mystery that society cannot rely on the market alone, especially for the needs of low-income communities.  From military defense to public parks and education, our society is full of examples of public benefits that the market is simply incapable of providing.

If this country were designed to be a plutocracy or aristocracy, a market-driven commercial media system could suffice. The founding fathers of the United States however, knew that the great experiment of democracy required a strong "fourth estate".  And they did not simply trust the market to provide for a diverse and democratic media system. From the beginning, they created subsidies to sustain a strong and diverse media system that could keep voters well-informed. For most of the first two centuries of this great experiment, the government's primary form of support was postal subsidies, providing free or discounted distribution of any media source. While subsidies of media creation were often criticized, public support of media distribution in the US was considered a core responsibility of the government.

Unfortunately, as the means of distribution shifted away from a singular reliance on the US Postal Service and towards a diverse array of distribution platforms, the subsidies necessary to ensure equal access to those distribution platforms have not always followed. Whether distributed via satellite or cable, radio or the Internet, media institutions deserve free carriage.

The success of our democracy depends on ensuring that even the smallest of media outlets has unbridled capacity to distribute their perspective.  So, in the same way our government used to provide all media organizations with discounted or free delivery though the US Postal Service, the same should now be offered through the Internet. Universal broadband access should be viewed as a basic requirement for Democracy, and support for media distribution is just the first step. The end goal being: ensuring that every citizen of the United States has equal access to the information they need to be an informed and engaged member of our society.
First Friday at Denver Open Media

On the first Friday of most months, DOM holds
First Friday at Denver Open Mediaa free community event that spotlights local performance groups, musical acts, and nonprofit organizations. These events are broadcast live on Comcast channel 57 and re-broadcast on channels 56, 57 and 219. They are also available online.

Friday, May 7th 7:30-9:30pm
Doors open at 7pm
This Friday, come on down to 700 Kalamath Street for some free funny ha-ha

Line-up includes:

Host: Pam VanNostern

Jesse Carter
Trent Gillaspie
Jodee Champion
Tony Tafuro

Feature: Rob Gleeson
Headliner: Chad Neidt

The bigger the crowd, the better the show. Come see why Denver is hailed as one of the best places to see stand-up comedy in the country! 
Please note: This particular show will not be broadcast live.  To view a larger image of the flyer, click here.  Free and open to the public, yet seating is limited so be sure to come early...and bring some cash for cheap food and drink!

The Open Media Foundation Announces Paid Internships for Young Adults

The Open Media FoundationPaid Internship Position has recently received funding to support young parents and individuals with children learn more about media production.  This particular internship will cover several different aspects of television/video production and will allow participants to tell their own story.  Interns will earn up to $1000 and gain valuable production skills. 

Requirements include:
* Applicants must be between the ages of 16-24
* Applicants must have a child
* Applicants must commit to working 12 hours a week
* Applicants must commit to working a total of 205 hours

Interested individuals can apply here or call Michelle Gabrieloff-Parish at 720-222-0159 ext. 207 for more information.
Save the Date

Our 1st Annual Member & Volunteer Picnic is scheduled for Sunday, June 6th from 1-3pm (Location TBD).  Please check your email, and the June Newsletter for more details.  We hope you can join us for a fun afternoon of games, food and giveaways!
The Open Media Foundation Becomes a Part of GoodSearch

What if the Open Media Foundation earned a donation every time you searched the Internet? Or how Donate While You Searchabout if a percentage of every purchase you made online went to support our cause? Well, now it can!

Once added to Internet Explorer or Firefox, GoodSearch makes a small donation each time you use the search box or shop.   There are more than 1,300 stores and a percentage of your purchase will automatically be donated to the Open Media Foundation - at no cost to you (and you may even save money as the toolbar provides coupons and deals as well!) The toolbar also has a search box and each time you search the Internet, about a penny is donated to the Open Media Foundation.
Join now!
Member Spotlight: Dex Duff

Dex Duff originally began working with DOM as a studio production intern in February of 2009.  He has since transitioned into a very committed volunteer, helping out with tours, classes and serving as our fearless MC during our First Friday events.  Dex also recently started producing his own show called, The Dope Show, which focuses on Denver's local music scene.  As busy as he is, Dex recently took a few moments to answer some questions for this month's member spotlight.
The Dope Show airs on Comcast Channel 56
The Dope Show

How did you begin producing videos?
I started in college, shooting shorts and music videos.  The video that got me into production was a-ha's "Take on Me", directed by Steve Barron.  I remember as a child, watching it and saying, "I want to do that for the rest of my life."

What is the message of your show?
The message of my show is to recognize that anyone who gives their musical voice a try is worthy of being listened to.  There is a lot of talent in Denver...there is also some bad music...but it's always interesting.

What do you do outside of producing videos?
I spend a lot of time volunteering at DOM.  I love production.  I always say " A bad day doing production is better than a good day doing anything else."  When you are producing a TV show, every day is different.

How do you prepare for your show?
I first shoot all the performance clips and I edit those.  Then based off of that footage I write a format and script for my interviews.  When at the format stage, I time each segment, including the graphics.  This gives me a good estimate of how much I can talk with the guest during the interviews or whether I have to play the credits over a last song.

What is your advice to aspiring producers?
Have fun and stay organized.  The more you try to enjoy the work that you are doing, the easier it gets. You are going to run through some frustrating moments putting together your production.  Keep it fun, that's why you are doing it.  Stay organized so you can find stuff quickly and work as efficiently as possible.

Why is public access television important? Why do you enjoy producing public access content?
No other platform out there is encouraging people to say what they want, regardless of who they are and where they come from.  I look at the list of shows that are on DOM and I just think to myself, "I will never ever see this same line-up anywhere else".   People have such a unique understanding of the same world, but you will never know until you listen to them.  I'm not saying you need to agree with everything, but they do deserve a listen.

Click here to view all upcoming airings of The Dope Show.
Denver Open Media's Youth Production Group: Open Media Generation

Spotlight On StudentsAbout the group:  Do you know a student who dreams of being on TV?  How about working behind the scenes?  If so, they should join Denver Open Media's FREE Youth Production Group!

Finally, the Youth Group is meeting weekly!  Now, anyone between the ages of 12-19 can plan to stop by any Wednesday from 3:30-6pm to join the fun.

Participants will alternate between learning field, studio and editing techniques.  Students will learn how to produce youth-related content and will help solicit new youth-related programs.  Please check out our website for more information or email

We are always looking for food donations to help keep our youth fed and alert during trainings/productions, please let us know if you have suggestions or information about youth group sponsorships.