November News from
Denver Open Media

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  November 2009
in this issue
:: Media Monster Halloween Bash
:: Executive Director Report
:: And the Winner is...
:: Producer Spotlight: Kumi Hosaka
:: A New Conversation Begins
:: Upcoming Classes and Events
:: DOM Youth Production Group
Media Monster Halloween Bash at Denver Open Media
Media Monster Halloween Bash at Denver Open Media
There will be many parties this Halloween, but this one will be televised!

Haunted Rooms!  Spooky Activities!  Costumed dance party!  Star in your own classic horror film!  Try your hand at directing the live show!  Monster Cereal Bar!

Costume Contest! $200 Grand Prize for Best Costume.  Additional prizes for Best Political Costume; Best Media-Related Costume and More!

* Televised LIVE on Denver Open Media, Comcast cable channels 56 and 57 .
* $15 advance tickets, $20 at the door - All ages welcome!
* Admission includes food and drinks!  (Including alcohol for 21+)  Purchase advance tickets now!

October 31, 2009 8pm - 1am
Denver Open Media
700 Kalamath Street (7th and Kalamath - one block West of Santa Fe Arts District)
In conjunction with New Era Colorado, Colorado Progressive Coalition and Buntport Theater
The Open Media Project Executive Director Report
Monthly Update from Tony Shawcross

November will be a month of significant changes for the organization.  We're expecting to launch a new website, a new individual donor program, and a new structure to the organization, and we look forward to kicking it all off at our breakfast fundraiser on Nov 19th. The new structure of the organization will focus on our three-part model of providing professional services to the nonprofit sector, affordable training and education programs, and access to resources and tools necessary to leverage the power and promise of media and technology.  Please join us in celebrating this next phase of the work we're doing together in Denver. Email if you'd like to attend.

We are pleased to announce a number of new web and video projects this month for clients like Mondo Zen and Global Village Academy.  In addition, we're adding a number of new classes, including a motion-graphics class and two programs designed to improve your public speaking and rapport, offered with Master NLP Practitioner, Lisa Olcese. See the DOM classes page for schedules and registration information. 

Lastly, the Open Media Project continues to progress as we work to build a new network of community media organizations through a shared open-source software platform. Our latest partners are the Bay Area Video Coalition from San Francisco, who we expect to be an invaluable ally as we work to bring noncommercial media out of the relative obscurity it has experienced in the past. See my recent MediaShift blog entry for more on the approach we're taking to get there.
And the Winner is...
Congratulations to our 2009 WAVE award winners

Best Informational - Lifestyle Program - Community Producer: Kay Byrd: Get a Grip
Best Programming BY Youth - Community Producer: Sacha Heppell and the DOM Youth Group: Spotlight on Students
Best Live or Live-to-Tape Program - Community Producer: Ann Theis, Sacha Heppell & John Montgomery, VlogTV

And here's to even more nominees in next year's awards!
Member Spotlight: Kumi HosakaMember Spotlight: Kumi Hosaka
VlogTV airs every Thursday night on Channel 56 at 10pm.

What is the message of your show?

The message of VlogTV is that there are many good videos online that people don't know about, especially if people do not have accessible Internet nearby. It's about sharing the viewers' favorite original, non-copyright or creative commons video to the community, and it can feature pretty much anything from a local band or something that was created by a caller. I enjoy seeing the different types of things callers request.

What do you do outside of producing videos?
I help teach the Final Cut Pro workshops at Denver Open Media, and I am the floor manager and production coordinator of the First Friday events. Basically, I enlist volunteers to help with technical aspects of the show, make sure they know what they are doing, and let the talent know the timeline so that things go smoothly and on time.

How do you prepare for your show?
To prepare the set and be ready for control room operations, I run through a mental checklist of required things to make the show work; of course, it includes things like lapel microphones and the computer hook-ups to get the videos on the screen, but sometimes it's easy to forget the smaller things that are just as important, like an Ethernet cord so that we don't have to wait so long for the video to load. When I host, I usually have a video or two that I want to share at the beginning of the show, and I try to think of things to talk about when people call in so it doesn't get too awkward when someone's not that talkative.

What is your advice to aspiring producers?
My advice for producers is first to set out with a plan of action and organization. There are a lot of interesting ideas, but they'll never get off the ground without knowing exactly what your specific message is and knowing what it is you need to do to get to the end result. Sometimes your plans might change in the middle of the whole production because of something unexpected, which can happen a lot due to "happy accidents" or unfortunate circumstances and things out of your control. Even if this happens, a plan is always helpful, and you can re-evaluate your process to see what you need to adjust. Having a good, enthusiastic technical crew helps, too, since they can offer suggestions and can understand what it is you're trying to do. Weave some extra time into your schedule in case you want to add something or do something different. Finally, be open for creativity in anything you do!
Why is public access television important? Why do you enjoy producing public access content?  
I think it's important to have this sort of experience with video and have a place like public access television because even though a lot of devices and processes have become less costly, the technology can still be out of reach to many members of the community, either due to financial constraints or because they haven't gotten a chance to learn it. As technology advances, new ways of communicating quickly and effectively become available, and I think it is in everyone's interest to know how to take advantage of it.  There is always something new to learn and it's amazing to work at something and have it be seen by hundreds or thousands of people. Even if you don't plan on getting a career in television, I think it's something worth a try, whether you feel creative or want to get your message heard.
Reminder: A New Conversation Begins on November 19th
Every change begins with a new conversation
Join the New Conversation
There's a new kind of conversation starting.  Social communication is no longer a one-way, top down conversation.  Here in Denver, we're engaging a conversation that inspires total participation...and we want you to be a part involved. We invite you to participate with our first annual "Join the New Conversation" fundraising breakfast scheduled for Thursday, November 19th 7:30-8:30am.  Attendance is free, but we hope to inspire you to donate and invest in the future of our organization/your community.  For more information about hosting a table and/or attending the breakfast please contact Maria Lewis: or 720-222-0160.
Upcoming Classes and Events at DOM:

Denver Open Media Halloween Party
October 31, Saturday 8pm-1am

Your Voice.  Your Media
November 4, Wednesday, 5:30-6:30pm

Intro to Studio Production Workshop
November 14, Saturday, 11am-6pm

Your Voice.  Your Media
November 18, Wednesday, 5:30-6:30pm

Join the New Conversation
November 19, Tuesday, 7:30-8:30am

Final Cut Pro Workshop
November 21, Saturday, 11am-5:30pm

Intro to Motion
November 24, Tuesday, 5:30-9:30pm

Thanksgiving Holiday - DOM Closed
November 26th through November 30th

Your Voice.  Your Media
December 2, Wednesday, 5:30-6:30pm

Field Production Workshop
December 2 & 3, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm
Denver Open Media's Youth Production Group
The Youth Group is now a weekly affair

About the group:  Do you know a student who dreams of being on TV?  How about working behind the scenes?  If so, they should join Denver Open Media's FREE Youth Production Group!

Finally, the Youth Group is meeting weekly!  Now, anyone between the ages of 12-19 can plan to stop by any Wednesday from 3:30-6pm to join the fun.

Participants will alternate between learning field, studio and editing techniques.  Students will learn how to produce youth-related content and will help solicit new youth-related programs.  Please check out our website for more information or email

Watch previous youth-produced SOS shows here.

We are always looking for food donations to help keep our youth fed and alert during trainings/productions, please let us know if you have suggestions or information about youth groups sponsorships.
 Spotlight on Students