October News from
Denver Open Media

DOM logo
  October 2009
in this issue
:: First Fridays at DOM
:: Executive Director Report
:: WAVE Nominees Announced
:: Producer of the Month: Emmanuel Eliason
:: A New Conversation Begins
:: Upcoming Classes and Events
:: DOM Youth Production Group
First Fridays at Denver Open Media

On the first Friday of each month, First Friday at Denver Open MediaDOM holds a free community event that spotlights local performance groups, musical acts, and nonprofit organizations.  These events are broadcast live on Comcast channel 57 and re-broadcast on channels 56, 57 and 219. They are also available online.

October 2, 2009 7:30-10PM

This First Friday, do something different!  Come on down to 700 Kalamath Street and dance your cares away. Please join Denver Open Media and Colorado-Ghana Children's Fund for a night of lively entertainment and fun.  This event will be broadcast live on Comcast channel 57 and feature drumming and dancing by native Ghanaian masters.  This event is free but donations will be accepted to support both organizations.  Live broadcast begins at 8pm, but refreshments will be served at 7:30pm. For more information, please click hereEveryone is invited so come on down!

Know of a band or a local non-profit organization that you think should be highlighted during our next First Friday event?  Encourage them to apply here.
Open Media Project Executive Director Report
Monthly Update from Tony Shawcross

Latest Activity
Deproduction is wrapping-up our strategic planning process with Kara Penn and the Community Resource Center.  This represents a major benchmark for the organization, as we complete a number of firsts for the organization in terms of planning and organization.  For each department, we have completed an annual workplan for 2010, as well as a comprehensive budget that will enable each department to operate with more clarity, freedom and accountability.
In preparation for our first major fundraising event, scheduled for 7:30am on Nov 19th, we are undertaking a major re-design of our website, developing a new promotional video for the organization, and developing new branding content for Denver Open Media.  We look forward to launching this new look and feel for the organization in November.

Financial Information
While we are still waiting to hear the result of our $2.2 million BTOP stimulus request, this month we re-applied for general operating support from the Denver Foundation.  The Denver Foundation has been a wonderful ally for us over the years, and have been an integral part in our development and growth as one of our earliest supporters.  We've also had the pleasure of training several of their staff through our media education classes and we continue to be encouraged by the example they set for the nonprofit community embracing media and technology as tools for more effective social change.

Program Development

After experiencing a high level of participation in our Your Voice, Your Media tours, we are currently gearing up for our first ever fundraising breakfast to be held on Thursday, November 19th from 7:30-8:30am at the Grand Hyatt Hotel.  This free event will provide us with the opportunity to share where we've been and the vision for where we are going.  This event is open to anyone who is interested in creating a world where everyone belongs; where everyone is deemed important and where everyone is given a voice in the conversation.  We are very excited for this opportunity and invite everyone to be involved.  For more information please contact our Development Director Maria Lewis at maria@deproduction.org.
Denver Open Media Producers Nominated for the 2009 WAVE Awards
Winners to be announced on October 17th, 2009

And the nominees are...

Tanya Ishikawa, In the Loop
Kay Byrd, Get a Grip
Paula Rhoads, Brainiacs
Sacha Heppell and the DOM Youth Group, Spotlight on Students
Ann Theis, Sacha Heppell & John Montgomery, VlogTV
DOM acknowledges Emmanuel Eliason

World Gospel TV airs Producer of the Monthevery Sunday evening on Channel 56 at 8pm.

How did you begin producing videos?
After one year of hosting a radio broadcast, "Changing the Unchangeable" on KLDC 1220 AM, I began my research on how to transform my message into an economical, yet effective video format.  That is when I came across Denver Open Media.  This was all new to me, but with a teachable attitude, I knew I could make it happen.

What is the message of your show?

My show, World Gospel TV, seeks to share inspiring, relevant, and life-changing messages of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  The content expands from Biblical teachings and preachings of the Word of God; music and worship; as well as a Community Christian Calendar program aimed at spreading the word about upcoming Christian events in the Denver Metropolitan area. 

What do you do outside of producing videos?
I am the Senior Pastor of World Gospel Tabernacle in Aurora, where I spend most of my time teaching the word and preaching the good news of Jesus Christ.  I am also a newly published author of "Five Keys to Abundant Life: Redefining Success in a Stressed Society" and I am in the process of preparing to enter graduate school to pursue my masters in Organization Leadership and Management.

How do you prepare for your show?
Most of my show is shot on-site at my church.  I then spend some time editing the program using the Final Cut Pro editing software that is provided by DOM through my membership, and I later ingest the shows for cablecast.   When there is a live show like a gospel musical or a Community Christian Calendar show, I often work closely with volunteers to have it produced in DOM's studio.

Why is your voice important?
My message addresses the core values of life using the premise of the love of God.   I speak to the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of people from all walks of life.  I believe viewers will find peace that surpasses all understanding and love that cannot be quenched as they tune into World Gospel TV, Sundays at 8:00 PM on DOM's channel 56.

What is your advice to aspiring producers?
For those organizations or communities that are considering creative ways to spread their message, I would say do not be afraid to make the first step of taking the classes and acquire the basic skills.  Thereafter, remaining consistent and persevering with your project will pay off.   The worst mistake is to be afraid to make mistakes and therefore refuse to start.  

Why is public access television important? Why do you enjoy producing public access content?  
In this generation of high media traffic, public access television is a vital tool to reach the world with what you may be passionate about without the bureaucratic obstacles from traditional profit-driven media outlets.  I enjoy the ability to produce the content of my show and reach as many people as possible (without huge budget constraints) while providing my community the invaluable message of hope in Christ Jesus.
Reminder: A New Conversation Begins in NovemberJoin the New Conversation
Every change begins with a new conversation

There's a new kind of conversation starting.  Social communication is no longer a one-way, top down conversation.  Here in Denver, we're engaging a conversation that inspires total participation...and we want you to be a part involved. We invite you to participate with our first annual "Join the New Conversation" fundraising breakfast scheduled for Thursday, November 19th 7:30-8:30am.  Attendance is free, but we hope to inspire you to donate and invest in the future of our organization/your community.  For more information about hosting a table and/or attending the breakfast please contact Maria Lewis: maria@deproduction.org or 720-222-0160.
Upcoming Classes and Events at DOM:

First Friday at Denver Open Media
October 2, Friday, 7:30-9:30pm

Your Voice.  Your Media
October 7, Wednesday, 5:30-6:30pm

Final Cut Pro Workshop
October 7 & 8, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

Field Production Workshop
October 14 & 15, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

Transforming Your Elevator Pitch
October 20, Tuesday, 4-6pm

Your Voice.  Your Media
October 21, Wednesday, 5:30-6:30pm

Intro to Studio Production Workshop
October 21 & 22, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

Denver Open Media Halloween Party
October 31, Saturday 9-2am

First Friday at Denver Open Media
November 6, Friday, 8-10pm

Intro to Studio Production Workshop
November 14, Saturday, 11am-6pm

Denver Open Media's Youth Production Group
The Youth Group is now a weekly affair

About the group:  Do you know a student who dreams of being on TV?  How about working behind the scenes?  If so, they should join Denver Open Media's FREE Youth Production Group!

Finally, the Youth Group is meeting weekly!  Now, anyone between the ages of 12-19 can plan to stop by any Wednesday from 3:30-6pm to join the fun.

Participants will alternate between learning field, studio and editing techniques.  Students will learn how to produce youth-related content and will help solicit new youth-related programs.  Please check out our website for more information or email ann@deproduction.org.

Watch previous youth-produced SOS shows here.

We are always looking for food donations to help keep our youth fed and alert during trainings/productions, please let us know if you have suggestions or information about youth groups sponsorships.
 Spotlight on Students