Open Media Foundation
January News from the Open Media Foundation

January 2010
In this Issue
Upcoming Classes/Events
Membership Dues Now 100% Tax-Deductible
DOM Producer Updates
Member Spotlight: Johnnie Johnson
Youth Production Group
Quick Links
Upcoming Classes/Events

Your Voice.  Your Media
January 6, Wednesday, 5:30-6:30pm

Field Production Workshop
January 9, Saturday, 11am-5:30pm

First Day of Legislative Session
January 13, Wednesday, 10am

Final Cut Pro Workshop

January 13 & 14, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

Your Voice.  Your Media
January 20, Wednesday, 5:30-6:30pm

Intro to Studio Workshop
January 23, Saturday, 11am-6pm

Field Production Workshop
January 27 & 28, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm
Executive Director Report

Last night we held the first meeting of the year for the Open Media Foundation Board of Directors. It was a great opportunity to reflect on the transformation of the organization.

Six years ago, in 2004, we held our very first Board meeting in what was then our new home, the PS1 Charter School. Looking back, we barely imagined we could accomplish so much in the 5 years that would follow. Then, after opening Denver Open Media in 2006, the board and I held our first meeting in this wonderful new facility, and together established two financial plans: one for our best-case scenario, and another for the worst case. Even amidst an economic downturn none of us could have predicted, we've maintained a level of growth that surpassed even our highest expectations.

Through that time, we've focused on providing high-quality services to generate the earned-income that even today comprises the majority of our budget. We've struggled in building a community-run TV station that operates like nothing else before it, sustained on a fraction of the budget allocated to any other Public Access station of our size in the nation.

We are still struggling, and we've made our share of mistakes in building new software, new workflows, and a unique business model, but we're learning from those mistakes. We have a loyal and growing community of members and supporters who continue to show us the strong need that exists in this community for helping to ensure everyone has access to the technology and communications tools it takes to make an impact in Denver and beyond.

I'm left optimistic and excited about tackling the many challenges before us this year. We have a wonderful team, larger than the city's previous Public Access provider, even when they were receiving nearly $1 million in support from Denver's Cable TV Franchise and PEG fees. In the end, being forced to develop a new, diversified funding model has been a good thing for Public Access and for Denver.

Every day, I'm grateful to this community for giving me and the other staff of the Open Media Foundation the opportunity to contribute to this city and make a living doing exactly what we feel we are put on Earth to do: putting the power of media and technology in the hands of the people, so that each one of us has the chance to be the change we wish to see in the world.

It's impossible to say what the next 10 years will bring, but with continued optimism, all of us at the Open Media Foundation are clinging to Alan Kay's advice that the best way to predict the to invent it.
Membership Dues Now Tax-Deductible

Starting in 2010 all Denver Open Media memberships will be 100% tax-deductible.  When you purchase your membership through the DOM website you will automatically be issued a receipt for your records.  Memberships valued at $250 and above will also be sent an acknowledgment letter per IRS regulations.  Please note: Classes are not tax-deductible.  Please address any questions or concerns to Maria Lewis
DOM Producer Updates

DOM logoStudio B Makeover
This week we are installing three brand-new BRC-Z700 3CMOS Sony Robotic Cameras in Studio B along with a new independent controller. You should see a huge improvement in your picture quality and will no longer have to fight with the mouse to set up your shot! While these cameras are capable of HD, we will only be using them in SD until we can broadcast in HD sometime down the road.
DOM logo

Professional HDV Field Cameras

We now have four Sony Z1Us available for free to members as explained in our membership guidelines. This also means that all but one of the Canon XL1s will be retired as they have been having an increasing number recording issues.

New Rental Rate Structure
In order to streamline our fees and reflect member benefit, the "expanded member rates" (for members needing equipment access outside of the "free use" membership guidelines) will now be exactly 50% of our Commercial Rental rates.  Please contact Ann Theis with any questions.

New Theme Blocks
After three years of using our initially-conceived theme blocks, we compiled the results of how members have been categorizing their shows. And after much deliberation we have decided to make a few changes. We reduced the number of theme blocks from 12 down to 10, which will allow for a more even distribution of time slots over the course of the week. In order to do this we had to combine some of the old blocks into new ones. We created the new block, Cultural Perspectives to be a more inclusive block, replacing the former Latino and African-American blocks. We also created the Community Issues and Advocacy block for the large amount of content we receive from non-profits, activists and community groups in and around Denver. Additionally with this new 10 block schedule, we are able to create some additional custom blocks that can be changed periodically based on a number of different new scheduling search tools, such as long format, Spanish language, and locally produced.

Revised Theme Blocks:
Academic/Informational, Art/Film, Community Issues and Advocacy, Cultural Perspectives, Faith-Based, GLBTQ, Music and Entertainment, New, Business and Government, Well-Being and Lifestyle, and Youth

If you have any concerns about how your show may be affected by these new theme blocks, or for any suggestions regarding additional custom theme blocks, please contact Ann Theis.

Self-Scheduling for Series Projects
We are proud to announce the latest addition to the continually improving Open Media toolset, Self-Scheduling for Series Projects. Now, members with a regular project timeslot will be able to select their next available airtime as soon as their video makes it through the ingest and upload process. No longer will you have to send an email or leave a note on the Station Director's desk. The power to schedule your show will truly be in your hands.  For more information on how to add this feature to your series please contact Ann Theis or John Montgomery.
Member Spotlight: Johnnie Johnson
Member Spotlight: Johnnie Johnson
Innervision Music Showcase
and Innervision Talks Ability airs every Wednesday night on Channel 56 at 10pm.

How did you begin producing videos?
I was in California and met two guys, one had a visual impairment and the other one was in a wheelchair, and they ran a cable station.  The visually impaired guy did the interviews and ran the radio station and the guy in the wheelchair ran the camera. I told myself, when I get back to Denver I am going to produce a show of my own. I found this access TV station called Mile High Cable, took the classes, thought up the name Innervision, had a friend write the theme song and in December of 1989 I did my first show interviewing single blind people on dating. 

What is the message of your show?  The message is showing able-bodied people that disabled people have worth in their community, and that we have the same dreams as they do: to feed our family, support ourselves, and to earn respect.

What do you do outside of producing videos? 
I work out at the Auraria campus gym, dance and go out to hear live music.  I also go to two churches, date, talk on the phone to friends about life, take long walks and hang out with my daughters and two grand babies.

Why is your voice important?  

Because as far as I know, I am the longest running blind TV show host/producer and want to encourage other disabled people to produce their TV shows without fear.

What is your advice to aspiring producers?
Do it and don't be afraid.

Why is public access television important? Why do you enjoy producing public access content?
Access TV is important.  No network or local TV station in 1989 would hire a blind guy to produce/host any of their commercial shows in a big market like Denver but through access TV I got a chance. I proved that it could be done. I enjoy producing public access content because I can create whatever I can think of, whatever is not being said on network TV, or I can even recreate similar network shows and host them the way I want.  Anything is possible with public access TV!
Denver Open Media's Youth Production Group MEDIA GENERATION

Spotlight On StudentsAbout the group:  Do you know a student who dreams of being on TV?  How about working behind the scenes?  If so, they should join Denver Open Media's FREE Youth Production Group!

Finally, the Youth Group is meeting weekly!  Now, anyone between the ages of 12-19 can plan to stop by any Wednesday from 3:30-6pm to join the fun.

Participants will alternate between learning field, studio and editing techniques.  Students will learn how to produce youth-related content and will help solicit new youth-related programs.  Please check out our website for more information or email

Watch previous youth-produced SOS shows here.

We are always looking for food donations to help keep our youth fed and alert during trainings/productions, please let us know if you have suggestions or information about youth groups sponsorships.