September News from
Denver Open Media

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  September 2009
in this issue
:: First Fridays at DOM
:: Executive Director Report
:: Producer of the Month
:: Check out our Latest Projects!
:: Save the Date
:: Upcoming Classes and Events
:: DOM Youth Production Group
First Fridays at Denver Open Media

On the first Friday of each month, Live Music at Denver Open MediaDOM holds a free community event that spotlights local performance groups, musical acts, and nonprofit organizations.  These events are broadcast live on Comcast channel 57 and re-broadcast on channels 56, 57 and 219. They are also available online.

September 4, 2009 8-10PM

This month we will be featuring the musical stylings of Abe Abraham and The Bluegrass Quartet.  Live broadcast begins at 8pm, but doors open at 7pm so feel free to come early, have a beer and take a tour of our studios! Everyone is invited!

Know of a band or a local non-profit organization that you think should be highlighted during our next First Friday event?  Encourage them to apply here.
Open Media Project Executive Director Report
Monthly Update from Tony Shawcross

Latest Activity
With completion of the second round of the Open Media Project in July, this month we are beginning to refocus on internal systems and operations. As our systems continue to expand, we've been experiencing significant technical problems affecting both the organization and our members.  We look forward to working with the City to help improve the situation.  This fall we will be developing an Open Media Project "Install Profile", which will simplify the process of adopting the model and tools for many more Public Access TV stations.  We are working closely with the Drupal community to leverage the latest features and best-practices to ensure that this install profile represents a new standard for the Drupal community, and a new level of accessibility for users.

Financial Information
Although we have been financially healthy since the receipt of our Knight Foundation grant, the organization has never maintained an operating reserve, which presents some stability concerns especially when dealing with large grants and the occasional fluctuation of the market for our earned-income services.  We have a goal of establishing a 3-month operating reserve by the end of the year, and hope to maintain a 6-month operating reserve by 2011. To aid in this, we have added Jeff Villano as a permanent member of our staff, after working with us for several months as a contractor.

Program Development

Our Knight-Funded Open Media Project continues to garner attention and partnership opportunities for the organization. With interest from the new Public Access station in San Francisco, BAVC, as well as Free Speech TV and TelVue/Princeton Server Group, we feel confident about the future of that project.  Together with these and 20 other partner organizations, we completed a $2.2million BTOP stimulus request to expand and extend the project, and we anticipate awards will be announced by November.  On the production side, the Colorado State Senate has approved funding to film and broadcast Senate meetings in addition to the House, and though a contract is not yet signed, we are confident Deproduction will be the contractor chosen to continue providing these services.
DOM acknowledges Tanya IshikawaProducer of the Month: Tanya Ishikawa
In the Loop: Colorado Filmmaking airs every Thursday evening at 11pm, with new episodes being shown every third Thursday of the month.

What is the message of your show?
Last winter, I had the idea to start producing a show to highlight the achievements and activities of Colorado filmmakers, including professionals, semi-pros like myself, amateurs and students. I hope people hear a message of hope and inspiration to follow their dreams with film and video production, by listening to the stories of other filmmakers in our community. 

What do you do outside of producing videos?
Besides raising my 4 year old son, I am a professional writer. I freelance with various publications from city newsletters to regional magazines. Due to the changes in the media landscape, I have also begun providing services in creating and managing social networks and blogs. Plus, I am really active in the community: Federal Heights City Council Member, Deproduction Board Vice President, Adams-Jefferson Green Party Secretary, Senior Hub volunteer, and a few other volunteer and board positions.

How do you prepare for your show?
When I came up with the idea for the show, I gathered a core group of volunteers who really helped me get it off the ground and a couple shows taped.   When planning a show, I first find a film made by individuals in Colorado, contact them and schedule a studio date for the interview. I also start scheduling other films, events and people for other segments of the show. Then, I let my crew know what dates are set for shoots and get their replies on who can help with what. The week before the main part of the show is taped, I try to put together the agenda/script/schedule for the shoot and send it out to the crew. I also make sure the guests are prepared. Next, I have to run around and pick up more of the set pieces and some food for the crew and guests. Finally, I arrive earlier than everyone else so I can be ready to get them to work.  If it sounds like a lot, it is and isn't. My schedule is flexible but very busy, so I just squeeze in show prep when I can. Some months, it takes about 4-5 hours to prepare, and others, it takes a lot more.

Why is your voice important?
Hmmmm, everyone's voice is important. Though it can make decision-making and planning more complicated and time-consuming, a diversity of voices is necessary to create results and policies with fairness and the greatest base of support and understanding. My voice comes from my personal background, which includes experiences from intercultural travel, various jobs, city and country life, and a whole set of unique circumstances.

What is your advice to aspiring producers?
Aspiring producers should get organized and have a plan. They should prioritize their production work so they can have steps to get to their goal and make progress. It helps to find dedicated people to work with and share the responsibility, and make sure each person is aware and ready to complete their individual commitments. Constantly reassessing where you are at with projects is also helpful so you can determine what changes need to be made to at least accomplish some concrete results (like one episode or one special program).

Why is public access television important? Why do you enjoy producing public access content?  
Traditional network, cable and satellite television runs on a model that caters to the wealthiest companies and individuals, and shows the most "entertaining" (read: mind-numbing) but not necessarily the most redeeming programming. Public access television offers the opportunity to almost any group or individual - rich, poor, marginalized, mainstream, college-educated, high school dropout, etc. - to have their voices and ideas broadcast to wide audiences. It increases the chance for viewers, producers and guests alike to participate in civic engagement and connecting with their community.
Producing public access content is fun because you can exercise your creativity. It's great on-the-job training whether you want to go into TV or video production or not. You gain skills and practice in organization, computer work, teamwork, leadership/management, and whatever else goes into your particular program.
We've been busy!Empowering our Tomorrow - Denver Kids, Inc.
Check-out our latest projects
Web Development
Boulder Housing Partners
Bell Policy Center
Colorado Humanities
Colorado Progressive Coalition

Video Production
Colorado Association for Manufacturing and Technology
Denver Kids
Seniors' Resource Center
Join the ConversationThanks so much for your ongoing support!
We hope to see you in November

After only 4 months we are happy to report that over 100 people have attended our Your Voice. Your Media tours!  Our goal in 2009 is to become a household name in Denver and your support and interest will make this possible.  Tours continue to occur every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 5:30-6:30pm.  Anyone interested in learning more about Deproduction's mission or how to get involved is strongly encouraged to join us at Your Voice. Your Media.  Also, our first annual "Join the New Conversation" fundraising breakfast is scheduled for Thursday, November 19th 7:30-8:30am.  For more details or to RSVP for a tour, please contact Maria Lewis: or 720-222-0160 x202
Upcoming Classes and Events at DOM:

Your Voice.  Your Media
September 2, Wednesday, 5:30-6:30pm

Field Production Workshop
September 2 & 3, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

First Friday at Denver Open Media
September 4, Friday, 8-10pm

Final Cut Pro Workshop
September 9 & 10, Wednesday & Thursday, 6-9pm

Your Voice.  Your Media
September 16, Wednesday, 5:30-6:30pm

Intro to Studio Production
September 19, Saturday, 11am-6pm

Field Production Workshop
September 26, Saturday, 11am-5:30pm

First Friday at Denver Open Media
October 2, Friday, 8-10pm

Denver Open Media Youth Production Group
Next Training September 2nd, 3:30-6pm
Next LIVE SHOW September 16th, 3:30-6pm

Watch previous SOS shows here.

About SOS:  Do you know a student who dreams of being on TV?  How about working behind the scenes?  If so, they should join Denver Open Media's FREE Youth Production Group!

Participants will alternate between learning field, studio and editing techniques.  Students will learn how to produce youth-related content and will help solicit new youth-related programs.  Anyone between the ages of 12-19 can drop by.  Check out our website for more information or email

We are always looking for food donations to help keep our youth fed and alert during trainings/productions, please let us know if you have suggestions or information about youth groups sponsorships.
 Spotlight on Students